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Сообщения, опубликованные Addons1

  1. 1 hour ago, Slashuur said:

    Hello friend!

    I will add English localization very very soon, after some little work on the interface :)

    Hello, thats good to hear, if you need any help with the English localization, let me know and i will try my best to help you.


    Best Regards

  2. Dear Slashuur, at first i wanted to say thank you for this wonderful. This Addon covers all the necessary things.

    I am playing on the Europe Server and we are getting the Patch 9.0. I can

    understand that you dont know all of the languages from the Europe Server (German, English, French and Turkish)

    and English. Maybe it would be possible to have all the  localization needed in a seperated.

    Thanks already in advance for the Addon and all the work you putted into it.


    Best Regards

  3. Hello Slashuur ,

    is it possible to add english  localization or atleast a  localization file so everyone can add their own language?

    I can help you with the english  localization if you need just let me know and i will provide it.

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