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Весь контент Ciuine

  1. That's odd, can you give me the first error code paragraph in your mods.txt from CT?
  2. Interesting. If it shows up, you're on a transport. This means that the elevators or the room upstairs are considered transports. I'll attach showing the display to the discovery of a reactor on a ship.
  3. Ha! I made these changes before posting the minigames though. Just haven't gotten around to posting up ShipHUD to UI9. I'll localize the MiniGame add-on too, if y'all want that. Not like you need to be able to read it though.
  4. Huh. Your suggestion made me go back and look at the code for the widget fading/moving, and apparently I have it written poorly. It will need to be corrected. Edit: Corrected the problem; my widget fade times were set at 4 seconds but in reality, my widget move effects would finish 2 seconds before this which would then cause the next fade to trigger due to my code not checking against effect types. This issue has been fixed and the fade time readjusted to counteract for the normalization of 2 second fades people have gotten used to. On top of that, I added /ctcrit which lets you turn on/off 4 second critical messages instead of the 2.5 second message displays and your Brazilian Portuguese. I have also posted my version of the add-on which has almost 100KB of useless information ripped out of the add-on. So it should be lighter both in physical and running presence; especially with the addition of an effect type check. I will do a full revisit to this add-on some time later. I'm trying very hard to revisit PLATES and PlayerHUD at the moment.
  5. Thanks for the translation, I'll post up the new version later tonight. My current developer's version of CT is a lot lighter in code than the posted version; but I've been holding on to it because I wanted to cut some more useless code.
  6. Code: [ "eng" ] = { [ "DD" ] = "Damage Done", [ "DR" ] = "Damage Received", [ "HD" ] = "Healing Done", [ "HR" ] = "Healing Received", [ "MR" ] = "Mana Received", [ "SN" ] = "Spell Names", [ "HN" ] = "Heal Names", [ "Pet" ] = "Pet Done", [ "TS" ] = "Text Size", }, Code: [ "eng" ] = { [ "Dodged" ] = "Dodged", [ "Missed" ] = "Missed", [ "Glanced" ] = "(Glanced)", }, SLA's already written up a localization for Brazil client detection. So if you get me the translations I can update the localization detection and you'll be able to see it in the game.
  7. I suggest you stop nitpicking every little detail on my add-on. I previously answered both of these "issues". One is out of my hands, and the other is just silly. If I get around to it, I'll modify the code to not print names on system messages.
  8. Thanks for the tip Ramirez, I'll make the necessary changes tomorrowish; just finished another add-on. This one just for fun.
  9. I do name all three cannons for the Russian localization... And only one turbine/motor/helm matter the second listed version is actually near the reactor where it demonstrates the health of these things easily not meant to be an actual device. The Event you're looking for is EVENT_INGAME_UNDER_CURSOR_CHANGED.
  10. Test out the file in the post below, I'm pretty sure everything is correct.
  11. The blank name is there to fix the error that everyone has been talking about. If the add-on can't find who sent an Emote it prints a blank name. As for the system messages, I don't see the problem. It is not like you're going to freak out that you sent yourself a message..
  12. Can the two of you test this for me? Just need a standing on ship test, don't need to do anything or what have you. Anything that isn't detected properly (if it exists) will show up gray. File: ShipHUD_v1.1.1.zip
  13. My ShipHUD only cares about cannons/artillery and the reactor/turbine/motor/helm. So the naming problems with the other things won't matter. So my string checks will be lower case forms of двигатель (Motor), руль (Turbine), реактор (Reactor), Штурвал (Helm), лучемёт (Artillery), and пушка (Cannon). About the other cannons you mention do they not have named suffixes similar to these?
  14. I'll just lowercase the strings before running the check.
  15. Do not the better devices have similar names? IE Kanone for cannons. I do string compares based on the standard normal name. The devices are oddly slotted. The Motor/Turbine/Helm are all at the same position; so collecting data by position alone would prove un-resourceful. I do not collect shield names just the shield data of the ships.
  16. Ciuine

    Ship Device Names

    Just need some strings compiled for ship device names, so that I can localize ShipHUD. If someone could run this in an add-on on their ship and give me the mods.txt; that'd be swell. Code: local trans = unit.GetTransport(avatar.GetId()) local devs = transport.GetDevices(trans) for i, v in devs do local name = object.GetName(v) common.LogInfo( "Blah", "Name = "..userMods.FromWString(name)) end
  17. I'm well aware of the issue, it has already been addressed in my version. I have been busy.
  18. Instead of changing the reaction, you can change the name of the button as viewed by the LUA. Code: wtButton1:SetName("NewName1") Then you can ask on the reaction what the name of the button is via params.sender. If params.sender == "NewName1" then do this.. There are examples of this code at work in WhisperWindow as there are only four reaction buttons total in the add-on.
  19. If that exists. It would more than likely be a state defined global class variable though. "AlignLeft" and such ideas, I have no idea what it actually is. Google Translate: Если это существует. Было бы более чем вероятно, будет состояние, определяемое глобальной переменной класса, хотя. "AlignLeft", и такие идеи, я понятия не имею, что это на самом деле.
  20. Click the little symbol on the bottom left of the main window, it'll open the configuration window. Then click the "Size" button and it will open an EditLine. Type an integer into the EditLine and that will be the size of all incoming text. Google Translate: Нажмите маленький символ в левом нижнем углу главного окна, это откроет окно настройки. Затем нажмите кнопку "Размер" и она будет открыта EditLine. Тип целого числа в EditLine и что будет размер всех входящих текста.
  21. /wwtop is meant to put the display of the add-on over-top of the map or below it. EditLine is the little square that pops up where you type stuff into when clicking certain buttons. Thank you for the translations.
  22. I noticed this while running tests on the Russian servers. I believe these are erroneously sent as CLIENT_MESSAGES when they should be sent as UNIT_MESSAGES. This could be an error or intentional due to the need for colored words without using colors. Google Translate: Я заметил это в то время ходовых испытаний на русских серверах. Я считаю, что сегодня ошибочно направлен как CLIENT_MESSAGES, когда они должны быть направлены как UNIT_MESSAGES. Это может быть ошибка или преднамеренное в связи с необходимостью для окрашенных слов без использования цвета.
  23. Ciuine


    This is actually an error in the zoning of Yazes, not in the mini-map. The names attached to the specific subzones of Yazes have changed repeatedly in localized versions of the game.
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