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  1. Meh, I'm terrible at fixing errors I can't get my hands on, try this; File: 7v8h7Sx7r9x2Knf.zip
  2. If that's correct decimal form of Shift-JIS minus the space, that'd be nice.. But I'm starting to doubt it now. Code: jp = "\206\176\216\176\215\221\196\222"} Yeh, that's just me being dumb, I'll let SLA handle this one. Since I know nothing about this and he knows alot about it.
  3. Is this after the removal of the LEGENDARY/RELIC lines?
  4. Ha, lots of errors from lots of add-ons. The errors from WhisperWindow in that mods.txt are caused by the lines I mentioned. If you experience errors after correcting these lines, please tell me what the mods.txt says about the new errors.
  5. Alright, at line 592; remove the space between and try again. Code: jp = "\206\176\216\176 \215\221\196\222"} This should translate into the Katakana Holy Land equivalent you mentioned on your computer. (Assuming I'm correct about your encoding being Shift-JIS..) If that doesn't work, kill the lines at 663; Code: --if GetGameLocalization() ~= "jp" then --IQColor [ ITEM_QUALITY_LEGENDARY ] = "Legendary" --IQColor [ ITEM_QUALITY_RELIC ] = "Relic" --end
  6. So, the name of the area is ホーリー ランド. Okie-doke. Edit: Oh, as for the other errors, can you give me some more mods.txt? I'd like you to test out a version that checks for Japanese localization with the information you provided me. Hopefully it works, then I can attune the add-on for you specifically when issues arise. Tell me if the strings for the buttons are in Katakana. Google Translate: そのため、地域の名前はホーリーのランドです。オキー-ドーク。 編集:ああ、他のエラーとして、あなたは私にいくつかの詳細 mods.txt を与えることができますか? 私はあなたの情報を日本語版のチェックは、あなたが私を提供してそのバージョンをテストしたいと思います。うまくいけば、それは動作し、私はアドオンのあなたのための具体的な問題が発生したときに同調させることができます。ボタンの文字列がカタカナでされている場合を教えてください。 File: WhisperWindowTest.zip
  7. Are your chat types; Romanized, Katakana, Hiragana or Kanji? IE, World/Say/Guild/Whisper = ??? Tell me what's in the red box for you (for the map shown in the picture, might be a little different in your version);
  8. Oh snaps, first time I've had to deal with a Japanese error. I'll see what I can do to fix it. The issue is obviously that your AO client is pre-Legendary loot. For a quick fix change line.. 114 and 115 to; Code: -- [ ITEM_QUALITY_LEGENDARY ] = "Legendary",-- [ ITEM_QUALITY_RELIC ] = "Relic", Since you're here, can you tell me what your level 22 zone is called, so I can work on localizing the texts for you? Google Translate: ああスナップ、初めて私は日本語のエラーに対処しなければなりませんでした。 は、私はそれを修正するために何ができるかが表示されます。 問題は、AOのクライアントは、事前に伝説の戦利品であることは明らかです。迅速な修正プログラムの変更ラインの.. 114と115; Code: -- [ ITEM_QUALITY_LEGENDARY ] = "Legendary",-- [ ITEM_QUALITY_RELIC ] = "Relic", あなたがここにいるので、私はあなたのためのテキストをローカライズする上で動作することができます、あなたのレベル22のゾーンと呼ばれるものを教えてもらえますか?
  9. Code: <Reaction /> <ReactionRightClick /> <reactionDblClick /> <ReactionOnUp>false</ReactionOnUp> <ReactionOnPointing /> <soundOver href="" /> <soundPress href="" />
  10. I'm not willing to help with this add-on. The add-on's author regrets ever manipulating the code to create such a monster. I was kind of hoping no one would bring it to these boards as well, heh. Google Translate: Я не желаю, чтобы помочь с этого дополнения. дополнения писатель сожалеет когда-либо манипуляции код для создания такого монстра. Я был несколько надеясь, что никто бы довести его до этих плат, а также, хе.
  11. Yeh, I've explained this before. Open the MainForm and set the <Priority> tag to be a much higher number. Should put it over top of everything the game produces then. Google Translate: Да, я уже объяснял это раньше. Открыть MainForm и множество <Priority> теги быть значительно выше числа. Если положить его поверх всего, игра производит то.
  12. The colors are defined variables taken directly from the game, so I don't believe they are not the right colors... Considering they're defined "LogColor...". The colors used for the buttons are just simple .25 divisble variations on what will be shown. Instead of having to find and type all the ".35667" values, I typed .25 or .5... They work for what is needed. Type is the display of the type of message. "[emote]", "[zone]"... etc.. I really do not care about the order of appearance in the window.. Thank you for the updated version of Emote.
  13. You do realize that when you type /wwconfig, you have access to change all the colors... I like the hide/show button, it's 20x20 pixels, won't hurt anybody. Google Translate: Вы понимаете, что при вводе /wwconfig, у вас есть доступ к изменению всех цветов ... Я хотел скрыть/показать кнопку, это 20x20 пикселей, не повредит никому.
  14. Need translations for; Code: [ "Raid" ] = "Raid", [ "Emote" ] = "Emote", [ "World" ] = "World", [ "Shout" ] = "Shout", [ "Officer" ] = "Officer", [ "System" ] = "System", [ "Telepathy" ] = "Telepathy", [ "Online" ] = "is online.", [ "Offline" ] = "is offline.",
  15. AddonManager has a "lock" button that looks like a lock. Click it to disable DND.
  16. Y'all do realize that I created a way for add-ons to react to Alt-Z called LibTiogan, right? I mean obviously I understand you are trying to find a method of doing it yourselves in a simpler form.
  17. The "AddChild" command acts as a "stealing" mechanic in this case. IE, once you take it away it no longer belongs to the parent that owned it. You're basically kidnapping the stateMainForm's child ContextOverlayMap. So only one add-on could use this. Right? So instead of "AddChild", just store the Form as a Global and then ask if it is visible, similar to what I did in LibTiogan.lua. Google Translate: "AddChild" команда действует как "кража" механика в этом случае. IE, как только вы отнять ее он больше не принадлежит родителя, что он принадлежал. Вы в основном похищение ребенка ContextOverlayMap stateMainForm's. Так только один дополнения могут использовать эту функцию. Правильно? Таким образом, вместо "AddChild", просто хранить виде Global, а затем спросить, если видно, подобное тому, что я сделал в LibTiogan.lua.
  18. Type /ww to show/hide the panel.. I'm pretty sure that's listed as one of the slash commands.. Use AddonManager to disable DND. And I've never said it saves what panel is displayed.
  19. From the error, your code cannot find the defined unitId. This might be because you have the local embedded in a separate statement. Either define the "local unitId" as a Global, or put the common.LogInfo in the same statement. Google Translate: От ошибки, код не может найти определенный unitId. Это может быть потому, что у вас есть местные встроенных в отдельном заявлении. Либо определить "local unitId" как Global, или положить common.LogInfo в том же заявлении.
  20. Are you asking for buttons to show/hide specific chat elements or something else? By the way, I might rip the code out of my ActionsMod and slap it into this to create a color changing GUI.
  21. I don't know exactly what it is you're asking, but if you want the window to be on top of stuff in the interface, set the MainForm's <Priority> higher, depending on what you want it to be on top of. Google Translate: Я не знаю точно, что это вы спрашиваете, но если вы хотите, чтобы окно быть на вершине вещи в интерфейс, множество <Priority> MainForm's выше, в зависимости от того, что вы хотите, чтобы быть на вершине.
  22. It's already waiting for authorization. I think I put it up after y'all went to sleep last night. Google Translate: Это уже ждет разрешения. Я думаю, что я положил его после y'all пошел спать ночью. : P
  23. The error you have showed shouldn't be happening.. There's no PHUDCoop in the version posted so you are using a version that is not updated that I more than likely specifically updated to remove such bugs. This sounds like an r6 error.
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