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Весь контент Imalayan

  1. @wasdf84 I don't want to stop you, thats like a very neat idea, but ZannGrid has much more "serious" issues at the moment (like actually showing "RaidDebuffs" in raids... ^^). Fixing localisations and addidtional heal-assistance are cosmetic improvements, which aren't "bad", but imo quite unimportant in realtion to the other issues . See ya, Ima
  2. Caution - Bad English question inc. - As I states above, but I might have been not clear enough, by bad in that case . Is there a way to have ONLY the debuffs show, which are in the "RaidDebuffs"-List? (as it was in the 0.0.0.X versions prior) I guess it correlates to the "- добавил показ дебафов которые накладываются боссами. (Теперь дебафы вообще не нужно прописывать)." But i can only judge via google translator, so I might be wrong on that part . See ya, Ima
  3. Thanks for the quick reply <3 And there is a third thing thats bothering me a bit. Is there a way to have it not showing like erverything in raids? I see the benefits, but its a bit too much information for me^^
  4. The button, which led me here, said "english allowed", so here we go : In the latest Version the buffs are (kind of) transparent. Is there a way to change that? Is there a way to change to colour of shields? Thanks and see ya, Ima
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