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Файлы, опубликованные llnn

  1. This addon create your pessonal database of players that you targeted or inpected, for future consults of:
    Player name
    Fairy Level
    Gear score
    History of Gear score
    The addon records one gearscore every day(if you target or inspect the player ). And create a history of player's Gear Score, also calculates the level of progression per week.
    You can easily compare the progression of two players, order the list by name,guild,class,score. You can filter by player, guild. Show by class and minimum gearscore.
    Some useful comands:
    /CDB - clear the database
    /IAOFF - Disable the auto-inspect target
    /IAON - Enable the auto-inspect target
    /GION - Enable Global Inspection
    /GIOFF - Disable Global Inspection
    Global Inspection: Add all players that spawn in your map, to the database. This feature disable the inspection game addon to reduce the delay.
    Tested on EU(5.0.2) and RUS(6.0.1) server.
    Addon use:
    LibDnD: https://alloder.pro/files/file/248-libdnd/
    LibGS: https://alloder.pro/files/file/274-libgs/
    2 232
  2. The addon will add a panel with ship's information everytime a new ship appear.
    The information is:
    Ship's Name
    Ship's Owner Name
    Guild's Name
    Ship's gear Score
    Ship's Life
    Ship's Reator Status
    Indicated for who needs fast ship's information.
    2 585
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