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  1. Each of the containers can be renamed and restructured by right clicking the button name. You can then select what you want shown there and can rename the container. As shown in this example. Google Translate: Каждый из контейнеров могут быть переименованы и реструктурированных щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши название кнопки. Вы можете выбрать, что вы хотите показать там и можно переименовать контейнера. Как показано в этом примере.
  2. Ha, sorry. In English I have the whisper messages set as "to" or "from", I forgot that in Russian they were actually "whisper" based. Really it should be combat damage "to" or "from". I apologize for the error in translation for "received". I will correct it. Could you clarify more on your first and last comments? Google Translate: Ха, извините. В английском я шепотом сообщений устанавливается как "до" или "из ", я забыл, что в Россию они были на самом деле "шепотом" основано. Неужели это должны быть боевые повреждения "на" или "из". Я прошу прощения за ошибки в переводе на "получил". Я буду наказывать его. Не могли бы вы прояснить еще на первой и последней комментарии?
  3. Oop, too late, heh. I sat around for around six hours making adjustments as singular world announcements came in. Apparently all the world announcements are sent as tabled information that are put together into a format after they get to the client. Weird method, but it works, I guess. Had to figure out a way to reconstruct this without damaging anything. It should work the way I have it set up, but last I checked my color class code wasn't working properly. It doesn't affect the item link any, just doesn't show the color. The class should be named <rs class=params.results[index].name.."Quality"></rs>, as per the information found in params.text but when I tested that nothing happened. Possibly because I overwrote the color change with my code elsewhere. I'll look into that.
  4. I was just putting the finishing touches on loot, combat, experience, skill gains, and world announcements; world announcements being the most difficult to test and reconstruct, they've been holding me back from releasing my version of this add-on. Thanks for the extra notifications that I forgot; reputation and auction messages. I'll try and add these while I wait for a confirmed test of world announcements. Google Translate: Я только последние штрихи на добычу, борьбы, опыт, умение выгоды, и мировой объявлений; мире объявлений является наиболее трудным для проверки и восстановления, они проводят меня от выпуская моей версии этого дополнения. Спасибо за дополнительные уведомления, что я забыл, репутации и аукцион сообщений. Я постараюсь добавить их, пока я жду подтвердили испытания мира объявления. Edit: http://i56.tinypic.com/wko309.jpg No go on the reputation for right now; I'm getting errors from the two functions that call it saying they don't exist. Auction is done. Не идти на репутацию прямо сейчас, я получаю ошибки две функции, которые называют это говорят, что они не существуют. : P Аукцион проводится.
  6. My add-ons use EVENT_AVATAR_EXPERIENCE_CHANGED to track experience. So that could be used as well.
  7. So the bug they repaired fixes the need for the changes involving GetGameLocalization()? Just trying to get a clarification.
  8. This is in WW and ActionsMod. You would have to find out the AlignX CSS class tags, if they exist. Ex. EditLine:SetGlobalClasses( {[1] = "tip_blue", [2] = "Size14",})
  9. Can you give me a read out of the errors in your mods.txt? This shouldn't happen because I didn't modify Duvodas code since my initial posting. This might be one of the GetGameLocalization() errors, since I have the EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_WITH_OBJECTS attached to "rus" based localizations. I'll try and figure a work around.
  10. A beta tester of what? To ButtonWrite() at line 576, replace the "for" statement with; Code: for i = 0, 5 do TypeBtn :ClearValues() TypeBtn :SetClassVal("class", "Size14") end
  11. I don't know which texts you're asking about, if you could specify in more details what texts they are, a simple {Text}:SetClassVal("class", "Size16") would do it. Google Translate: Я не знаю, какие тексты вы спрашиваете о, если бы вы могли указать более подробно, что тексты они, простые {Text}:SetClassVal("class", "Size16") сделал бы это.
  12. DarkDPSMeter records this information, could just add a log dump to it. Google Translate: DarkDPSMeter записи этой информации, могли бы просто добавить журнала свалку к нему.
  13. I'll see what I can do about the guild/officer printing attached to log in/out and /wwtotalclear concept. Google Translate: Я посмотрю, что я могу сделать о гильдии/офицер печати прилагается к онлайн/оффлайн и /wwtotalclear концепции.
  14. Oh, I was just using y'all's client for testing. Since I had to repair the buttons as well. All of mine are fixed, hopefully. Edit: Going through my old code disgusted me, so much useless fluff.
  15. Right click the 'All' button. I saw your previous post.
  16. /wwreset is a reload command for deleting DND information. Use /wwclear.
  17. So CT_Total's tooltip functionality is broken?
  18. You can't move centered widgets, because they are centered. There's no posX/posY/highPosX/highPosY values assigned.
  19. /wwcusset is used to set the custom color to the selected slot. I'm pretty sure I translated it into Russian. It's not necessary to be used anymore as I put in a button that does the same thing.
  20. I have no idea why you keep trying to create your own field, there's no reason for it. Just use "System". Besides the -1 text container does not exist, so you're writing messages into empty space which is going to pass errors.
  21. I don't see the point to this. Just use the standard CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE.
  22. What user is going to get an influx of 300-3000 messages in an immediate processing loop? The issue you're experiencing with this is not that the game cannot handle it, it's that you're forcing it to collect garbage for an entire add-on almost 1000 times immediately. It gets around 60 messages and then it tries to collect useless remainder information. There's a reason why /wwclear exists. Try it. I don't see the point in these heavy load tests, when it's not feasible consumer data. If you're trying to print a series of texts on demand, I suggest something like this (this is code for the /wwhelp I have already implemented in my version); Google Translate: Что пользователь собирается получить приток 300-3000 сообщений в немедленной обработки петли? Вопрос у вас возникли с этим не то, что игра не может с этим справиться, то, что вы заставляете его для сбора мусора для всего дополнения почти в 1000 раз сразу. Он получает около 60 сообщений, а затем он пытается собирать бесполезную информацию остатка. Там в причине /wwclear существует. Попробуйте это. Я не вижу смысла в этих тяжелых испытаний нагрузки, когда это не представляется возможным данных потребителей. Если вы пытаетесь напечатать ряд текстов по требованию, я предлагаю что-то вроде этого (это код /wwhelp я уже реализованы в моей версии); Code: Global("SlashComText", { ["eng"] = { [0] = "Slash Commands:", [1] = "Reset DND of WhisperWindow.", [2] = "Clear current window of text.", [3] = "Changes the font Size to the # (integers) - Ex. /wwsize 46", [4] = "Changes the transparency of the Background, (0 to 10) - Ex. /wwtrans 5 = .5", [5] = "Toggles to Localization or English.", [6] = "Sets selected custom color.", [7] = "Set WhisperWindow display above/below the map.", }, ["rus"] = { [0] = "ñëýø-êîìàíä:", [1] = "Ñáðîñ DND èç WW", [2] = "î÷èñòèòü òåêóùåå îêíî òåêñòà", [3] = "èçìåíåíèÿ ðàçìåðà øðèôòà (÷èñåë) /wwsize 46", [4] = "Èçìåíåíèå ïðîçðà÷íîñòè ôîíà, (0 ê 10) /wwtrans 5 = .5", [5] = "Ïåðåêëþ÷åíèå òåêñòà ê ëîêàëèçàöèè èëè àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå.", [6] = "Óñòàíàâëèâàåò âûáðàí äðóãîé öâåò.", [7] = "Çàäàòü WhisperWindow äèñïëåé âûøå/íèæå êàðòå.", }, }) Code: function Help() Name = object.GetName(avatar.GetId()) local LText = SlashComText [GetGameLocalization()] or SlashComText ["eng"] local SlashComs = { [0] = {text = LText [0] }, [1] = {command = "/wwreset", text = LText [1] }, [2] = {command = "/wwclear", text = LText [2] }, [3] = {command = "/wwsize #", text = LText [3] }, [4] = {command = "/wwtrans #", text = LText [4] }, [5] = {command = "/wweng", text = LText [5] }, [6] = {command = "/wwcusset", text = LText [6] }, [7] = {command = "/wwtop", text = LText [7] }} local message = userMods.ToWString( "<html><rs class='class'><r name='command'/><LogColorYellow><r name='blah'/></LogColorYellow></rs></html>" ) local fragments = {} local format = { "<html>" } for i = 0, table.getn( SlashComs ) + 1 do local v = SlashComs [ i ] if v then table.insert( fragments, common.CreateValuedText() ) fragments [ i + 1 ] :SetFormat( message ) if v.command then fragments [ i + 1 ] :SetClassVal( "class", "tip_blue") fragments [ i + 1 ] :SetVal( "command", userMods.ToWString(v.command..": ") ) end fragments [ i + 1 ] :SetVal( "blah", userMods.ToWString(v.text) ) table.insert( format, "<r name = 'value"..( i + 1 ).."'/> " ) end end table.insert( format, "</html>" ) format = table.concat( format ) local msg = common.CreateValuedText() msg:SetFormat( userMods.ToWString( format ) ) for i, v in ipairs( fragments ) do msg:SetVal( "value"..i, v ) end MessageText = msg Message( nil, "Yellow", 0 ) end
  23. Actually, I'm pretty sure that UI9 rewrites the AddonDesc when you upload; with the new version number, the website address, and the author. Very nice job, Dark_Cs. You're an English translation, Carnifex;
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