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  1. Oh and I try used the code in text.lua but not give success. I read in the past posts which the down code i used for get names of tests in tkarik but not work too function Logger(params) if params.sysId == "ENUM_WARNING_MESSAGE" then LogInfo('"', userMods.FromWString(params.text), '"') end end common.RegisterEventHandler( Logger, "EVENT_CLIENT_MESSAGE" ) common.ExtractWStringFromValuedText=function(p)return p end can you help me please
  2. My version is a Setmytkarik is the 1.0. Dont have the language paste or archive text.lua in pt-br. And I dont can buy the 2.0 version because my credit card not international. In my version I go to tka rik and replace the names of tests, and replace in the text.lua. I will up the code --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global("QDB", { -- Quest Database. [1] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Teste: Veneno Astral</LogColorYellow></html>", -- txt = Accurate ingame name. short = "Teste: Veneno Astral", -- short = button name. able = false}, -- able = enabled by default [2] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Teste: Bênçãos e Maldições</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Bençãos e Maldições", able = false}, [3] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Teste: Demon of Void</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Demonio do Vazio", able = false}, [4] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Teste: Caça aos Demônios</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Caça ao Demonio", able = false}, [5] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Trial: The Awakening</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: O Despertar", able = false}, [6] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Teste: Demônio Invulnerável</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Demonio Invuneravel", able = false}, [7] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Trial: Arma dos antepassados</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Arma dos Antepassados", able = false}, [8] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Trial: Defeating the Curse</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Derrotanto a Maldição", able = false}, [9] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Teste: Maldição Rastejante</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Maldição Rastejante", able = false}, [10] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Teste: Portal da Sorte</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Portal da Sorte", able = false}, [11] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Teste: Ancestrais Demoníacos</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Ancestrais Demoníacos", able = false}, [12] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Trial: Test of Time</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Teste do Tempo", able = false}, [13] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Trial: Test of Speed</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Teste da Velocidade", able = false}, [14] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Trial: Curse of Time</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Maldição do Tempo", able = false}, [15] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Trial: Carnage</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Carnificina", able = false}, [16] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Trial: Scattered Sparks</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Centelha Perdida", able = false}, [17] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Teste: Servo de Nihaz</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Servo de Nihaz", able = false}, [18] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Trial: Orbs of Greed</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Esferas da Ganancia", able = false}, [19] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Trial: Astral Healing Powers</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Poder de Cura Astral", able = false}, [20] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Trial: Escudo dos antepassados</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Escudo dos Antepassados", able = false}, [21] = {txt = "<html><LogColorYellow>Teste: Cápsulas de Energia</LogColorYellow></html>", short = "Teste: Capsulas de Energia", able = false}, }) Global("Text", {}) Text.vera = "Klavdia Kalugina" -- Questgiver NPC. Text.quest = "O Caminho dos Testes" -- Quest name. Text.mode = "Farm mode: " -- "Farm mode: " (on/off) Text.on = "ON" -- ON Text.off = "OFF" -- OFF Text.dialogue = "Começar o teste" -- Dialogue option "Start the tests". Text.command = "/tkarik" -- Command to show settings window. My question is in Text.mode = "Farm mode: " -- "Farm mode: " (on/off) and name of tests Thank you
  3. Good morning. Sorry about was written in english but I do not know write in russian. I am brazilian and was trying buy your add on, but not success. My Credit card is not international. but I have a version of setmytkarik. But in russian. I follow the instructions but not work. I translate with the names of test of tkarik but not work. So, I have a questions: can use This addons in 10 Tests of tkarik? Can use this addons in greatness test? Can you help me with the text.lua in BR ? More one time, sorry about was written in english Thank you
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