[16:45:16]Info: addon AddonReloader(1523873772): UI add-on "UserAddon/RessCounter" reloaded [16:45:16]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 34, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:45:16]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 35, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:46:29]Info: addon AddonReloader(1523873772): UI add-on "UserAddon/RessCounter" reloaded [16:46:56]Info: addon AddonReloader(1523873772): UI add-on "UserAddon/RessCounter" reloaded [16:47:31]Info: addon AddonReloader(1523873772): UI add-on "UserAddon/RessCounter" reloaded [16:47:55]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 35, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:47:55]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 36, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:47:56]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 35, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:47:56]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 36, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:47:58]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 35, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:47:58]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 36, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:48:23]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 35, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:48:23]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 36, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:48:25]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 35, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:48:25]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 36, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:48:26]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 35, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:48:26]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 36, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [16:49:49]Info: addon AddonReloader(1523873772): UI add-on "UserAddon/RessCounter" reloaded [16:50:45]Error: addon samoletAddonPack(0): Game::LuaAvatarItemsInventoryMoveItem: inventory: can't move item from slot 28 (disabled for actions), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAvatarItemsInventoryMoveItem(struct lua_State *) func: InventoryMoveItem, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/samoletAddonPack/Scripts/PasiFast..."] [16:51:08]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [16:51:08]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [16:51:10]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [16:51:11]Info: addon MyAuction(1674146386): MyAuction - Error: invalid API. (98589130) [16:51:13]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [16:51:27]Error: addon PetSearch(1664042191): Game::LuaCartographerGetZonesMapId: wrong params count (0, should be 1), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCartographerGetZonesMapId(struct lua_State *) func: CurrentMapID, global, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: CheckMinimap, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] [16:52:17]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [16:52:17]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [16:52:18]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [16:52:18]Info: addon MyAuction(1674146386): MyAuction - Error: invalid API. (98589130) [16:52:19]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [16:52:21]Error: addon PetSearch(1664042191): Game::LuaCartographerGetZonesMapId: wrong params count (0, should be 1), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCartographerGetZonesMapId(struct lua_State *) func: CurrentMapID, global, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: CheckMinimap, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] [16:52:28]Error: addon PetSearch(1664042191): Game::LuaCartographerGetZonesMapId: wrong params count (0, should be 1), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCartographerGetZonesMapId(struct lua_State *) func: CurrentMapID, global, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: CheckMinimap, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] Error while running the chunk [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"]:233: attempt to call field 'GetSkipQuestCost' (a nil value) func: GetSkipQuestCost, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 233, defined: Lua, line: 214, [string "Mods/Addons/AutoQuest - btn/AutoQuest.lua"] [16:57:21]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|draga, 5 kills after seed deliver? [16:57:42]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|sure [16:58:49]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|need win? I need 1 more for my r3 aura [16:59:07]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|I mean [16:59:55]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|sure you win [17:00:43]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|ty [17:05:16]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|such a busy day today in guild xD [17:07:20]Error: addon CoolBuffs(1520276854): Widgets::LuaPlayMoveEffect: Effect's parameter 'timeMs' be greater than 0: 0, details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaPlayMoveEffect(struct lua_State *) func: PlayMoveEffect, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/CoolBuffs/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] [17:11:11]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|1 more [17:11:41]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|at your spawn [17:12:09]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|done ty <3 [17:12:25]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|np :D [17:12:34]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|will deliver a22 for faster win [17:13:48]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|mos is opening in epic? [17:14:39]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|no info on that? [17:14:50]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|no info [17:17:05]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|ty kindly mr draga [17:17:33]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ| [Aura of Inevitable Progress] ayyyy [17:18:11]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|you done with isa costumes? [17:18:18]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|gz ;D [17:18:21]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|No, still halfway [17:18:39]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|no hurry, I was done yday [17:19:20]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [17:19:20]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|no more isa for me, did not see any new vanity from ru server in isa [17:19:22]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|:( [17:19:51]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|yeah they're working on the next stuff now I believe [17:20:08]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|ye, wondering what 15.0 will be [18:46:14]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|MotorInHead|Hy all [18:46:51]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|MotorInHead|Oh, there is almost nobody... [18:56:36]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Pouce|hello [19:44:35]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|HOWL|4/6 here [19:44:37]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|HOWL|nice [19:45:42]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Luzy|XD [19:47:32]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|oki, maze is rdy for the robbers [20:06:40]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Therapy|hello [20:06:48]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|MotorInHead|hi [21:00:35]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|draga the bfa camper [21:00:39]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|xd [21:00:49]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|you did not move from that spawn since last [21:01:13]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|No, watching a serie [21:01:19]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|ooo, good one? [21:02:18]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|Full metal alchemist, I like it so far [21:02:44]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|fantasy? [21:02:54]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|anime [21:03:04]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|oh [21:03:11]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|nvm [21:03:16]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|don't like that shit [21:03:28]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|never liked pkmn? [21:03:48]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|pokemon? [21:04:08]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|y [21:04:14]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|I had big pikachu plushy when I was younger [21:04:26]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|miss him [21:04:28]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|:( [21:04:33]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|its also anime [21:04:48]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Kraskavax|hello [21:04:53]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [21:04:53]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|true, I mean I don't like this new anime [21:04:59]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|japan or whatever [21:05:02]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|MotorInHead|hey [21:05:05]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|hey [21:05:10]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|pkmn is also fromn japan xD [21:05:18]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|this full metal alchemist is from 1980, not new lol [21:05:20]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|you know what I mean [21:06:21]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|1980 oo [21:06:22]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|nice [21:06:25]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|could watch [21:08:05]Error: addon CoolBuffs(1520276854): Widgets::LuaPlayMoveEffect: Effect's parameter 'timeMs' be greater than 0: 0, details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaPlayMoveEffect(struct lua_State *) func: PlayMoveEffect, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/CoolBuffs/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] [21:10:27]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|How many more wins do u need, tome? [21:10:50]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ| 28/100 xD [21:11:02]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|u? [21:11:15]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|go win this one [21:11:25]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|Ill come exp in future then xd [21:11:43]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|a you on reinc [21:12:13]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|I am just farming for last costumes for achievement on exp and shell [21:12:24]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|if you need a win, win [21:12:33]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|same xd [21:12:58]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|oki, win this one [21:14:17]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|time to eat some kaserkrainer after bfa [21:14:39]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|kasekrainer* [21:23:34]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|draga, we could have done while waiting [21:24:08]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|you need you mean? [21:24:35]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|ye, [21:24:37]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|next one [21:24:39]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|come kill me [21:24:51]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|ahh xd [21:24:52]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|TomeQ|np [21:25:09]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Koma|yo is there an prefered order for the entire guild? [21:25:20]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|Green [21:25:24]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Koma|ty [21:25:42]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Xaero|thats news to me [21:25:52]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Koma|yo thats the 2nd one [21:26:05]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Dragamon|Appearently u dont vote, x, and gallaxy messes up everyday xd [21:26:13]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [21:26:13]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Xaero|xD true [21:26:30]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|Koma|nvm [21:27:18]Error: addon samoletAddonPack(0): Game::LuaAvatarItemsInventoryMoveItem: inventory: can't move item from slot 21 (disabled for actions), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAvatarItemsInventoryMoveItem(struct lua_State *) func: InventoryMoveItem, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/samoletAddonPack/Scripts/PasiFast..."] [21:27:32]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [21:27:35]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [21:27:37]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [21:27:44]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [21:30:26]Error: addon samoletAddonPack(0): Game::LuaAvatarItemsInventoryMoveItem: inventory: can't move item from slot 52 (disabled for actions), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAvatarItemsInventoryMoveItem(struct lua_State *) func: InventoryMoveItem, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/samoletAddonPack/Scripts/PasiFast..."] [21:50:20]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [21:54:04]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [21:54:27]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [22:18:21]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [23:17:35]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [23:19:02]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [23:19:05]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [23:19:06]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [23:21:37]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [23:49:08]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [01:01:58]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [20:50:59]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [20:51:02]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [20:51:03]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [20:51:10]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [20:52:04]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [20:52:04]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [20:52:05]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [20:52:05]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [21:18:26]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [21:18:27]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [21:18:27]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [21:18:28]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] Error while running the chunk [string "Mods/Addons/samoletAddonPack/Scripts/AutoAcce..."]:0: attempt to call field 'ExitBattleEvent' (a nil value) func: ExitBattleEvent, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/samoletAddonPack/Scripts/AutoAcce..."] [18:59:30]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [18:59:32]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [18:59:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [18:59:34]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [18:59:41]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [19:07:30]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [19:22:56]Error: addon UrlSave(0): UI::LuaObjectGetName: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl UI::LuaObjectGetName(struct lua_State *) func: GetName, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/UrlSave/UrlSave.luac"] [19:46:01]Error: addon samoletAddonPack(0): Game::LuaAvatarItemsInventoryMoveItem: inventory: can't move item from slot 3 (disabled for actions), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAvatarItemsInventoryMoveItem(struct lua_State *) func: InventoryMoveItem, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/samoletAddonPack/Scripts/PasiFast..."] [19:47:50]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [19:47:50]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [19:47:51]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [19:47:52]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [20:01:42]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [20:01:42]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [20:01:43]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [20:01:45]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [20:07:58]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [20:07:58]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [20:08:00]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [20:08:01]Info: addon MyAuction(1674146386): MyAuction - Error: invalid API. (98589130) [20:08:03]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [20:08:16]Error: addon PetSearch(1664042191): Game::LuaCartographerGetZonesMapId: wrong params count (0, should be 1), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCartographerGetZonesMapId(struct lua_State *) func: CurrentMapID, global, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: CheckMinimap, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] [20:08:26]Error: addon PetSearch(1664042191): Game::LuaCartographerGetZonesMapId: wrong params count (0, should be 1), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCartographerGetZonesMapId(struct lua_State *) func: CurrentMapID, global, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: CheckMinimap, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] [20:09:10]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|HOWL|I have wyvern for you [20:09:18]Info: addon ChatToDiscord(1658069478): |chat|9|MotorInHead|++ [20:09:32]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [20:09:32]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [20:09:33]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [20:09:34]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [20:26:27]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 35, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [20:26:27]Error: addon RessCounter(0): Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler: Fail register LuaEvent handler, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaCommonRegisterEventHandler(struct lua_State *) func: RegisterEventHandler, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 36, defined: Lua, line: 22, [string "Mods/Addons/RessCounter/Script.lua"] [11:37:33]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [11:37:35]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [11:37:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [11:37:44]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [11:38:37]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [11:38:37]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [11:38:38]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [11:38:38]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [12:01:18]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [12:01:19]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [12:01:20]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [12:01:22]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"] [12:18:53]Error: addon BattlePack_Settings(1531393193): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture: Can't find related texture 'Нужно согреться!' for addon: BattlePack_Settings, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTexture, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 688, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BattlePack_Settings/Scripts/buffs..."] [12:18:53]Error: addon BuildManager(1588161386): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'BuildManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GetLocalizedText, global, line: 207, defined: Lua, line: 195, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 216, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/BuildManager/Script.lua"] func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: , upvalue, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/InspectAPI/res00002"] Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: LOGIN_KIND_JAPAN [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetClassSpellsForSharing [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: remort.GetSpellsForSharing [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.IsPerCharacter [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: binding.HasInactivePerCharacter [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsQuestRelated [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsPurifier [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: itemLib.IsBoxKey [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API library: itemMall [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetSkinInfo [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetHullInfo [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: hangar.GetProgress [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsEnemy [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: unit.IsFriend [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetQuestAstralUnlocks [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: avatar.GetCurrencyInfo [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: astral.GetGroupUnlockLevel [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberOperationHistory [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMoneyHistory [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: guild.GetMemberMoneyHistory [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldTimeHMS [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: mission.GetWorldDateYMD [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLootMasterName [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): There is no such API function: raid.GetLeaderName [12:18:54]Warning: addon InspectAPI(1415574439): Predicate convert: there is no such API function: avatar.GetActionGroupInfo [12:18:55]Error: addon StatManager(1673523562): UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup: Can't find related text group 'eng_eu' for addon 'StatManager', details: int __cdecl UI::LuaCommonGetAddonRelatedTextGroup(struct lua_State *) func: GetAddonRelatedTextGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: ?, ?, line: 6, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/StatManager/Locales/main.lua"]