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Сообщения, опубликованные Dragagon

  1. I am well aware of google translate, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten here in the first place.

    I have tried it in the past but many things are so badly translated that It's very hard to understand to learn certain things. Especially when the communication doesn't go through.

    Guess I'll find no help here either and EU once again gets the back turned to them 😞

  2. Hello,
    apologies for writing in english.
    The EU community and moderators seem unwilling to help me out on this request, some people told me to try the RU forum/alloder.pro, so here I am.
    I want to learn how to make addons.
    Unfortunately the guide that is supplied with the game files is still in russian, eventho the game is fully translated to english.
    Is it possible to gain a translated version for the EU community so that some motivated players, including me, can make new addons and submit more to alloder.pro?
    Location of the files I talk about are located here: C:\MyGames\Allods Online EN\data\Mods\Docs
    My first goal would be an addon that displays on screen when ranked combats like 3x3 and 6x6 go active, so we can snipe boosting players on their reincs/alts.
    Thanks in advance,

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