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Весь контент Ciuine

  1. So what you're asking is that I set a minimum to the sizeX value of the main panel, so that people can easily drag to the minimum? Google Translate: Так что же вы спрашиваете, что я установил минимум значение SizeX главной панели, так что люди могут легко перетащить к минимуму?
  2. Ciuine


    Oh, I see what you're saying now. I was unaware that there was an FPS issue with the reactor code.
  3. Ciuine


    I have zero clue what you just said. Translation came out as "Fixed a hard brake at the reactor? PS: just root for the modification. check can not." Google Translate: У меня нет понятия, что вы только что сказали. Перевод вышел как "Фиксированные жесткие тормоза в реакторе PS: только болеть за модификацию проверить не могу.."
  4. Check to make sure you have these two things, in the AddonDesc you should see <textures href="Buttons....."/> and in the CT folder you should see a file named Buttons. If you don't have these things, I would recommend deleting the folder and re-downloading. Also, don't update add-ons while a game client is open if you do have those two things.
  5. I had already added this and the back up reactor code in. People just don't read my codes and I don't update what I'm doing.
  6. Ciuine


    Bars would become a little heavy widget wise, because each panel would need to have another "hide" panel, and a large background panel would need to be put in. As for billions of colors, Blue = 100%, Green >= 75%, Yellow >= 50%, Orange >= 25%, Red > 0%, Grey = 0%. It's the standard color spectrum ascension. With a 5*i% change for shields, IE 80, 60, 40, 20..
  7. Ciuine


    "Mobs which agreed"? Like astral monsters attacking you and such?
  8. Wow, that's a large request. Gotta agree with Nikon though. A lot of these ideas seem like cut customized portions and reskins of already existing add-ons, or just insanely difficult/impossible due to API restrictions. However, I have noticed there's no real "competition" among developers in the Allods community. Someone makes something and then it gets built upon or replaced by a later add-on.
  9. Ciuine


    Test this, Carnifex; File: KGPRp2T4pqsnktk.zip
  10. Ciuine


    Edit: I'll have to sort the devs table by slots to try order them so they pass through the check properly.
  11. Ciuine


    Gah, slap this into the USDEV_CANNON detection right after line 156; Code: common.LogInfo("blah", name..": "..side.." "..slot.." "..Can ) If you could give me that mods.txt print out, might help me resolve the issue for you. Edit: I'm going to fix your broken games, in my add-on! Oh, and DND is accessible via /shuddnd as is mentioned in the original post.
  12. Ciuine


    Let me update the version posted. I wanted to hear back about the device read errors before posting up the new version. Edit: Try that.
  13. Ciuine


    What I meant is this; Your mysterious missing cannon that you mentioned previously is actually overlapping the first cannon in that row (red box), it should be beneath it (green box). This error was caused by my misunderstanding of how the cannon placement worked. I assumed that elongated cannons could only go in certain positions. I believe in the version I posted for rico to test this was addressed.
  14. Could you clarify better some of the points you are trying to make? As for the gold and quest messages, I hope people realize by now that there are many different events responsible for sending messages to the normal chat window and that the addition of all of these will take time. More than likely time that will be forgotten in a few months, heh. Google Translate: Не могли бы вы уточнить лучше некоторых точках вы пытаетесь сделать? Что касается золота и поиск сообщений, я надеюсь, что люди понимают теперь, что Есть много разных событий отвечает за отправку сообщения на нормальном окне чата, и что помимо всех этих потребуется время. Более чем вероятно, что время будет забыто через несколько месяцев, хе.
  15. Ciuine


    Well, the reactor on a public ship doesn't seem to trigger the ShipHUD when I was using it. Your screenshot shows the old damaged code, where cannons could overlap each other.
  16. Ciuine


    No, I meant which type of the two add-ons are you using, heh. Oh well. Try this and tell me if it works, want to confirm this time before posting. I'm assuming the error is in the reactor code, so I've made changes to such. File: ShipHUD.zip
  17. Ciuine


    Was that the only line for the error? 'Cause that would be very difficult to figure out if so. Also, what version of the add-on are you using?
  18. Ciuine


    Yes, I was just testing it with a friend to make sure it was correct.
  19. Ciuine


    Edit: Whoops, this line Code: for j, x in Device do should be Code: for j, x in DeviceId do
  20. Ciuine


    Версия 13

    23 271 раз скачали

    Это корабельный интерфейсный аддон. Он собирает информацию о перегреве реактора, полученном корабельными щитами, устройствами и корпусом уроне, и выводит её в удобном и понятном виде обозначая повреждения соответствующими цветами. This is a simple ship HUD suggested by Compassone. It gathers information about the damage received by your ship/shields/devices and the reactor energy usage and color codes the objects corresponding to that. Drag and drop enabled; allows you to move the panel around the entirety of the screen. It is accessed via typing the slash command /shuddnd. Goes over top of the map using /shudtop
  21. Ciuine


    Translation provided by Setras; Это корабельный интерфейсный аддон. Он собирает информацию о перегреве реактора, полученном корабельными щитами, устройствами и корпусом уроне, и выводит её в удобном и понятном виде обозначая повреждения соответствующими цветами. Google Translate: Это простой корабля HUD предложенных Compassone. Она собирает информацию о полученных повреждений вашего корабля / щиты / устройств и использования энергетического реактора и цветовые коды объектов, соответствующих этим. [знаковых] Изображения разработаны Compassone. MediaFire - ShipHUD [circular] Изображения разработаны EmpireGibberling и изменены Compassone и я. Перетащите включена, позволяет перемещать панель вокруг полностью на экране. Он доступен через набрав команду слэш /shuddnd. Демонстрация Фотография предоставлена EmpireGibberling.
  22. Ciuine


    ShipHUD Просмотр файла Это корабельный интерфейсный аддон. Он собирает информацию о перегреве реактора, полученном корабельными щитами, устройствами и корпусом уроне, и выводит её в удобном и понятном виде обозначая повреждения соответствующими цветами. This is a simple ship HUD suggested by Compassone. It gathers information about the damage received by your ship/shields/devices and the reactor energy usage and color codes the objects corresponding to that. Drag and drop enabled; allows you to move the panel around the entirety of the screen. It is accessed via typing the slash command /shuddnd. Goes over top of the map using /shudtop Добавил Ciuine Добавлено 04.03.2011 Категория Аддоны  
  23. Just posted a new version with changeable language stuffs.
  24. You need to play on a Brazilian client to see Portuguese with how it is currently set up.
  25. Turn CT's AM lock button off, for the time being. The issue is that when upgrading LibDnD, I forgot to change the DnD:Enable line to 2 things instead of 1, so it passes "true" as a widget.
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