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Сообщения, опубликованные Ciuine

  1. unit.GetTarget fetches the SecondaryTarget, unit.GetPrimaryTarget fetches the PrimaryTarget.

    SecondaryTargets change from a large number of things, whereas PrimaryTargets only changes under specific circumstances. It's the reason that EVENT_AVATAR_SECONDARY_TARGET_CHANGED is used over EVENT_AVATAR_PRIMARY_TARGET_CHANGED in my targeting interfaces and why the developers specifically state that PrimaryTargets should only be used for simple tracking. I made the mistake in one of the versions of PlayerHUD a while ago and used PrimaryTarget changes rather than SecondaryTargets and found this out.

    Additionally this is one of the reasons that avatar.SelectTarget (rather than avatar.SelectSecondaryTarget) was essentially a function "break" in particular codes.

    Edit: Changed "is" to "was" in last statement, as Setras informed me that the code was changed to have both be the same function.

  2. Conceptual idea to remove the need for pre-coded definitions. (Keep having to deal with changes to non-RU/EU/NA localizations. BR is now Terra Santa using the old localization and I couldn't get info about the CHN one.)

    This code assumes that the developers use the language naming conventions to figure out localizations.

    function GetGameLocalization()

    local LocOption = options.GetOptionsByCustomType("interface_option_localization")

    if LocOption then

    for i, v in LocOption do

    for j, x in options.GetOptionInfo(v) do

    if j == "values" then

    for k, y in x do

    for l, z in y do

    if l == "name" then

    return userMods.FromWString(z)









    Spatially shortened form:

    function GetGameLocalization()

    local LocOption = options.GetOptionsByCustomType("interface_option_localization")

    if LocOption then for i, v in LocOption do

    for j, x in options.GetOptionInfo(v) do if j == "values" then

    for k, y in x do for l, z in y do if l == "name" then

    return userMods.FromWString(z)

    end end end end end end end


  3. I made a simple add-on for this a while back. But everyone uses ShipControl.

    Type /cw to bring up the color changing menu, there are also a few different types of crosshairs to choose from.


    Я просто надстройка для этого некоторое время назад. Но каждый использует ShipControl.

    Тип /cw, чтобы вызвать изменение цвета меню, есть также несколько различных типов перекрестье на выбор.


  4. Quote:
    LLE: I want to align the text on my buttons to the left. Can anyone please help me with that? It doesn't seem to work for me.

    I didn't look your code/paneling over too much, but from what I can see North, you're using a Prototype button. Add alignx='left' to the ButtonFormatNormal.txt's <button> and it will align the Prototype to the left. Your text reference in the ListButton.(WidgetButton).xdb is unused.
  5. There's an issue with the RU version; the container is self-sizing but from what I can tell from the picture (as I told nordfox) is that the left to right containers are being ignored when it comes to sizing the container. (This does not occur in my version of the game.) As a result only the TextViews are setting the container's size.

    I'll have to either set the size static or figure out why the container isn't self-sizing in the RU version.

  6. All I need to know is what it says at the top of the RU Unexplored Astral map.

    Another issue will arise is that we're not as far as y'all in astral. So the buttons won't totally be in the right place, and I don't have 29-35 in full; despite trying to sift through the RU Astral threads to get that information.

    Google Translate:

    Все что мне нужно знать, что он говорит в верхней части RU Неизведанные астральной карте.

    Еще одна проблема возникает в том, что мы не так далеко, как вы все в астрале. Таким образом, кнопки не будут полностью находиться в нужном месте, и я не имею 29-35 в полном объеме; несмотря на попытки, чтобы просеять через RU Астральная темы, чтобы получить эту информацию.

  7. Ah. The .pak file didn't need to be opened though. The boss buff/debuff portion of the code works no matter what boss it is or what localization. Just the other bits that have to be entered do not; like Spawns, Attacks, Health/Mana percentage based phase changes.

    It works as is. Just needs to be slapped into the Addons folder. Thanks for the pro-tip about Nav though; I haven't been to Nav yet.

    Oh, and thanks for explaining what's going on. There was lots of mistranslated stuff here and there. :P

  8. They're not pre-generated. All IDs in this game are dynamic to a single client generation at an instance of time. So an ID at one point could be a completely different ID if you walk away and come back again.

    So knowing the ID at one instance of time for an item doesn't mean you'll know it at another, and definitely does not mean that someone else that sees that exact item at that exact time will see the same ID.

    Picture the ID system as if you've given birth to identical twins at a single instance. (Sounds painful.) They look similar, but as time goes on they become more and more unique from each other and are never truly the same.

  9. Yeh, it is frustrating, especially when most of it isn't really revealed.

    You can make "static" widgets or widgetDesc's via adding them to the MainForm of your add-on similar to how I did in my example. This is kind of how certain things are done in the real tooltip, where instead of running a bunch of code to create a commonly used widget they just call on a CreateWidgetByDesc() for that widget. Then you just call on them and change parts and slap 'em in when needed, that's how the devs do it.

    Take a look at the 1.0.03 ContextTooltip scripts.

  10. It's all dynamic. My sample is direct copy of the real tooltip that you show pictures of.

    Edit: To better explain; everything you see in the in-game tooltip is slapped into a Container. Nothing is static but the items in the Container themselves.

    Maybe a picture will explain it better.


    This is using the exact same resources I just gave you except for the fact that I removed all the excess from ContInternal except for the one TextView and doubled the TextView to allow for multiple locations at the same line.

    What you see is done with six of the exact same widgets created then dynamically changed via simple "fontsize='#'" code.

    To create the objects that you consider "Static", they are simply stored versions of the same idea that are dynamically added when necessary via the same Container:PushBack(*clickIconWidget*)

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