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Файлы, опубликованные Dragagon

  1. Are you an Irene addict, Ecu grinder or just scenery enjoyer of Irene? Then this addon is a must have!
    Automatically equips the Freebird Mask when entering Irene, and switches back to the previous headwear before entering Irene.
    Also Equips the Wandering Actor mask when entering the Miracle Theatre, and back to the Freebird when leaving the Theatre!
  2. The RessCounter!
    As the name implies, it keeps track of the amount of times you ress people in a raid!
    Funny story how it came to be!
    Are you also tired of ressing everyone after every wipe during Nihaz raids or Obs raids?
    Fear no longer!
    I started a minigame with my guild >:D
    each ress I do, and therefor the addon tracks, people pay 1k gold to our guild bank.
    That way we generate some guild gold for the Heraldry (or whatever else u want) in a fun way, rather than the dull tax collection system.

    RessCounterList - lists the amount of times you have ressed player XYZ.
    RessCounterReset - resets the data (starting a new raid or whatever)
    It does not count during combat.
    Go and hunt your dead members! 😄

    Locales: Not all translations for the Gift of Tensess were added.
    Feel free to add them in the locales file and notify me so I can update it with more languages included ❤️
  3. Hey Sarnautions!
    Are you also tired of having people trade 3x3 ratings and getting seasonal costumes just by trading and not doing any effort in PvP?
    Me too!
    So I made this addon which will notify you whenever the 3x3 timer activates!
    The PvP hungry among us will now always have some players to hunt down >:D
    Enjoy PvP'ing! ❤️

    Localization file is present, let me know if something doesn't work.
  4. An addon made by my friend @pasidaips.
    Warns the player when the pet gets low on health, all the way to death.
    Great for Summoner supports during chaotic hectic PvP battles, or just as reminders in PvE.
    Предупреждает о низком уровне здоровья призванного существа.
  5. A small start of a big raid project.
    Focussing on what works well in WOW and bringing it over to Allods. The best of both worlds ❤️
    Pulltimer is an addon that triggers a countdown timer, similar to the ones from 3x3 and 6x6 arena, in the middle of your screen upon a given command "pullgo" in /raid chat.
    Only raidleader can start the timer for now, expansions on this will follow.

    More plans to bring are Indicators when players are already expecting a ress in raids.
    The ability to change the start of the timer.
    Anything QoL for raiding and group play, really.
    I want to give a shoutout to @pasidaips, @Eksperymentand @neko
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