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Сообщения, опубликованные lysonia

  1. @lysonia, actually price for people not from ex-USSR must be different, nominated in US dollars and be much higher, than for Russian players (especially having considered that rouble dropped against dollar\euro month ago). We can't do it only bcz our billing doesn't support different currencies. Therefore you have no reason for complaint and your complaints - it's some impudence.



    If you want we can talk about money, its not bother me.

    I do not find it normal to pay a base for an addon that gives an advantage , I did it for almost two years for various addons .

    The cashop is much more expensive in europe / usa as in Russia.

    Also, if I'm not mistaken some creative regularly receive good reward for their currencies addon from Mail.ru.

    Personally I have principles , I will pay anything behind but I want a minimum currently not the case .

    Many European user can not find some addon or make them work for nothing is displayed in a language you know . And it's not google trad makes understanding things .

    Some can not even buy it because they do not want to use their credit card on a Russian site. They find that damage paypal is not available to pay .

    What annoys me the most is to have was briefed by the mail I received for renewal. Because new I rarely read because I do not read Russian.

  2. Hi, in 5.0.02 with the last version, I have this error:

    Error: addon ZannGrid: Error while running the chunk
    Error: addon ZannGrid:   [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"]:233: attempt to call field 'IsEnemy' (a nil value)
    Error: addon ZannGrid:   func: IsEnemy, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C]
    Error: addon ZannGrid:     func: UpdatePlayerInfo, global, line: 233, defined: Lua, line: 210, [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"]
    Error: addon ZannGrid:       func: PlacePlayer, global, line: 468, defined: Lua, line: 450, [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"]
    Error: addon ZannGrid:         func: FillGrid, global, line: 500, defined: Lua, line: 491, [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"]
    Error: addon ZannGrid:           func: RecreateGrid, global, line: 557, defined: Lua, line: 522, [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"]
    Error: addon ZannGrid:             func: ShowRaidFrames, global, line: 1111, defined: Lua, line: 1102, [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"]
    Error: addon ZannGrid:               func: ?, ?, line: 1118, defined: Lua, line: 1116, [string "Mods/Addons/ZannGrid/Scripts/GridEx.lua"]
  3. Hi, Fix for french localisation "Classbase.lua" for Engineer.

    ["fra"] = { -- French, Win-1252
    ["WARRIOR"] = { "Guerrier", "Champion", "Bagarreur", "Conquérant", "Brute" },
    ["PALADIN"] = { "Paladin", "Chevalier", "Templier", "Vengeur", "Ravageur" },
    ["STALKER"] = { "Éclaireur", "Rôdeur", "Braconnier", "Saboteur", "Traqueur" },
    ["PRIEST"] = { "Guérisseur", "Clerc", "Prêtre", "Inquisiteur", "Hérétique" },
    ["DRUID"] = { "Tribaliste", "Druide", "Animiste", "Chaman" },
    ["MAGE"] = { "Mage", "Magicien", "Archimage", "Sorcier", "Thaumaturge" },
    ["NECROMANCER"] = { "Invocateur", "Démoniste", "Thanatologue", "Savant" },
    ["PSIONIC"] = { "Psionique", "Devin", "Mentaliste", "Occultiste", "Oracle" },
    ["BARD"] = { "Barde","Clairon","Ménestrel","Rhapsode","Lur"},
    ["ENGINEER"] = { "Artilleur","Mécanicien","Ingénieur"},


  4. Hi, I have this error in

    Error: addon TPI: Widgets::LuaSetBackgroundColor: Can't set background color, details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaSetBackgroundColor(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon TPI: 
    Error: addon TPI:   
    Error: addon TPI:   func: SetBackgroundColor, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C]
    Error: addon TPI:     func: functionUpdate, field, line: 393, defined: Lua, line: 393, [string "Mods/Addons/TPI 2.6.4/scripts/mainscript.lua"]
    Error: addon TPI:       func: createSlider, field, line: 0, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/TPI 2.6.4/scripts/settings.lua"]
    Error: addon TPI:         func: init, global, line: 389, defined: Lua, line: 357, [string "Mods/Addons/TPI 2.6.4/scripts/mainscript.lua"]
    Error: addon TPI:           func: ?, ?, line: 486, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/TPI 2.6.4/scripts/mainscript.lua"]
    Error: addon TPI: Widgets::LuaSetBackgroundColor: Can't set background color, details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaSetBackgroundColor(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon TPI: 
    Error: addon TPI:   
    Error: addon TPI:   func: SetBackgroundColor, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C]
    Error: addon TPI:     func: functionUpdate, field, line: 435, defined: Lua, line: 435, [string "Mods/Addons/TPI 2.6.4/scripts/mainscript.lua"]
    Error: addon TPI:       func: createSlider, field, line: 0, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/TPI 2.6.4/scripts/settings.lua"]
    Error: addon TPI:         func: init, global, line: 431, defined: Lua, line: 357, [string "Mods/Addons/TPI 2.6.4/scripts/mainscript.lua"]
    Error: addon TPI:           func: ?, ?, line: 486, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/TPI 2.6.4/scripts/mainscript.lua"]
    Error: addon TPI: Widgets::LuaSetBackgroundColor: Can't set background color, details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaSetBackgroundColor(struct lua_State *)
    Error: addon TPI: 
    Error: addon TPI:   
    Error: addon TPI:   func: SetBackgroundColor, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C]
    Error: addon TPI:     func: functionUpdate, field, line: 462, defined: Lua, line: 462, [string "Mods/Addons/TPI 2.6.4/scripts/mainscript.lua"]
    Error: addon TPI:       func: createSlider, field, line: 0, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/TPI 2.6.4/scripts/settings.lua"]
    Error: addon TPI:         func: init, global, line: 458, defined: Lua, line: 357, [string "Mods/Addons/TPI 2.6.4/scripts/mainscript.lua"]
    Error: addon TPI:           func: ?, ?, line: 486, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/TPI 2.6.4/scripts/mainscript.lua"]
  5. Hi, not error but this subject it's the most recent...


    French Localisation:

    	fra = {
    		[ "ON" ] = "ON",
    		[ "OFF" ] = "OFF",
    		[ "SELF" ] = "AUTO", 
    		[ "Global Lock DnD" ] = "Verrouillage global du DnD",
    		[ "Double click on o'clock open a Addons Menu. Click for see FastButtons Panel" ] = 
    			"Double clique sur l'horloge permet d'ouvrir le Menu. Simple clique ouvre les boutons d'accees rapide.",
    		[ "Help" ] = "Aide",
    		[ "saved" ] = "Enregistrer",
    		[ "loaded" ] = "Charger",
    		[ "global" ] = "Global",
    		[ "Addons List" ] = "Liste des Addons",
    		[ "Support and Tools for others addons (DnD, Emotes, Menu, ...)" ] = "Outils support et de gestion pour les Addons (DnD, Emotes, Menu, ...)",
    		[ "Save Settings" ] = "Enregistrer les options",
    		[ "Load Settings" ] = "Charger les options",
    		[ "Save Settings to GLOBAL" ] = "Enregistrer les options (Global)",
    		[ "Load Settings from GLOBAL" ] = "Charger les options (Global)",
    		[ "Clear Settings" ] = "Reinitialiser les options",
    		[ "ReLoad User's Addons" ] = "Recharger les Addons",
    		[ "Set Localization" ] = "Choisir la langue",
    		[ "Parameters" ] = "Parametres",
    		[ "Click on menu item for show MainPanel or Settings of addon. Shift-Right-Mouse - for load/unload it" ] =
    			"Cliquer sur un objet pour afficher le menu ou les parametre de l'addon. Shift + Clique Droit pour activer / desactiver",
    		[ "COMMANDS" ] = "COMMANDES",
    		[ "Select other localization. All addons will be reloaded." ] = "Selection d'une autre langue. Les addons seront recharger.",
    		[ "ADDONS" ] = "ADDONS",
    		[ "Used memory:" ] = "Memoire utilisee:",
    		[ "Time Zone Offset" ] = "Reglage du decalage horaire",
    		[ "DnD ID number start" ] = "Numero de debut de l'identifiant DnD",
    		[ 'If your local time is 7 hours LATER than server time, set "seven". If your local time is 2 hours EARLIER than server time, set "minus two".' ] = 
    			'Si votre heure locale est de 7 heures plus tard que le serveur, tapez 7. Si votre heure locale est de 2 heures plus tot, tapez -2',
    		[ "A Start ID number for auto numbering of DnD system" ] = "Nombre de depart pour la numerotation automatique de l'Identifiant DnD",
    		[ "Click - toggle ON/OFF/AUTO the system-Addon. AUTO mode - not do anything with system-Addon. Right-Mouse - for temporarily load/unload addon." ] =
    			'Appuyer pour regler en ON/OFF/AUTO un addon systeme. Le mode AUTO - permet de laisser le jeux gerer de lui meme. Clique Droit pour activer/desactiver temporairement un addon',
    		[ "I use addons: " ] = "J'utilise les addons: ",
    		[ "Log used Addons in chat" ] = "Liste des addons dans le chat",
    		[ "Press {Enter} for send data" ] = "Appuyer sur 'Entree' pour lancer les donnees",
    		[ "Press {Enter}" ] = "Appuyer sur {Entree}",
    		[ "Show System Addons" ] = "Afficher les addons du systeme",
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