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  1. I don't know if these skills have changed since 1.1.01 or so, but I made this a while ago. Click the skill's picture and get it's name and full write up or just hover over it and get the name. Should help you with most of them in English, if they are still the same skills.. http://allods-wiki.gpotato.com/index.php/Paladin_Talent_Tree
  2. I don't know if I'm translating this right, but it sounds like a minor add-on that's already been developed. NNRS: http://www.mediafire.com/?1e0j0j2vvc8makc To make it function for "too far" and "target not visible". Tag on line 10. Code: or params.sysId == "ENUM_ActionFailCause_NoLoS" or params.sysId == "ENUM_ActionFailCause_TooFar" Full list of ENUMs: http://allods.uuu9.com/moddocseng/LuaApi/EnumActionFailCause.html Google Translate: Я не знаю, если я перевожу это право, но это звучит как незначительные дополнения, которые уже были разработаны. Чтобы сделать его функции "слишком далеко" и "цель не видна". Тегов на в строке 10; Code: or params.sysId == "ENUM_ActionFailCause_NoLoS" or params.sysId == "ENUM_ActionFailCause_TooFar" Полный список ENUMS: http://allods.uuu9.com/moddocseng/LuaApi/EnumActionFailCause.html
  3. Be very careful when changing the shrink ratio below .8, as the text within paneling does not like to be caged and will "explode" within the paneling. This is due to some texts having inverse proportions to their panels, seemingly. When I was first testing this addon, I tested 0.0 and logged in to find a sky filled with darkness. (The darkness caused by clouds of squished and exploded player names.) Google Translate: Будьте очень осторожны при изменении отношения сокращения ниже 0,8, а текст внутри панелей не любит быть клетке и "взорваться" в панели. Это связано с некоторыми текста имеют обратной пропорции к их панелей, казалось бы. Когда я впервые тестирования этот аддон, я тестировал 0,0 и войти в систему, чтобы найти небо наполнится тьмой. (Темнота вызвана облака сплющенным и взорвался имена игроков.)
  4. I've been super busy, so I forgot to ask about these translations which prevented me from uploading. Code: [English] Patron Plates Swap Bars I cheated on Russian, asked Musya for help; Code: [Russian] Показ. покровитель Бары Своп Code: [French] Patron Échange Bars Code: [German] Patron (anzeigen?) Austausch Barren
  5. To reduce the UI, the only function is a total system wide shrink ratio, used in; http://allods-forum.gpotato.com/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=33801 As for the X-Perl/Perl idea, I was going to dig into that after finishing my PlayerHUD. All the code from my PlayerHUD is close to just copy and paste into a plate format. Google Translated: Для снижения пользовательского интерфейса, только функция всей системы широкого сокращения отношения, используемые в; http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=ru&u=http%3A%2F%2Fallods-forum.gpotato.com%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ff%3D55%26t%3D33801 Что касается идеи X-Perl/Perl, я собираюсь копаться в, что после окончания моей PlayerHUD. Все кода из моей PlayerHUD близко, чтобы просто скопировать и вставить в пластине формате.
  6. If you are using AddonManager to turn off CT then you turn the original DV back on using AddonManager. If you are wondering how to get them running side-by-side, which I wouldn't recommend, you'd need to either comment out or delete the UnloadManagedAddon line (line 1178) or use AddonManager to turn the DV back on (ContextDamageVisualization). Google Translate: Если вы используете AddonManager отключить CT, то вы свою очередь оригинальный DV обратно на использовании AddonManager. Если вы хотите знать, как их получить работает бок о бок, что я бы не рекомендовал, вам нужно либо закомментировать или удалить строку UnloadManagedAddon (строка 1178) или использовать AddonManager повернуть обратно на DV (ContextDamageVisualization).
  7. Hello. I have had a number of requests from people asking me why my add-on (CT_Total) can not turn the normal damage visualizer back on when it is unloaded by CT_Total and then CT_Total is unloaded. The obvious reason for this is that AddonManager shuts down my add-on and there's no way for my add-on to then trigger a reversal of it's shut-down of the state damage visualizer. Request: Would it be possible for you to code in a SendEvent that sends an event to the specific add-on that's about to be shut down to tell it to run down some shut down features before it is shut down. This way, I can tag a response to the event which reloads the things that my add-on turned off. My future add-ons are going to start removing other pieces of the normal UI which people might want back at certain points and this would be handy. Google Translate: Здравствуйте. У меня было много запросов от людей, спрашивающих меня, почему мои дополнения (CT_Total) не может превратить нормальных визуализатора повреждений обратно, когда она выгружается CT_Total а затем CT_Total выгружается. Очевидной причиной этого является то, что AddonManager закрывает мои дополнения и нет никакого способа для моего дополнения, чтобы затем вызвать изменение его закрытие визуализатор ущерб государству. Запрос : Можно ли будет для вас код в SendEvent, который посылает событие конкретные дополнения, которые вот-вот быть закрыты, чтобы сказать ему бежать вниз некоторые закрыты особенности, прежде чем закрыть вниз. Таким образом, я могу теги ответ на событие, которое перезагрузки то, что мои дополнения выключен. Мое будущее дополнений собираются начать удаление других частей нормальной пользовательского интерфейса, которые люди захотят обратно в определенных точках, и это будет удобно.
  8. Yes, it would be nice if AddonManager sent an event to the specific add-on to turn it off. This way I could run a StateLoad command right before the Unload command to turn the normal DV back on. Perhaps this feature could be added into AM and then I'll patch up the add-on to suit it.
  9. What kind of update are you looking for? At the moment, I'm busy with lab work and finishing PlayerHUD. The two versions are identical except for the LibDnD changes tailored for the RU 2.0 client.
  10. The normal damage visualizer is a LUA add-on as well. My add-on just tells the game to turn it off, so no errors should ever occur from turning off state managed add-ons. My translation might be off, so you could instead be asking why the normal damage visualizer does not turn back on when my add-on is turned off. The reasons for this is because I have no way to detect when it is disabled by AddonManager and the like, and functionally no code from my add-on would work if turned off in this manner anyways. Google Translate: Нормальный визуализатор ущерб LUA дополнения, а также. Мои дополнения просто говорит игре, чтобы отключить его, так что ошибок нет когда-нибудь произойти от отключения государству удалось дополнений. Мой перевод может быть выключен, так что вы можете вместо этого спрашивать, почему нормальные визуализатор повреждений не повернуть назад, когда мой дополнения выключен. Причины этого в том, что у меня нет способа определить, когда он отключен от AddonManager и как, и функционально не кода из моей дополнение будет работать, если телефон выключен таким образом, так или иначе.
  11. DND should be fixed in the current update, allowing you to move the icons again on the RU client. Awesome use of the word penultimate. Google Translated: DND должна быть решена в текущих обновлений, что позволяет перемещать иконки снова на клиента RU. Удивительный использование слова предпоследнего.
  12. The weirdest change I saw was the skull and bones on the Black Mark being changed to a smiley face.. I think that loses it's meaning.. Unless in China they find smiley faces as evil.
  13. I actually cheated on the Russian translations. Found an image on Google images of the Russian UI and someone targeting the Patron/Fairy imaging. Example of what my panel looks like;
  14. Thanks for the super quick reply, I will run some tests on this error, and I will make the changes to the translation in my version. I am on vacation at the moment, so I probably will not upload my new version even though it is finished until I get back.
  15. Hmm, might occur if a target you're killing dies just as you target it, or a player leaves sight as you target them. (Basically, occurs when the target is passed through the function but then disappears just before the function is fully called.) I might have to put in a target is dead check. CT_Total has the same problem when the pet is killed or disappears in the midst of an action. I'm adding patron plating right now, need some translation verifications. Code: [English] Rank Level Exp Bonus Stat Time (h): Code: [French] Rang Niveau Exp Bonus Stat Temps (h): Code: [German] Rang Stufe auf Stufe Bonus Stat Zeit in Stunden: Code: [Russian] Ступень Уровень до уровня Бонус характеристики время в часах:
  16. Thanks alot for taking the time to help. Glad to see you are in better health. Look forward to seeing the new version of the AoTextureViewer. I just recently discovered that fresh installs of the game have more .chn variants, and this confused me as they are not in game. Upon examining a series of these .chn variants I came to the conclusion that they are "China" variants, removal of blood/undead/etc.. Since I now have translations for each language capable of supporting PlayerHUD, I will try and upload the next version of the add-on to UI9 when I complete it.
  17. Thanks alot, neFAST, I'll make these changes to my development version.
  18. Yes, that's because I can't force the plates to reinitialize without passing the function back through and causing a burst of memory writing every time someone toggles a switch. It's not on a timer, more so it's attached to the EVENT_AVATAR_ZONE_CHANGED and re-targeting and all that.
  19. Thanks a lot, Carnifex. For the DND aspect, I just assumed DND was DND in every language, kind of like PvP. But maybe it has a more common internet meaning, like "do not disturb" or something. If it's different I'll write the DND string into the localizer. Oh, also can I turned anzeigen into Anzeigen without any problems arising? Yeh, I like the time feature, simple, but helps me know when people are up and about during my time.
  20. I am almost prepared to put the finishing touches on my PlayerHUD add-on, but I need to globalize it. Since I fail at translating, I need to ask for verification and assistance to make sure my translations are non-offending and such. This is what Google Translate and LEO German-English/French/Russian gave me. If you do not know what add-on I am talking about; PlayerHUD v1.9/v1.9.1 described in English Google Translation: PlayerHUD v1.9/v1.9.1 described in Russian Code: [English] Hide Enemy / Friend Bar Health Plates Target Health Plates Class Plates Name Plates Wounds PvP Plates Code: [German] Verbergen Feind / Freund Bar Gesundheit Platten Zielen Gesundheit Platten Klasse Platten Namensschilder Wunden PvP-Platten Code: [French] Masquer Ami / Ennemi Bar Santé Plaques Santé cible Plaques Classe Plaques Nom Plaques Plaies PvP Plaques Code: [Russian] Скрыть Враг / Друг Бар Здоровье Плиты Целевая здравоохранения Плиты Класс Плиты Название плиты Раны PvP Плиты After I get these set-up properly, I am sure I will be satisfied enough with how the add-on has turned out to submit it to UI9.
  21. Sadly widgetsSystem seems to not respond like a widget, this is probably because it isn't a widget but rather the coded system in charge of the display of widgets. I've run a couple widgetsSystem:WidgetFunctions on it and the game passes interesting errors that I've never seen before. Other times it just passes nil functions. So in short, to control the blown up (inverse sizing), clipped (uses showClippedSymbol/ellipsis as true), or unchanged text (has no text sizing), we'd have to get control of those specific text widgets. As a side: It's interesting that the API documentation doesn't have UserMods, but it also doesn't have our obselete commands. (IE the ones that are supposed to do the functions that we need. Like finding out unknown text groups through common.GetStateRelatedTextGroup() that supposedly used to pass all the state related text groups' names..) Maybe when that version of Allods hits the API point where the commands are not obsolete someone can find out all the TextGroup() names?
  22. You lost me. Heh. You're saying that the text sizes within panels that have sizeable texts like UserMods shrinks too much to be illegible. Like my HUD's texts. For this I'd recommend setting the shrink ratio to compliment your maximum resolution. .8 is good for 1920x1080, but it may not be for lower resolutions. Might need something like .9 or somethin'. Then you're saying 1.7.1 of my HUD is overlapping your GUI? Or do you mean that resized AO 2.0 results in GUI elements overlapping? Confused.
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