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Возможно ли переписать WoW аддон MikScrollingBattleText для Аллодов Онлайн?


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Есть замечательный вовский аддон MikScrollingBattleText, что мне нравится в отличии аддона



Анимация проходит сверху вниз, по дуге. И еще есть иконки умения, который нанес урон/хил входящий и исходящий, что думаю это очень удобно чем читать название умения которые быстро пропадают.

Также есть расширенная настройка аддона по скорости анимациии и цветов шрифта

Да, конечно, ct_total это большой шаг для Аллодов Онлайн. но все же это не удобно, по крайней мере для меня (друид).

Возможно ли переписать вовский аддон MikScrollingBattleText для Аллоды Онлайн?

Я нуб в написании аддонов, вернее вообще незнаю как это делается и что-да как, но я попытался вовский аддон MikScrollingBattleText сделать так чтобы он был виден в списке аддонов в спец аддоне Addon Manager, но конечно же он не хотел запускаться.

Заранее премного благодарен

Is remarkable WOW addon MikScrollingBattleText that it is pleasant to me in difference addon



Animation passes from top to down, on an arch. And still there are icons of ability which has put a loss/is sickly entering and proceeding that I think it very conveniently than to read the ability name which quickly vanish.

Also there is an expanded adjustment addon on speed animation and colors of a font

Yes, of course, ct_total it is the big step for Allody Online. But nevertheless it isn't convenient, at least for me (druid).

Whether probably to copy MikScrollingBattleText for Allody Online?

I noob in a writing addons, more truly at all don't know as it becomes and that-yes as, but I have tried MikScrollingBattleText to make so that it was visible in the addons list in special addon Addon Manager, but certainly he didn't want to be started.

In advance it is very grateful


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That's a superb looking add-on. The only thing that I can see that can't be transferred over is the font changing (as far my knowledge goes unless someone has figured out how to add fonts without modding).

Everything else should be doable just time consuming (atleast from my perspective since I do all my paneling from scratch, 'cause that is a -whole lot- of paneling), needs community support for desired skills and such.

It is a good idea to replace skill names with icons, I should have thought of that. However, I don't know if enemy skills come with icons attached when sent to the client.

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>It is a good idea to replace skill names with icons, I should have thought of that. However, I don't know if enemy skills come with icons attached when sent to the client.

Но ведь в логах боя идет запись кто и чем нанес урон/контроль противник. Этого недостаточно?

But after all in fight broad gulls there is a record who and than has put a loss/control the opponent. It is not enough of it?


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Not for getting an icon. You'd have to ask the game for the spell/ability info for the enemy spell/ability in order to get the skill icon. The EVENT_DAMAGE_RECEIVED only sends skill names and skill ids as the icon information isn't required for the standard interface. So the inclusion of enemy skill icons would depend on whether or not you can request info on an enemy's skill.

By the way Google Translate works a wee-bit better for translating Russian to English, I have it as a toolbar so I just press a button and it translates the page into my language. Heh, "broad gulls". www.translate.ru might work better translating English to Russian though.

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I ran some tests, and you can fetch textures for all abilities/spells if they exist, and most do (which is interesting considering you'd never see some of these skill textures unless you asked for them in this manner). However, avatar.GetBuffInfoById(buffId) does not pass texture information for some odd reason. This means that damage over time effecting debuffs and healing over time effecting buffs would need different and more complex code in order to fetch their textures. (Atleast in my version of the game, 1.1.04.)

avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell() requires buff index values, so also can't be used easily.. In any case the buffId would probably need to be passed through a check against the recipient owner id found in the event used to call them, then be compared against the list of buffs on that recipient, then the index and owner id would need to be used in unit.GetBuff(id,index) in order to get the texture for buffs.

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