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Сообщения, опубликованные shimmoo

  1. I renewed and even bought another of the same addon, but the message is repeated below, even the data being totally correct for my server

    Please, help!!!




    Info: addon ArrowTarget: ArrowTarget - Error: server name does not match specified in the binding. Log in to your profile on alloder.pro and change data, then download addon again.

  2. Thanks!

    Its play, but the time between discard e acquire a new quest is too short, bugging the quests.

    To exemplify: Demon Invulnerable and Ancient Demons stay in same time in my screen.


    The time to the mobs show in the ground is greater than the time between discard e acquire quests. While the addon discard the quest, the mob delay and show, but the quest has passed and the mob and his respective quest remain unfinished. Kill the two mobs will complete the two quests. Its insane.


    Please, how to add time to discard/acquire quest to prevent quests overlaps? 

  3. I got this error in mods.txt


    Error: addon SetMyTkarik: Error while running the chunk
    Error: addon SetMyTkarik:   [string "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------..."]:137: bad argument #1 to `pairs' (table expected, got nil)
    Error: addon SetMyTkarik:   func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C]
    Error: addon SetMyTkarik:     func: pairs, global, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C]
    Error: addon SetMyTkarik:       func: InteractionStarted, global, line: 137, defined: Lua, line: 125, [string "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------..."]
  4. Please, this addon does not work on my game, version, Brazil. 

    Could help me because I've tried everything and nothing works, the online translator does not translate efficiently. You might put the guidelines in English? 

    Thank you.


    Sorry for the mistakes, I'm using google translator.



    Пожалуйста, этот аддон не работает на моей игре, версия, Бразилии. 

    Может помочь мне, потому что я попробовал все, и ничего не работает, он-лайн переводчик не переводит эффективно. Вы можете поставить руководящие принципы по-английски? 



    Извините за ошибки, я использую Google Translator.


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