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I really don't think the spinning in corners idea is at all something I'd want to see done. In my head all I can see is people complaining about only being able to see the damage upright for 1/10th of every second.

9 times out of 10 a player knows what spell he/she is casting, turn spell names off if you feel they are in your way. I'll consider adding a healer/target name buff for players that want to see the names of heals while not seeing the names of skills.

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I like the merged text idea, as I can see it being a blur when you're in a raid/party and you're the tank and people are just spamming heals on you, or you're a summoner that has full DoTs on four+ mobs.

I'm more than likely going to leave it as it is, since making a merged/full mode would require rewriting the add-on to be twice as large and the size of two CT_Total add-ons. Honestly, I'm never going to put dynamic generation into this add-on after what I saw from simple tests of just 3-10 widgets. Having 40+ widgets on screen at once while fighting three mobs is extreme overkill and I don't want that.

WoW add-ons use smaller text, and multiple methodologies of making the text move instead of a singular move and fade concept. My favorite joke move and fade was the "sprinkler", but I always used the format that I have CT_Total set up in. My goal right now to address formatting issues is to find some way to make the text sizing a switch rather than having to go in and manually change all the sizing numbers. I feel that if the text gets the ability to easily become smaller/larger less people will have issues.

The *next* add-on is apparently going to be a comprehensive group project, because I let the cat out of the bag that I was working on it on the Gpotato forums and people started shouting out formatting ideas that I couldn't honestly use without seeming like a thief.

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OK :) If you want to make font size adjustable via addon Options, here is how to change font size programmatically:

local FontSize = 12

H_Crit:SetFormat( userMods.ToWString( "<header color=\"0xFF9B1E1E\" alignx=\"center\" fontsize=\"" .. FontSize .. "\" shadow=\"2\"><rs class=\"class\"><r name=\"skillname\"/> <r name=\"value\"/></rs></header>" ) )

As you can see, it is possible to change colors and shadow size as well.

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After a couple of tests, it seems memory wise absurd to do this. If I made it external (through adding Small variants of the files), then there would be double the memory for texts which isn't much. If I did it internally through this method, it'd make the LUA burdened having to write out each one of these on demand and remember it. I might try this again later, but right now I'll test one last simple thing and then I'll put this off until I get a break.

Edit: Instead of this I used the insanely simple, SetTextScale... Which I then became angry that I spent a day trying to do something a single line of code could do.

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Edit: Instead of this I used the insanely simple, SetTextScale...

I didn't even know about this function... Looks like it is created for text *animation* only (because it "blurs" text), but for CT_Total it fits perfectly.

P.S. Btw, you can find the original damage visualization script in Interface., in \Ingame\ContextDamageVisualization\ScriptContextDamageVisualization.lua (if you haven't seen it before, it will be very interesting). There is no SetTextScale() in this script, but there is PlayTextScaleEffect() instead.
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Yeh, I've opened up the .PAK's before and scanned the gibberish that was the compiled lua. But pretty cool to see it uncompiled. The TextScaleEffect would work as well, but would need to be written like widget:PlayTextScaleEffect( sizefrom, sizeto, over time, state ); so widget:PlayTextScaleEffect( 1, 0.8, 0, EA_MONOTONOUS_INCREASE ) rather than just widget:SetTextScale( 0.8 ).

Definitely really cool to see how similar and dissimilar the two add-ons are though.

As a side note: It makes me want to test calling on or attaching the LayoutManager using;

-- register plugins

RegisterLayoutManagedAddon( { type = ADDON_TYPE_SUPER_HUD, side = SCREEN_SIDE_GENERAL, toggled = false, hiding = true } )

RegisterEscapeSequenceAttendee( { rank = ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_RANK_WINDOWS } )

To reattach the add-on to the Alt-Z function.

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Afaik, RegisterLayoutManagedAddon() in not accessible for user addons.

Because it is not API function, but a simple Lua function, which code is somewhere in those original scripts.

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Lol'ed about spinning drums and cut persians =D

Spinning drum - it's like a drum in slot-machine.

The idea of that post was to make all the numbers spin on their places, e.g.

Heal 10045

Heal 13852

Heal 5730 Glanced

In top-right "corer" moving to top from bottom.

And spinning from bottom to top like original damage visualisator. And crit done spinning the same way in top part of screen, normal dmg done - in top left part and so on.

Also, he wrote that "seeing all the damage moving all the way through your character is not nice".

"Spinning" - like a slot machine(new text appears at bottom and moves top disappearing there), NOT like a spinning coin =D

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Ah, makes much more sense now. I'll think about writing a separate call attached to a switch when I get some free time.

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  • 4 недели спустя...

у меня "иконка меча" показывается перед окном аукциона, закрывая собой количество предметов предпоследней строчки. как это можно обойти?

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DND should be fixed in the current update, allowing you to move the icons again on the RU client. Awesome use of the word penultimate.

Google Translated:

DND должна быть решена в текущих обновлений, что позволяет перемещать иконки снова на клиента RU. Удивительный использование слова предпоследнего.

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Скажите,то, что при отключении аддона, оригинальный аддон не подключается, баг?

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The normal damage visualizer is a LUA add-on as well. My add-on just tells the game to turn it off, so no errors should ever occur from turning off state managed add-ons.

My translation might be off, so you could instead be asking why the normal damage visualizer does not turn back on when my add-on is turned off. The reasons for this is because I have no way to detect when it is disabled by AddonManager and the like, and functionally no code from my add-on would work if turned off in this manner anyways.

Google Translate:

Нормальный визуализатор ущерб LUA дополнения, а также. Мои дополнения просто говорит игре, чтобы отключить его, так что ошибок нет когда-нибудь произойти от отключения государству удалось дополнений.

Мой перевод может быть выключен, так что вы можете вместо этого спрашивать, почему нормальные визуализатор повреждений не повернуть назад, когда мой дополнения выключен. Причины этого в том, что у меня нет способа определить, когда он отключен от AddonManager и как, и функционально не кода из моей дополнение будет работать, если телефон выключен таким образом, так или иначе.

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IMHO, it could be a nice feature request for "AddonManager" - it should *ask* an addon to shutdown itself (by sending it a special event), of course, if addon supports this feature. Every addon should answer by AddonManager's request, which "AddonManager" features it supports - this is how "AddonManager" will decide, how to shutdown an addon, by asking it, or by killing it.

BTW, addon can shutdown itself by executing this:

common.StateUnloadManagedAddon( "UserAddon/"..common.GetAddonName() )
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What kind of update are you looking for? At the moment, I'm busy with lab work and finishing PlayerHUD. The two versions are identical except for the LibDnD changes tailored for the RU 2.0 client.

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Yes, it would be nice if AddonManager sent an event to the specific add-on to turn it off. This way I could run a StateLoad command right before the Unload command to turn the normal DV back on. Perhaps this feature could be added into AM and then I'll patch up the add-on to suit it.

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If you are using AddonManager to turn off CT then you turn the original DV back on using AddonManager. If you are wondering how to get them running side-by-side, which I wouldn't recommend, you'd need to either comment out or delete the UnloadManagedAddon line (line 1178) or use AddonManager to turn the DV back on (ContextDamageVisualization).

Google Translate:

Если вы используете AddonManager отключить CT, то вы свою очередь оригинальный DV обратно на использовании AddonManager. Если вы хотите знать, как их получить работает бок о бок, что я бы не рекомендовал, вам нужно либо закомментировать или удалить строку UnloadManagedAddon (строка 1178) или использовать AddonManager повернуть обратно на DV (ContextDamageVisualization).

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

When I'm in heroics and other things I and get healed it doesn't show the name of the healer or person doing the healing, only my name.

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This is a typo in my coding, I set reversed the if HD/HR then, elseif HR/HD then statements, just change the letter.

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Случайно удалил из экрана иконку меча ,теперь не могу использовать настройки, перезагрузка аддона не помогла .подскажи как вернуть иконку

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Go into your user.cfg, find the table called CT, should have w#x/y variables in it, delete this table.

Google Translate:

Зайдите в user.cfg, найти таблицу с именем CТ, должны иметь w#x/y переменных в нем, удалить эту таблицу.

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Может я не туда вошел ,но я не нашел




Global( "MainPanel", mainForm:GetChildChecked( "MainPanel", false ))

Global( "DNDOptions", MainPanel:GetChildChecked( "OpenBtn", false ))

Global( "CTPanel", mainForm:GetChildChecked( "CTPanel", false ))

Global( "Options", mainForm:GetChildChecked( "OptionsPanel", false ))

Global( "OptCheck", false )

Global( "DDButtonType", Options:GetChildChecked( "DamageDoneBtn", false ))

Global( "DDButtonOff", Options:GetChildChecked( "DamageDoneBtnOff", false ))

Global( "DRButtonType", Options:GetChildChecked( "DamageReceivedBtn", false ))

Global( "DRButtonOff", Options:GetChildChecked( "DamageReceivedBtnOff", false ))

Global( "HDButtonType", Options:GetChildChecked( "HealingDoneBtn", false ))

Global( "HDButtonOff", Options:GetChildChecked( "HealingDoneBtnOff", false ))

Global( "HRButtonType", Options:GetChildChecked( "HealingReceivedBtn", false ))

Global( "HRButtonOff", Options:GetChildChecked( "HealingReceivedBtnOff", false ))

Global( "PetButtonType", Options:GetChildChecked( "PetDoneBtn", false ))

Global( "PetButtonOff", Options:GetChildChecked( "PetDoneBtnOff", false ))

Global( "SNButtonType", Options:GetChildChecked( "SpellNameBtn", false ))

Global( "SNButtonOff", Options:GetChildChecked( "SpellNameBtnOff", false ))

Global( "HNButtonType", Options:GetChildChecked( "HealNameBtn", false ))

Global( "HNButtonOff", Options:GetChildChecked( "HealNameBtnOff", false ))

Global( "MRButtonType", Options:GetChildChecked( "ManaReceivedBtn", false ))

Global( "MRButtonOff", Options:GetChildChecked( "ManaReceivedBtnOff", false ))

Global( "TSButtonType", Options:GetChildChecked( "TextSizeBtn", false ))

Global( "TSButtonOff", Options:GetChildChecked( "TextSizeBtnOff", false ))


Global( "Tooltip", nil )

Global( "TTText", nil )

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Обязательна информация из \Personal\Logs\mods.txt для диагностики ошибки.
Иначе вам не помочь.
В игре включите в Меню → Интерфейс → Общие настройки → Запись ошибок пользовательских дополнений. Затем запустите аддон в игре.
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