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Весь контент Ciuine

  1. That'd probably be super annoying having to write out the entire textview for each modification. The <rs></rs><rs></rs> deal should work fine.
  2. Your previous code worked fine with the removal of the extra </tip_golden>. Example of functional code: Code: <header alignx="center" fontsize="14" outline="1"><rs class="class"><r name="value"/></rs><rs class="class1">Blah</rs></header>
  3. By changing the SendEvent used in user addons from common. to userMods., they basically cut our ability to call the Popup add-on in charge of tooltips. That's the reason I rewrote half the popup add-on for my PLATES add-on.
  4. Oh no, I meant <p color="0xFFFFFFFF">. And why do you still have that extra /tip_golden? What is your ultimate goal with this text view? A single line variabled multi-color text view where the text can have multiple different colors called on by the LUA?
  5. Create another? If it is just one color not found in the tips, use <p color=...></p>.
  6. Yep, it is possible. Code: <header alignx="center" fontsize="15" outline="1"><rs class="class"><p fontsize="17"><r name="name"/></p><br /> <tip_golden><r name="RN"/>: <r name="rank"/><br /></tip_golden> <tip_white><r name="LN"/>: <r name="level"/><br /> <r name="EN"/>: <r name="Exp"/>/<r name="LExp"/><br /></tip_white> <tip_green><r name="DHN"/>: <r name="Bonus"/>x<br /> <r name="SN"/>: <r name="Stat"/><br /></tip_green> <tip_blue><r name="TN"/> <r name="Time"/><br /></tip_blue> </rs></header> That's the Text for my PatronTT. Mine is called on with <multiline>true</multiline>. You have too many /tip_goldens.
  7. Are you talking from a RU client stand point? I did numerous tests (group/raid) in the NA client and every time it just deleted the loot and destroyed the bag. The AddRight thing is unnecessary because the mechanics exist in the standard raid panels to add a Master Looter. The point of Master Looter is that whole raid rolls become extinct, allowing only the classes or people deserving of the loot to roll/want for an item. So on top of that roll mechanics would have to be added. I'll run some tests on if it passes itemIds before deleting and if I can reward the item to myself or others. Basically would have to create an add-on that does this.
  8. Ciuine


    Версия r12

    59 раз скачали

    RU: Заменяет стандартные панели с портретами и здоровьем/маной, для игрока, его группы, выбранной цели, питомца, и цель цели. Панели крупнее стандартных, поэтому, полоски здоровья/маны здесь гораздо разборчивее. Кроме того, все панели можно перетаскивать мышкой. EN: PLATES replaces the standard Plates add-on. Which displays player/target/targetoftarget/playerpet/party information starting in the top left of the screen. Последняя проверенная версия работы аддона:
  9. PLATES Просмотреть файл RU: Заменяет стандартные панели с портретами и здоровьем/маной, для игрока, его группы, выбранной цели, питомца, и цель цели. Панели крупнее стандартных, поэтому, полоски здоровья/маны здесь гораздо разборчивее. Кроме того, все панели можно перетаскивать мышкой. EN: PLATES replaces the standard Plates add-on. Which displays player/target/targetoftarget/playerpet/party information starting in the top left of the screen. Последняя проверенная версия работы аддона: Автор Lafayette Добавлен 07.12.2018 Категория Старые аддоны (от игры 1.0 - 3.0)  
  10. Final question for you SLA, do y'all have Master Looter mechanics?
  11. SLA just gave me the Russian translations to bring it over to UI9. Once I finish finding out all the details, I'll post it up here. Google Translate: SLA просто дал мне русских переводах чтобы привести его к UI9. Как только я закончу выяснить все детали, я выложу ее здесь.
  12. Ha, I was just experimenting with the colors using LootInfo's method of replacing class values with strings. And it spat out the same thing you just did, I was sitting here going, "Wow, that's an ugly color for Legendary.." Do y'all really have the two bottom ones as items? Edit: Just ran the exact same test and it spat out the same numbers. However, I think my numbering system should still work out as is. Have you tried testing the add-on in a group setting and toying with the quality settings? Because 6 = orange minloot, 5 = purple minloot, 4 = blue minloot, 3 = green minloot, 2 = white minloot, 1 = gray minloot. Ooh, also; "Заменяет обычный проигрыватель/цели/партии/животное/целевой целевых панелями."?
  13. That's interesting. My ModdingDocs doesn't even have Legendary listed as an Enum. The list is 0-based, starting with Goods, which is a nil value in the case of loot schemes for the NA localization (tested it and it spat out a blank text for the loot type, accessible but not meant to be used, like master looter). So I went with 1 being Junk/Poor even though the Enum logically says it would be 0. Thank you for including "Kick", I left it out of my own English table accidentally, but somehow remembered to put it into the Russian one. Left for some very entertaining testing where "Convert to Raid" ended up kicking people from the party if I was targeting them. From a lootscheme stand point, Common should refer to white, Junk to gray, Uncommon to green, Rare to blue, Epic to purple, Legendary to orange. I don't believe I've seen a Relic before. (Wild guess would be Relic is red.)
  14. Hey, no problem, thanks for the translation. Disappointed that Master Looter isn't functional.
  15. I've modified my code to put out bigger bars for the French version. If necessary, I will do the same for the German/Russian version.
  16. Thanks Carnifex, I just found out that apparently Master Loot mechanics don't exist in game. But the option exists to set it to such.. Edit: Oh and "Master" wouldn't mean "Gruppenleiter", it's the Group Loot mechanic "Master Looter". (Unless that's what Gruppenleiter means also. )
  17. Thanks neFAST, is there any way to shorten the RaidInvite? I'm pretty sure I only gave myself space for like 12 letters. Like "Inviter le Raid" or something?
  18. Resurrecting this thread from the dead. I am eventually going to need some translation assistance for my new... new add-on. Which I cornily dubbed PLATES. Probably before I go to sleep I'll come back and post up my terrible versions of the translations. Basically just need the buttons of LibPopup.lua translated. Edit: Scratch that, I have a severe migraine and I doubt I'll get to translating tonight. Code: [ "Disband" ] = "Disband Raid", --POPUPS [ "FFA" ] = "FFA", [ "Master" ] = "Master", [ "Group" ] = "Group", [ "Common" ] = "Common", [ "Uncommon" ] = "Uncommon", [ "Rare" ] = "Rare", [ "Epic" ] = "Epic", [ "Junk" ] = "Junk", [ "LeaveRaid" ] = "Leave Raid", [ "Leave" ] = "Leave", [ "MakeRaid" ] = "Make Raid", [ "Inspect" ] = "Inspect", [ "Trade" ] = "Trade", [ "RaidInvite" ] = "Raid Invite", [ "MakeLeader" ] = "Make Leader", [ "Invite" ] = "Invite", [ "Cancel" ] = "Cancel",
  19. I do not understand the "кнопку для него" bit. Nor do I understand the on/off button mentioning. Might need more of an explanation. I thought /phud and two clicks -was- convenient for an on/off button. I have never really agreed with just using it for PvP. (Interesting) Google Translate: Я не понимаю "кнопку для него" немного. И я не понимаю кнопка включения/выключения упоминания. Я думал /phud и два клика -было- удобно для включения/выключения. Я действительно никогда не согласился только с использованием его для PvP.
  20. Ah, I think the original post might have changed after or during my reply, or I just outright misread it. Either way, the question makes more sense now, since its in English underneath this and seems like it has been answered.
  21. HealthDb uses a good example of what this question is asking. The table.value concept is what I believe you are talking about. The .value equals the value inside table. Then you just ask == some value against that value. Google Translate: HealthDb использует хороший пример того, что этот вопрос задает. table.value концепции то, что я думаю, что вы говорите. .value равно значению внутри таблицы. Тогда вы просто спросите == некоторое значение в отношении этого значения. Example: Code: params = {value = 1,}if params.value == 2 then do stuff end if params.value == 1 then do other stuff end
  22. Not a "нубский вопрос", just create a simple low memory texture as the background layer, usually a couple shades of white/gray. Google Translate: Не "нубский вопрос", просто создать простой, дешевый текстурной памяти в качестве фонового слоя, как правило, пару оттенков белого / серого цвета.
  23. Ha, not my link, honestly. neFAST linked it a while ago. Sadly the documents are about 1.1.01 status since they're translated by the CHN Allods.
  24. Ah, I was going to link that instead, because of the multi-lingual but then I ran into the "under repairs" and didn't realize the calculator was still working.
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