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Сообщения, опубликованные Ciuine

  1. Someone asked this on the NA forums a while back, we couldn't figure it out either. The best I could figure out is this.


    The discussion was here http://allods-forum.gpotato.com/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=37403.

    The SFX/Voice folder has .bev, .bsb, .fsb files. The last being an FMOD type. My suggestions previously are posted. Some new ones could be <soundItem href=""/> or something similar, since <resource../> didn't work out. There could be some .xdb in betweens which would make discovery a lot more difficult too.

    I don't personally desire to implement sounds so I don't want to test this and such. I suggest using some of the sound files from the packs though.

  2. The problem you're experiencing is that the button names save. Try changing the language repeatedly in the configuration window until you get back to Russian. This should delete the saved data and create new data with the new names.

    Google Translate:

    проблемы, которую вы испытываете то, что кнопки имя сохранения. Попробуйте изменить язык неоднократно в окне конфигурации пока вы не получите обратно в Россию. Это должно удалить сохраненные данные и создавать новые данные с новыми именами.

  3. Sadly, this would have to be done manually. Border.(WidgetPanel).xdb needs its <Pos>23</Pos> set to <HighPos>23</HighPos> and the GlideScrollBar.(WidgetGlideScrollBar).xdb needs it's X align set to WIDGET_ALIGN_HIGH.

    Google Translate:

    К сожалению, это придется делать вручную. Border.(WidgetPanel).xdb потребности своих <Pos>23</Pos>, установленным в <HighPos>23</HighPos> и GlideScrollBar.(WidgetGlideScrollBar).xdb потребностей это X выравнивания установлен в WIDGET_ALIGN_HIGH.

  4. That's not a bug. I have it calculating fatigue into the experience number displayed. So if it is doubled it means you acquired half that experience through fatigue.

    Google Translate:

    Это не ошибка. Я его расчета усталости в опыте номер отображается. Так что, если он в два раза это означает, что вы приобрели половину этого опыта через усталость.

  5. I figured as much about the Google Translate. : (

    Anyways, if you just start from the basics of the SampleAddons and try to read them as trees with the roots being the Init () and the branchs being functions off of that. You should be able to get a simple understanding of how to structure / write add-ons.

    This is not to say you'll be able to write complex add-ons without fault, but that you'll be able to understand more and more complex add-ons; the more you take them apart piece by piece, you will become better at writing them in the process.

    GUIs do require some spatial coordination however, but with examples in the ResourceSystem folder included in the ModdingDocuments and examples from some add-ons will help you eventually tackle them as well.

    Google Translate:

    Я понял, как много о Google Translate. : (

    В любом случае, если вы просто начать с основами SampleAddons и попытаться прочитать их, как деревья с корнями время Init () и Филиалы являются функциями от этого. Вы должны быть в состоянии получить простое понимание того, как структура / писать дополнения.

    Это не значит, что вы сможете писать сложные дополнения без вины, но что вы будете в состоянии понять все более и более сложных дополнений; больше вы принимаете их друг от друга по частям, вы станете лучше при записи их в процесс.

    ГПИ требуют некоторой пространственной координации однако, но с примерами из папки ResourceSystem включены в ModdingDocuments и примеры из некоторых дополнений поможет вам в конечном итоге решать их.

  6. Yes. I apologize if some of this doesn't make sense.

    My How To: Usage/Development of Add-ons (Google Translated) might help you. If the threads listed in the main post did not already do so.

    Google Translate:

    Да. Прошу прощения, если некоторые из этих не имеет смысла.

    Мой Как: Использование / Развитие Addons (Google переведено) может помочь вам. Если темы, перечисленные в главный пост уже не сделать.

  7. That stinks, but it is working correctly. It just means that when it sorted the cannons by slots 1-8 when it hit your cannon at side 5 slot 5 and side 5 slot 5 it put the second cannon first and the first cannon second.

    I don't know if you have these cannons placed specifically because that is how you want them placed, but if you could I would suggest slightly separating them, preferably by side. Obviously my fix was specific for your problem and was trying to correct an error in the game's code which will hopefully more than likely be fixed in the upcoming EU/NA patch, but the sort function is sound and it's better than not seeing a difference in the cannons at all. (If you ask me. :P)

  8. Text Views or Valued Texts require userdata, which means you need to convert to WString via userMods.ToWString("Player Moved!").

    This line is telling you that; Error: addon MyTracker: Widgets::LuaSetVal: param 3 (type: string) not meet the given condition: , details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaSetVal(struct lua_State *)

    What it says is that the third paramater, in this case, Param1:SetVal("param2", "param3") is a string, but should be something else. It doesn't specify what else it should be because there are a lot of userdata formats that can fit in it.

  9. So what you're asking is that I set a minimum to the sizeX value of the main panel, so that people can easily drag to the minimum?

    Google Translate:

    Так что же вы спрашиваете, что я установил минимум значение SizeX главной панели, так что люди могут легко перетащить к минимуму?

  10. I have zero clue what you just said. Translation came out as "Fixed a hard brake at the reactor? PS: just root for the modification. check can not."

    Google Translate:

    У меня нет понятия, что вы только что сказали. Перевод вышел как "Фиксированные жесткие тормоза в реакторе PS: только болеть за модификацию проверить не могу.."

  11. Check to make sure you have these two things, in the AddonDesc you should see <textures href="Buttons....."/> and in the CT folder you should see a file named Buttons. If you don't have these things, I would recommend deleting the folder and re-downloading.

    Also, don't update add-ons while a game client is open if you do have those two things. :P

  12. Bars would become a little heavy widget wise, because each panel would need to have another "hide" panel, and a large background panel would need to be put in.

    As for billions of colors, Blue = 100%, Green >= 75%, Yellow >= 50%, Orange >= 25%, Red > 0%, Grey = 0%. It's the standard color spectrum ascension. With a 5*i% change for shields, IE 80, 60, 40, 20..

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