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Достижения lysonia

  1. Hi, can you add a locale file for other language? Please
  2. Hi, fix for fra localisation (fix for reputation Grander and Arder) fra.zip
  3. French Localization: ["fra"] = { ["Settings"] = "Options", ["Search"] = "Recherche", ["BuffName"] = "Dressable", ["ItemName"] = "Dompteur", ["Category"] = "Familiers", ["SubCategory"] = "Familiers sauvages", ["FastTakePet"] = "Activer le raccourcis de capture", ["UseMapMark"] = "Afficher les marqueurs sur la carte ", ["UseMiniMapMark"] = "Afficher les marqueurs sur la mini-carte", ["UseZoneInfo"] = "Afficher les familiers de la zone actuelle", ["ShowAlert"] = "Afficher une alerte \224 proximit\233 d'un familier", ["PlaySound"] = "Jouer un son \224 l'apparition d'un familier", ["TimeToHunt"] = "Il est l'heure de la chasse !", ["Statistic"] = "Statistiques", ["Server"] = "Serveur", ["Pet"] = "Familier", ["Time"] = "Temps", ["Attempts"] = "Tentative", ["Achive"] = "R\233ussie", ["Edit"] = "\201dit.", ["EditHeader"] = "\201dition", ["AcceptKey"] = "Accepter", ["CancelKey"] = "Annuler", ["CatchFail"] = "Le familier s'est \233chapp\233.", ["CatchSuccess"] = "R\233ussite ! Vous avez pi\233g\233 le familier ! ", --season 1 ["King Wolf Cub"] = "Louveteau Roi", ["Eagle"] = "Aigle", ["Dewy-Eyed Fawn"] = "Faon au regard humide", ["Squirrel"] = "\201cureuil", ["Holy Gobly"] = "Gobly sacr\233", ["Russula"] = "Russule", ["Crayfish"] = "\201crevisse", ["Dolly"] = "Dolly", ["Warlike Lizard"] = "L\233zard belliqueux", ["Lonesome Ghoul"] = "Goule solitaire", ["Tiger Cat"] = "Chat Tigre", ["Genlun’s Minion"] = "Sbire de Genlun", ["Sly Foxie"] = "Renard sournois", ["Honey Bee"] = "Abeille des champs", ["Midget Clown"] = "Clown nain", ["Friendly Slug"] = "Limace amicale", ["Eye of the Sculptor"] = "\140il du Sculpteur", ["Echidna"] = "\201chidn\233", ["Gastornis Nestling"] = "Nid de Gastornis", ["Scaly Bird"] = "Oiseau \233cailleux", --season 2 ["Crab Ambro"] = "Crabe d'ambroisie", ["Astral Spark"] = "Esprit Astral", ["Mana Elemental Spark"] = "Esprit de mana", ["Willowisp Ice"] = "Esprit de glace", ["Polar Seal"] = "Phoque des neiges", ["Goblin Psionic"] = "Briseur d'esprits gobelin", ["Demon Scout"] = "D\233mon mal\233fique", ["Rat"] = "Rat", ["Maze Golem"] = "M\233gacube", ["Bat Dark"] = "Chauve-souris nocturne", ["Ghost Toad"] = "Crapaud agit\233 ", ["Toad Tropic"] = "Crapaud tropical", ["Crab Ice"] = "Crabe des neiges", ["Cobra Desert"] = "Serpent de braise", ["Crow"] = "Corbeau noir", }
  4. Hi, I have this error with the fra locale Error while running the chunk [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/Localization.lua"]:141: attempt to index a nil value func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GTL, global, line: 141, defined: Lua, line: 140, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/Localization.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 3, defined: main, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/config.txt"] Can't execute script for addon: Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/AddonDesc.(UIAddon).xdb Error while running the chunk [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/Localization.lua"]:141: attempt to index a nil value func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: GTL, global, line: 141, defined: Lua, line: 140, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/Localization.lua"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/Scripts/mainscript.lua"] Can't execute script for addon: Mods/Addons/PetsSearch/AddonDesc.(UIAddon).xdb
  5. Hi, for the french game but i didn't understand how to become the hedgehog king ^^' fra.zip
  6. Hi, for the french client localisation fra.zip
  7. Hi, for the french game it's: ["fra"] = { ["Settings"] = "Options", ["Search"] = "Recherche", ["BuffName"] = "Dressable", ["ItemName"] = "Dompteur", ["Category"] = "Familiers", ["SubCategory"] = "Familiers sauvages", ["FastTakePet"] = "Activer le raccourcis de capture", ["UseMapMark"] = "Afficher les marqueurs sur la carte ", ["UseMiniMapMark"] = "Afficher les marqueurs sur la mini-carte", ["UseZoneInfo"] = "Afficher les familiers de la zone actuelle", ["ShowAlert"] = "Afficher une alerte \224 proximit\233 d'un familier", ["PlaySound"] = "Jouer un son \224 l'apparition d'un familier", ["TimeToHunt"] = "Il est l'heure de la chasse !", ["Statistic"] = "Statistiques", ["Server"] = "Serveur", ["Pet"] = "Familier", ["Time"] = "Temps", ["Attempts"] = "Tentative", ["Achive"] = "R\233ussie", ["Edit"] = "\201dit.", ["EditHeader"] = "\201dition", ["AcceptKey"] = "Accepter", ["CancelKey"] = "Annuler", ["CatchFail"] = "Le familier s'est \233chapp\233.", ["CatchSuccess"] = "R\233ussite ! Vous avez pi\233g\233 le familier ! ", --season 1 ["King Wolf Cub"] = "Louveteau Roi", ["Eagle"] = "Aigle", ["Dewy-Eyed Fawn"] = "Faon au regard humide", ["Squirrel"] = "\201cureuil", ["Holy Gobly"] = "Gobly sacr\233", ["Russula"] = "Russule", ["Crayfish"] = "\201crevisse", ["Dolly"] = "Dolly", ["Warlike Lizard"] = "L\233zard belliqueux", ["Lonesome Ghoul"] = "Goule solitaire", ["Tiger Cat"] = "Chat Tigre", ["Genlun’s Minion"] = "Sbire de Genlun", ["Sly Foxie"] = "Renard sournois", ["Honey Bee"] = "Abeille des champs", ["Midget Clown"] = "Clown nain", ["Friendly Slug"] = "Limace amicale", ["Eye of the Sculptor"] = "\140il du Sculpteur", ["Echidna"] = "\201chidn\233", ["Gastornis Nestling"] = "Nid de Gastornis", ["Scaly Bird"] = "Oiseau \233cailleux", },
  8. Hi, For the French game here are the localization files fra.zip
  9. Hi, not work on the french game. [string "Mods/Addons/ItemTimeInfo/ItemTimeInfo.luac"]:0: attempt to index a nil value func: __index, metamethod, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [C] func: getTimeTextLocalized, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/ItemTimeInfo/ItemTimeInfo.luac"] func: CreateAdditionalInfo, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/ItemTimeInfo/ItemTimeInfo.luac"] func: GetActiveIndex, global, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/ItemTimeInfo/ItemTimeInfo.luac"] func: ?, ?, line: 0, defined: Lua, line: 0, [string "Mods/Addons/ItemTimeInfo/ItemTimeInfo.luac"]
  10. Hi, can you add a localisation file for other langage?
  11. Hi, for french localisation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- French -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- locales["fra"]={} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- option names -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- locales["fra"][ "AAStatus1" ] = ToWString("Addon Actif") locales["fra"][ "autoAcceptGroup" ] = ToWString("Accepter les invitations de Groupe") locales["fra"][ "autoAcceptRaid" ] = ToWString("Accepter les invitations de Raid") locales["fra"][ "autoAcceptGroupRaidCustomList" ] = ToWString("Liste personnalisée") locales["fra"][ "matchmakingLeaveOnEnd" ] = ToWString("Quitter à la fin des combats") locales["fra"][ "autoLeaveMatchMakingMapFilterList" ] = ToWString("Filtre de zones") locales["fra"][ "autoAcceptQueue" ] = ToWString("Accepter de rejoindre la file d'attente") locales["fra"][ "queueAsRole" ] = ToWString("Rôle") locales["fra"][ "autoInvite" ] = ToWString("Invitation par message privé") locales["fra"][ "autoInviteText" ] = ToWString("Commande(s)") locales["fra"][ "autoInviteList" ] = ToWString("Liste personnalisée") locales["fra"][ "autoInviteGuildChat" ] = ToWString("Invitation par le chat de Guilde") locales["fra"][ "autoInviteGuildChatText" ] = ToWString("Commande(s)") locales["fra"][ "autoPassLead" ] = ToWString("Transfert du rôle de Chef") locales["fra"][ "autoPassLeadText" ] = ToWString("Commande(s)") locales["fra"][ "autoPassLeadCustomList" ] = ToWString("Liste personnalisée") locales["fra"][ "autoLeave" ] = ToWString("Quitter par message privé") locales["fra"][ "autoLeaveText" ] = ToWString("Commande(s)") locales["fra"][ "autoLeaveMapFilterList" ] = ToWString("Filtre de zones") locales["fra"][ "autoAcceptReadyCheck" ] = ToWString("Accepter la vérification de préparation") locales["fra"][ "autoAcceptMount" ] = ToWString("Accepter l'invitation a devenir passager du coup de foudre") locales["fra"][ "autoAcceptQuest" ] = ToWString("Accepter les quêtes partagées") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- category names -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- locales["fra"][ "AAStatus" ] = ToWString("Auto Accept Status") locales["fra"][ "autoAcceptInvite" ] = ToWString("Auto Accept Invite") locales["fra"][ "autoMatchmaking" ] = ToWString("Auto Matchmaking") locales["fra"][ "autoLead" ] = ToWString("Auto Pass Lead") locales["fra"][ "autoInviteCAT" ] = ToWString("Auto Invite") locales["fra"][ "autoLeaveCAT" ] = ToWString("Auto Leave") locales["fra"][ "misc" ] = ToWString("Autres") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- header -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- locales["fra"][ "Settings" ] = ToWString("Auto Accept") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- buttons -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- locales["fra"][ "Apply" ] = ToWString("Appliquer") locales["fra"][ "Ok" ] = ToWString("Ok") locales["fra"][ "Default" ] = ToWString("Par Défaut") locales["fra"][ "Cancel" ] = ToWString("Annuler") locales["fra"][ "optionDisabled" ] = ToWString("Option Inactive") locales["fra"][ "Edit" ] = ToWString("Editer") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- texts on chat -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- locales["fra"]["ReadyCheckStarted"]="Lancement de vérification de préparation" locales["fra"]["invitationp1"]="Vous avez accepté une invitation de " locales["fra"]["invitationp2"]=" de " locales["fra"]["group"]="groupe" locales["fra"]["raid"]="raid" locales["fra"]["listFill"]='Les options personnalisées doivent être séparées par ";" par exemple: nom1;nom2;nom3' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- setting list types -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- locales["fra"]["acceptTypeLocalized"]={"Off", "Personnalisé", "Amis", "Amis et Guilde", "Tous"} locales["fra"]["matchmakingLeaveLocalized"]={"Off", "On", "Personnalisé"} locales["fra"]["matchmakingRoleQueueLocalized"]={"Off", "DPS", "TANK", "HEAL"} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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