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Файлы, опубликованные ptyrs

  1. 4 режима: ДПС, ХПС, ДЕФ (аналог ASD), IHPS (входящее исцеление) Данные за текущий бой, предыдущий бой и полный Подробно расписывает поглощения, резисты и т.п. ДПС, ХПС, ДЕФ группы Таймер боя Четыре языка, в том числе и русский Для ДПС-а рассчитывает рунические поглощения?!
    Для ХПС-а считает оверхил и ведет пересчет по ранам.
    ENG: A combination of AoUMeter is DPS & HPS Meter. It displays the Statistics for each member of the Group / RAID (Critical rate, absorbed, etc ...) There are Three modes:
    DPS : (Damage Per Second) display the Statistics for the damages dealed HPS : (Heal Per Second) display the Statistics for the heals Made DEF : (Defense) display the Statistics for the Damage receveid Each of these statistics are display for:
    Current : the Current Fight Overall : All the Last Fight since the reset Previous : Previous Fight Note: When the addon is reset or When the Group / RAID is disband the "overall" Data is save into "Previous" After the reset. You can Tweak some settings in the file: AoUMeter / AoUMeterSettings.txt. Here is the original:
    For the modes, you can turn them "on" (true) or "off" (false). "Off" means the data are not collected nor displayed. At Least one of Them must be Turn on. DPSMeterMode is the Default When the game starts (for healers, May They want to start in the mode Directly HPS). Caution: the Default mode must be Turned on. MaxCombatants is the Maximum number of combatants displayed in the Player list. 24 is the default (for raids) but you can set it to 6 for example, to always display only the first 6 players. Important: this addon is Incompatible with DarksDpsMeter and DarkDpsMeter2 .
    Изначальный автор - sephirostoy.
    222 374
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