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EU News: 1.1.04 goes live at 14.12

Гость Carnifex

Рекомендуемые сообщения

Dear Sarnautians,

We have just announced the release date for Volume 2: Rise of Gorluxor to go live on the 5th of October. We hope that you will enjoy it.

We are aware that you are expecting more to come and some more adjustments to be implemented in the game for the European and American markets. We have all been working hard to implement a new incense mechanic in this summer hotfix and more changes are still being discussed with Astrum Nival, alongside with other specific features you’ll surely love ; just give us a bit more time :)

We wish to take the opportunity of this new Volume release to provide you with a wider overview of what will happen to Allods Online up to this Christmas, or at least our goals.

So far we have released:

Volume 1: Revelations of Gipat in early July.
Then at the end of August we applied a hotfix, based on your feedback, adding a free daily quest to get the incense effect, a free daily quest to get experience scrolls and fine tuning the Astral.

Volume 2: Rise of Gorluxor on the 5th of October.
The main highlights of this volume are:

The evolution of the Astral where many allods have been changed, improved, or completely revamped.
In game community enhancement with a brand new board system.
A complete revamp of the Arena of Death with lootable chests. This might not be live for the 5th of October, if so it will follow up in a patch as soon as possible after the release of Volume 2.
Dream factory a new zone on the empire side for players’ level 20-22. And its famous massage quest, rooaarrr!
Many more elements and bug fixes that you can read in the detailed patch notes.

Before this Christmas, we plan to release:

Version 1.1.04 (sorry, we will not give you the name of the update just yet)
As you can see we are skipping version 1.1.03.
In this version, the main highlights will be:

Sarn’s incarnation enters Demon City. All the bosses are now live to be raided, may the best be equipped in Legendary equipment.
Thawing island (code name for this area at the moment) that will provide more PvP entertainment for players level 40-42 with no faction restriction to attack and epic chests!
Junes catacombs (code name for this area), a new unique dungeon for players level 40+ with free for all PvP.
Astral ships improvements with all new devices and major improvements on old devices.
Total revamp of the Guilds system with a new interface, guild levels and much more; this is the prelude to Astral confrontation.

Version 1.1.05 (sorry, we will not give you the name of the update just yet either)
In this version, the main highlights will be:

The level cap is increased to 45 and thus smoothing the 41-42 levelling curve.
New areas for players 43-45, be prepared to travel into the Astral!
Modifications to instances and raid encounters due to the raise of the cap level.
Many other elements ;o) (sorry once more, you’ll have to wait still a bit more)

We hope that enjoy those highlights that should reach you before this Christmas, we are sure that you should now have even more questions about those and how the classes and archetypes will evolve and be affected in those updates. We will communicate about those deeper in the

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Congratulations, Carniflex! We can celebrate it! =D

P.S. I have read "Volume 2: Rise of Gorluxor" patch notes right now, and... holy s**t! It is NOT 1.1.01, it is 1.0.02 !!! Great news!

BTW, patch 1.1.02 will simplify the localization detection dramatically, as well :)

Also, it will eliminate our popular userMods.*GlobalConfigSection() hack entirely.

В кратце, по-русски:

Патч 1.1.02 в Европе выйдет 5 октября, минуя патч 1.1.01.

Патч 1.1.04 в Европе выйдет минуя патч 1.1.03.

Патч 1.1.05 в Европе выйдет ДО НОВОГО ГОДА.

Вот это праздник !!! =D

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P.S. I have read "Volume 2: Rise of Gorluxor" patch notes right now, and... holy s**t! It is NOT 1.1.01, it is 1.0.02 !!! Great news!

Did you also rofl (if you read the EU one)? For example the Necromancer get an new Skill "Ghostworld". The effekt ist correctly translated but wtf the Necromancer can buff it on himself, lol? (and a few other funny notes...) o.O

BTW: I have started in the German forum a thread, where our comunity can give feedback to the addons and I will collect it and give it to the right place on ui9.ru. It is only opend since a few days, but there is already good feedback. I will develop one of the ideas by my self as my second addon (and it will also helpfull for russian players), you will see it later. And there are also some other ideas, that have to be concretized and then I will show this ideas to you here...
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Thank you for creating German thread on addons :)

We will help you create any your own addons, feel free to ask questions :) Btw, I'm planning to write an advanced tutorial on creating addons, somewhere in the future, and of course, it will be translated to English as well.

P.S. How to translate this text into German? :

AO game AddOns Developer Community

UI9.RU - Get AddOns for "Allods Online" !

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AO game Addons-Entwicklungs-Community

UI9.RU - Holt euch Addons für "Allods Online" !

(there is an german wort for community but it is not ofter used any more because of community is more "modern")

(Addons-Entwicklungs-Community= Addons development community, the other one sounds a little bit strange in german)

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OK, thank you :)


Btw, Russian word "Community" - "Сообщество" (literally translated to English - "co-society") is also hm... uncommon... in modern days. It was very popular 50 years ago.

However there is a very rare UNofficial modern word - "Комьюнити" ("Komjuniti" - actually, it is just English word "Community" written in cyrillic letters), but it is absolutely uncommon, maybe because it cognate to words "Commune" and "Communism", lol :)

So, we have 2 uncommon words, and I don't know any other word, how to call "many people unofficially united by some interest" in my own language, lol :)) Because modern language avoids using word "community", and in internet it is often referred as "social network". But we are too small, to be a social network, so we are just a small community.

P.S. In modern world we have everything - organizations, societies, companies, firms, etc, etc... But "unofficial organizations" (communities) are becoming unpopular. All this globalization, corporations, and technical progress are eliminating them. This is why, probably, the word is becoming unpopular. And it happens probably not only in Russian language, but in all languages, because it is a trend of modern world.

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Now you can translate something for me in Russian:

"Clicking on a players name in the chat shows a context menu with some social interaction features."

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Hm, why the hell would you need to put that <weird phrase> into addon?

If you're going to put that somewhere else (readME or description) it would be better to describe the whole thing excluding words "social interaction features", because:

"Social" is not used to describe people community(it's more likeley a word people use without understanding it's meaning, it's uncommon. No, it's not blue, ad rare and epic are not better than that ;) ).

Therefore any word used in ccombination with "social" sounds odd.

I would recommend you to use words other than "social"...

It seemed to be easy to translate that phrase once i saw it...

But i have realised that i don't know any russian combination of words that could describe the whole meaning without greatly increasing the size of a string. And i thought that:

a) Increasing string length wouldn't be a good idea if it's used in some addon.

B) If it's used somewhere where string length is not important it would be better to use words other that used above, or to describe all features instead of saying "social interaction".

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Setras, I think, this phrase is not for addon itself, but it is for addon description on UI9 start page.

Funny, that I also suggested to change "social interaction features" to short and simple "actions". I PMed this to Carnifex tomorrow:

Russian translation (I translated "some social interaction features" as if it was "some actions", it have the same meaning, but sounds little bit shorter):

Нажатие на имена персонажей в чате, показывает контекстное меню с некоторыми действиями.

P.S. Could be even shorter:

Нажатие на имена в чате, показывает меню с контекстными действиями.

(Pressing a name in chat, shows a menu with context actions.)

Меню с контекстными действиями, при нажатии на имя в чате.

(Menu with context actions, on pressing a name in chat.)

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"Social" is not used to describe people community(it's more likeley a word people use without understanding it's meaning, it's uncommon

I think you speak over the European gms (if you read the announcements to 1.1.02, you know, what I mean). I have used it, because i have seen this very often in the last time (new social features...)

Setras, I think, this phrase is not for addon itself, but it is for addon description on UI9 start page.

Thats right.

The beta-version you can find here: http://ui9.ru/forum/develop/topic/966/t966-Developing-AOChatExtension
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Yeah, maybe it's common for european players, but not for russian ones.

And (IMHO)

Меню с контекстными действиями, при нажатии на имя в чате.

(Menu with context actions, on pressing a name in chat.)

Is not self-describing enough. I think you've missed a word (like "appears")

При нажатии на имя в чате появляется меню с контекстными действиями.

Menu with context actions appears after pressing a nickname in chat.

Well we can discuss forever, i think (or untill there is only one language left in the world =D ).

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OMFG, "PhanTime" is still broken, because chat messages STILL comes without timestamps :( In any case, "PhanTime" will start working in AO 1.1.03, because there will be new API function - mission.GetWorldTimeHMS().

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  • 3 недели спустя...
Allods Online: More free to play than ever!

It's not only the large updates that provide new MMORPG features and functions for Allods Online. Next Wednesday, October 27th, from 10:00 until 15:00 Western European Time, we will have a patch that will bring some changes to Allods Online which will not only benefit players in the long run, but there will also be more rewards thrown in making Allods Online more free to play than ever!.

allods online bullet point The quest "Regular Customers" has been altered:
- This quest now provides 2 rewards, a bound Small Cone of Incense and a bound Captain's Letter of Marque (experience scroll). Please note that the localisation for the experience scroll is not finalised, but the mechanic is working as intended. Localisation will be fixed in an upcoming patch.
- League players, this Quest is given by the Mysterious Family in the Gibberling District of Novograd.
- Empire players, this quest is given by Semer Nemar in Yasker Tower.
- You still need to talk to several NPCs to complete this daily quest.

allods online bullet point The quest "Special Delivery" and "A New Charter for Novograd" have been removed and replaced by one single quest.
- The new quest reward is 5 bound Phylacteries of passage. At the moment, these phylacteries have a timer expiry. We are currently investigating ways to have this timer longer.
- The new quest is short to complete and only requires talking to one same NPC. Players need to pay 20 silver to complete the quest. It is the same NPC from whom players can obtain the Martyr's Blessing, Marianne de Ardeur or Elizaveta Rysina.
- This quest can be completed daily.

The quest to obtain daily the effect of incense, for a time depending on your level is still in game. But this might not stay forever in order to adapt to all the changes above.

As part of our ongoing efforts, translations have been fine tuned, and we have adjusted the filters against the gold spammers.
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  • 1 месяц спустя...

1.1.04 will be go live on our servers in round 3 weeks: http://en.allods.gpotato.eu/News/?TC=0100000000&TNO=1155624

but I don't think, that we get 2.0.00 this year...

BTW: Can someone give me some examples for what to do in the quest, with which you can lvl up the guild. (I need this informations to end the speculations in our forum...)

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BTW: Can someone give me some examples for what to do in the quest, with which you can lvl up the guild. (I need this informations to end the speculations in our forum...)

Those daily quests are availabale for every guild member, regardless their levels. These quests are:
1) You get 3 Scripts, and have to use those Sctipts in 3 different calital city quarters (2-3 minutes).
2) You get a black Glove, and have to use it in the capital city, it summons a Shadow (which level is equal to yours), and you have to kill it. This Shadow is invisible to others, so nobody can help you fighting it, but it is quite easy to kill it solo (1 minute).
3) You are told to go somewhere, and kill 20 mobs (which levels are approximately equal to yours) (30 minutes?).
4) When you are fingting, killing mobs (for quests, too), if you are lucky, sometimes they drop a special Sign. You have to collect those Signs. (can take the whole day or even several days).
5) If you have completed (returned) all those 4 quests during one day, then you get 4 special Medals (one Medal for each quest), and so, you give those Medals to the questgiver, and complete the 5-th quest. (5 seconds).
6) Also, there are extra "gold donation" quests - you give some amount of gold to questgiver, and he gives you some extra prestige. (takes no time, but costs a lot of gold).
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gz, gPotato.eu for the first patch with nearly good patchnotes:^^


PS: lol, the english ones faild by the formatting, the german ones looks much nicer

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After a very caotic and Funny patchday (in our gpotato Chat), ao 1.1.04 is now available for us (i was One of the first ones on the New Client, because i was able to use a downloadmanager to download the New Client 3 Times Taster ;-) ).

But notice, ao us has still 1.1.02

Update: us has since 17.12 1.1.04 too (waitung for chinese and co)

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2010-12-17, Allods.Gpotato.COM:

Patch 1.1.04: The Fury of War is Now Live!

But, we still CAN'T drop 1.1.02 & 1.1.03 support from our addons (!), because Chinese and Japanese beta-test game versions are still 1.1.02.

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