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Сообщения, опубликованные immievil

  1. Хорошо они перестали работать совсем,  но альтернативу внедрили?  Или просто так вот отключили и все, можно как-то узнать?

    Спасибо.. будет жаль потерять эту функцию.. это основное что мне в игре нужно .. хэх

  2. Ребята , после сегодняшнего хотфикса, перестал работать модуль УДАЛЕНИЯ  с инвентаря шлака - который помечен на удаление:


    Ошибка - кто может помочь? 


    Error: addon LootManager: Error while running the chunk
    Error: addon LootManager:   ScriptLChoice.lua:549: attempt to call field `InventoryDestroyItem' (a nil value)
    Error: addon LootManager:   func: InventoryDestroyItem, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C]
    Error: addon LootManager:     func: EVENT_INVENTORY_ITEM_ADDED, field, line: 549, defined: Lua, line: 510, ScriptLChoice.lua
    Error: addon LootManager:       func: ?, ?, line: 556, defined: Lua, line: 554, ScriptLChoice.lua
    Error: addon LootManager: Error while running the chunk
    Error: addon LootManager:   ScriptLChoice.lua:549: attempt to call field `InventoryDestroyItem' (a nil value)
    Error: addon LootManager:   func: InventoryDestroyItem, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C]
    Error: addon LootManager:     func: EVENT_INVENTORY_ITEM_ADDED, field, line: 549, defined: Lua, line: 510, ScriptLChoice.lua
    Error: addon LootManager:       func: ?, ?, line: 556, defined: Lua, line: 554, ScriptLChoice.lua
    Error: addon LootManager: Error while running the chunk
    Error: addon LootManager:   ScriptLChoice.lua:549: attempt to call field `InventoryDestroyItem' (a nil value)
    Error: addon LootManager:   func: InventoryDestroyItem, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C]
    Error: addon LootManager:     func: EVENT_INVENTORY_ITEM_ADDED, field, line: 549, defined: Lua, line: 510, ScriptLChoice.lua
    Error: addon LootManager:       func: ?, ?, line: 556, defined: Lua, line: 554, ScriptLChoice.lua
    Error: addon LootManager: Error while running the chunk
    Error: addon LootManager:   ScriptLChoice.lua:549: attempt to call field `InventoryDestroyItem' (a nil value)
    Error: addon LootManager:   func: InventoryDestroyItem, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C]
    Error: addon LootManager:     func: EVENT_INVENTORY_ITEM_ADDED, field, line: 549, defined: Lua, line: 510, ScriptLChoice.lua
    Error: addon LootManager:       func: ?, ?, line: 556, defined: Lua, line: 554, ScriptLChoice.lua
  3. правило на них настрой WIPE в описании же все есть! даже в аддоне в подсказках это есть!

    К сожалению Правило выскакивает когда чар находится в пати. Когда я соло фармлю итемы правила не получают ну либо я не вкурсе как их выводить :(

    пс: понял , была старая версия на этом клиенте. Спс.

  4. Возможно ли организовать в аддон, автоматическое удаление при попадании в инвентарь "Медных монет" "Серебрянных монет" "Хоругви" ?

  5. Тоже при входе в игру ВизуалДамаг отключен - вклчюаю кнопко "Перегрузить аддоны" через AddonTools

    Установлены след аадоны:


    пс: на скрине я выключил NewTarget3D мб из-за него на 83% зависает посмотрим. У ShipControla сейчас беда наблюдается :

    Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)
    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)
    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)
    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)
    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)
    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)
    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)
    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaDeviceNavigatorGetTarget: active device is not navigator, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaDeviceNavigatorGetTarget(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaDeviceNavigatorGetTarget: active device is not navigator, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaDeviceNavigatorGetTarget(struct lua_State *)

    Его так и не фиксанули пока

  6. Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)

    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaDeviceNavigatorGetTarget: active device is not navigator, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaDeviceNavigatorGetTarget(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)

    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)

    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)

    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)

    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack: Can't push back element (Mods/Addons/AddonsTools/GUI/dscText.(WidgetTextView).xdb)

    to scrollable container (Mods/Addons/ShipControl/GUI/Container.(WidgetScrollableContainer).xdb), details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaScrollableContainerPushBack(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

    Error: addon ShipControl: Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter: astral hub zone not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAstralGetHubCenter(struct lua_State *)

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