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  1. Nevermind what I said, tiled textures can't rotate, so much for the resize, rotate, move and positioning based on geodata..
  2. Yes, PLATES uses /buffdnd to add drag and drop panels to the BuffInfo add-ons. (has done so since the 18th of Jan.) My new add-on ActionsMod, not yet on UI9, adds drag and drop panels to the Action Bar slots via /abdnd.
  3. I'm still worried about producing things via this methodology, even though we got the "a-OK" from two fronts. Here's a little taste though;
  4. It's meant to literally be used on widgetsSystem. nothing else. Google Translate: Это означает, в буквальном смысле быть использованы на widgetsSystem. больше ничего.
  5. Okie-doke, you seem very set on just saying its out of your hands and walking away, so I'll do the same.
  6. So your issue is not that you can't use the ToWString/FromWString; it is that you're running RU Allods on a non-RU computer without the ability to translate 1251 on your computer and are trying to get strings from WStrings that you could read..? Because honestly, I use my NA AO to test what the 1252 version of the 1251 strings look like in the RU version and have no problems. IE, 1252; Code: [ "rus" ] = { [ "Rank" ] = "Ñòóïåíü", [ "Level" ] = "Óðîâåíü", [ "Exp" ] = "Äî óðîâíÿ", [ "DHN" ] = "Áîíóñ", [ "Stat" ] = "Õàðàêòåðèñòèêà", [ "Time" ] = "Âðåìÿ (÷):", is equal to, 1251; Code: [ "rus" ] = { [ "Rank" ] = "Ступень", [ "Level" ] = "Уровень", [ "Exp" ] = "До уровня", [ "DHN" ] = "Бонус", [ "Stat" ] = "Характеристика", [ "Time" ] = "Время (ч):",
  7. They do work.. userMods.ToWString, userMods.FromWString. Don't use the deprecated debugCommon. When writing in Russian/Cyrillic switch to 1251, when finished convert it to 1252. Keep everything 1252 when run in game. Google Translate: Они делают работу .. userMods.ToWString, userMods.FromWString. Не используйте устаревшие debugCommon. При написании на русском языке / переключатель кириллицы на 1251, когда закончил преобразовать его в 1252 году. Держите все 1252 при запуске в игре.
  8. I'm entertained that because it doesn't have "additional" you find it silly and ridiculous. I don't see how this clarification would change people's ideas of the add-on. (Not to mention the fact that I can't change the main page's short description, even if it did.) Google Translate: Это развлекательное, что, поскольку он не имеет "дополнительные" Вы находите это глупо и смешно. Я не понимаю, как это разъяснение изменит представления людей о дополнения. (Не говоря уже о том, что я не могу изменить краткое описание главной страницы, даже если он и сделал.)
  9. Odd that I made that mistake. Fixed. Probably went through it too fast.
  10. I really think a combination of the two techniques is the most user friendly. Zero user input for all party members aside from the Loot Master clicking a button which sends a single defined emote. The single emote is recognized by the add-on and then forces targeting of the Loot Master, runs the target pattern in a single cycle, translates, displays the item, targets old target and stops. One emote in the chat box, no excess user input. No need for emote mechanism switches, just define an emote or even a Say based chat command to initialize. I don't like the transmission concept, as it disables the Loot Master's ability to play the game as long as there is an item to be delivered.
  11. I still have no idea what the problem is, again; can you explain in more detail? Google Translate: Я до сих пор не знаю, что проблема, опять же, можете ли вы объяснить более подробно?
  12. I had a thought while I was driving to lab. Merge the two codes. Initialize, specific emote sent by Master Looter, add-on receives emote, checks if target is Loot Master, forces player to target Loot Master, depending on speed afterwards, runs hopefully very quick target of target binary recognition pattern, translates into ID while targeting the last known target of the user. Edit: This would remove the issue of it being invasive, or requiring of user input, and also would fix the issue involving the current emote morse code problems in the RU client.
  13. I thought the same thing SLA, hilarious. The issue I see with this is attention span or requirements of the users. The emote morse code in MasterLoot is meant to send an itemId that other players would have no knowledge of its existence otherwise. So in order for another player to see this data using this targeting binary; they'd have to enable the code manually (so as to not be running all the time), target the Master Looter, and then the Master Looter would have to send the ID and hope all people in the group were targeting the Master Looter and that they don't drop target or they themselves don't accidentally target something else. A chat log saver true and true, but systematically the same or worse/better requirements on the users themselves. These are obviously just opinion based flaws, it's a great concept and very usable beyond what you mentioned even, by changing the base as you said from binary to others just by the number of possible targets. But it does require some extra thought on implementation as it does require the user to do something to get this data from another player.
  14. Could you explain in a little more detail what confuses you? It's a chat box with slash commands. Google Translate: Не могли бы вы объяснить, в немного более подробно, что вас смущает? Это окно чата с косой чертой команды.
  15. 1. DND means, drag and drop, it gives you the ability to click an interface object of my add-on and move it around the screen. Also gives the resize button it's abilities through some manipulation. 2. No Yell, in my client the only time I really see Yell used is when someone shouts about that stupid quest. I'll add it though. Google Translate: 1. DND средств, перетащить, это дает вам возможность нажимать интерфейса объекта из моих дополнения и переместить его по экрану. Кроме того, дает размер кнопки его способностей через некоторые манипуляции. 2. Нет Yell, на мой клиент только раз, когда я действительно видеть Yell используется, когда кто-то кричит о том, что глупый квест. : P Я добавлю, хотя он.
  16. Fixed in my version, thanks for the catch. Google Translate: Исправлено в моей версии, спасибо за улов.
  17. NA/EU don't have access to EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_WITH_OBJECTS in our API, I know of it's existence, and was actually planning on adding this when I had it. (My laptop has the RU client on it, just for the API.) I'll test if our game understands the event, considering it might just be ghosted into the game without notification. (IE, our system messages display items using valuedObjects) EDIT: Nope, does not replace EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE in NA/EU versions. I'll just write in a RU qualifier and release it as such.
  18. What do you mean? The arrows are fine the way they are. Google Translate: Что вы имеете в виду? стрелки штрафа, как они.
  19. The /wwtime thing is caused by me changing WorldTime to LocalTime checking, figured it would work but I guess it is not used. Do your last two suggestions have to do with items? Google Translate: /wwtime вещь вызывает меня изменения WorldTime к проверке LocalTime полагал, что это будет работать, но я думаю, это не используется. Ваши последние два предложения нужно сделать с пунктами?
  20. user.cfg is located in AllodsOnline/Personal/, it can be opened with a simple text document modifier. Find the table literally called, "CT", and delete the this table. Google Translate: user.cfg расположен в AllodsOnline/Personal/, он может быть открыт с простой модификатор текст документа. Найти таблицу буквально называется, "СТ", и удалить эту таблицу.
  21. Go into your user.cfg, find the table called CT, should have w#x/y variables in it, delete this table. Google Translate: Зайдите в user.cfg, найти таблицу с именем CТ, должны иметь w#x/y переменных в нем, удалить эту таблицу.
  22. Probably not, but it doesn't mess up the positioning of things like the action bar. Same word squashing and such though.
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