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Сообщения, опубликованные Mastersan

  1. On 11/8/2022 at 3:46 PM, Slashuur said:

    AllDetectedSpellsCooldowns (ADSC)

    View file

    The addon allows you to see the cooldowns of the skills of all the characters and bosses around you

    In the addon settings (LMB on the button with the clock icon) you can add/remove skills of interest and choose whether to track these skills from allied and (or) enemy characters. By default, the addon has a huge list of skills that are important in PvP, with cooldowns added where necessary (see features of work). This is just a blank and most likely you will have to edit this list for yourself, disable unnecessary skills on allies or opponents, change panel numbers, etc.

    For each skill, you can choose the number of the panel in which it will be placed when used. In total there are six panels for the skills of the allied characters and for the skills of the enemy. 
    Each panel moves to any place on the screen and has its own parameters: icon size, icon transparency, fill direction (left, right, up, down)

    By right-clicking on the addon button, you can clear unnecessary information from the screen and "forget" all rollbacks

    The addon also shows the cooldowns of the skills of all bosses with a red border. Can be disabled in addon options. Boss skills always fall into panels with number 1. Don't forget that when a boss is evaded, all his cooldowns are reset and you can right-click on the addon button to clear all the data in it

    The text color can be configured in the Colors.txt file in the addon folder

    To move the panels, in the addon settings, click on the "Panels" button. When you click LMB on the title of the panel, the parameters of this panel will open

    Features of work (IMPORTANT):

    • Not every skill is trackable, but most are.
    • For skills whose cooldown depends on milestones / tears, it is recommended to manually enter the cooldown time in the "Change CD" field in whole seconds
    • If in the skill settings you specify "AC substitution" equal to 0, then the cooldown will be calculated automatically only by the rank of the skill. Milestones, tears and anything that can reduce the cooldown of this skill will not be taken into account.
    • "Force of Spirit" and "Righteous Spirit" reduce cooldowns of engineer skills by 20% and 30% respectively
    • "Tree bark" resets the rollback of the "Breath of the Forest" skill to zero (regardless of whether the milestone "Song of Crowns" is taken, we believe that in the top content, these milestones are always taken from healer druids)
    • If a necromancer enters or exits a puddle from the "Bleed" skill, then the cooldown of all his class skills is changed by 10%. There may be inaccuracies with the rollbacks of other necromancers, if your character is a necromancer himself and is in a puddle, improvements are possible in the future
    • The mystic's "time loop" resets the cooldowns of all class skills of the character on which it worked
    • Engineer "reboot" cannot be detected. Its rollback is calculated by indirect signs and will only be approximate
    • For optimization purposes, only skills applied to characters, pets, and bosses are tracked. On hit, heal, buff, etc. other mobs and NPCs the skill will not be detected

    A little more about "Change CD":
    What is it for? The addon can technically find out the rank of the used skill and its cooldown at that rank. But this cooldown will be equal to if this skill was learned from YOUR character, taking into account the milestones/tears taken by YOU and other effects of YOUR character. Example:
    We will track the "Energy Barrier" of an engineer. Let's leave "Change CD" equal to 0. Options:

    1. Our class is not an engineer, let's say a bard. Some character engineer nearby uses "Energy Barrier" and we will see the standard cooldown of 35 seconds
    2. Our class is an engineer, without taking milestones to reduce the rollback of the "Energy Barrier". The Engineer nearby is using Energy Barrier. We will also see 35 seconds
    3. Our class is an engineer, with milestones taken to reduce the rollback of the "Energy Barrier". We will see a rollback - 26 seconds

    The same situation will happen if the skills are affected by the quality of tears, or something else.
    Therefore, for such skills, it is recommended to manually enter the rollback time in the "Change CD" field

    For english localization please extract eng_eu.tar file into addons directory



    On 3/1/2023 at 6:24 PM, LamerOZLoL said:

    @ Slashuur Hi, is there no way to add the option to show CD only for the target? Just when a lot of things on the panel spam starts

    The only thing that i wanted on this addon 😞 if he does it, it would be perfect..


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