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Сообщения, опубликованные Ciuine

  1. No, the game doesn't calculate the size rather than relying on Children and Internal. I'm saying that the game has a Panel with sizingWidget set to the Container, then the game fills the Container with stuffs and the Panel resizes accordingly.

    Edit: It's actually a really simple resize. Since the Container has no defined size, and also resizes based on what is inside of it. It just stacks things like a text container.

  2. The standard tooltip you see in game is actually a Panel containing a resizing Container. You can directly collect the tooltip in-game, recreate it (GetWidgetDesc() and CreateWidgetByDesc()) and play with it that way. Bear in mind however that the game uses a script known as a WidgetFactory to quickly create all the widgets that are fed into the Tooltip. So most of the additives will be external to what is provided by recreating the Tooltip directly. I once toyed around with doing this as well; I'll try and see if I can find my code somewhere to give you, if you want it.

    The new PlayerHUD on Curse and DamageMeters/PLATES have some quick tooltips for using the features you're working with though.


    Tooltip = mainForm:CreateWidgetByDesc(stateMainForm:GetChildChecked("ContextTooltip", true):GetChildChecked("Tooltip", false):GetWidgetDesc())

    Container = Tooltip:GetChildChecked("Container", false)

    Oh, and for your current code, try setting them all to be sizingWidgets, as just one is going to fit to the size of just one.

  3. The only thing that needs localization really is the ConfigWindow stuffs and maybe the print-outs, although it's the same localization material really. I can get to it when I have the time. I was kind of treating this add-on the same as FullMap, didn't want to release it here out of respect for other authors that have done better. :P

    Google Transle:

    Единственное, что необходимо локализации действительно ConfigWindow питания и, возможно, распечатки, хотя это тот же материал локализации на самом деле. Я могу добраться до него, когда у меня есть время. Я был отчасти лечения этого дополнения же, как и FullMap, не хотел, чтобы освободить его здесь из уважения к другим авторам, что бы сделать лучше. :P

  4. I'm sorry, I don't understand the issue. Have you tried the versions that I mentioned, they were designed to work with 2.0.08+. VAHAB and alaster tested it all on the RU client.

    Google Translate:

    Мне очень жаль, я не понимаю вопроса. Пытались ли вы версии, которые я упомянул, они были предназначены для работы с 2.0.08+. VAHAB и alaster проверил это все на клиента RU.

  5. I've been working on an update for this add-on for a while; I'm sorry it is taking so long. However, bard was added into the last one posted in the UI9.ru forums and on Curse.

    PlayerHUD Teaser

    Google Translate:

    Я работаю на обновления этого дополнения на некоторое время, мне жаль, что это занимает так много времени. Тем не менее, бард был добавлен в последний отвечал в UI9.ru форумах и на Curse.

    PlayerHUD короткое рекламное объявление

  6. Indonesian Allods is not yet fully localized, but will use Indonesian eventually. Culasatu (an Indonesian player) says we can use Pulau Senja (Twilight Isle) as a map name though.

    I do not know why your version does not have Brazilian Portuguese or Turkish, icreator; they are posted on page 2.

    As mentioned Allods Japan via Gamechu is no longer operational and closed on Nov. 30.


  7. I wasn't deleting your post Snakeen; it was just part of the tree of the post that I deleted, so it went with it. I apologize if the translation was inaccurate.

    Google Translate:

    Я не был удалении сообщение Snakeen, он был всего лишь частью дерева пост, который я удалил, так было с ней. Прошу прощения, если перевод был неточным.

  8. As Snakeen pointed out; you are wrong in your assumption and I have deleted your post..

    I'd rather not bring this back up due to the semi-friendly relations established.

    Google Translate:

    Как Snakeen указал, вы не правы в своем предположении, и я удалил ваш пост ..

    Я бы не довести эту резервную копию в связи с полу-дружественные отношения, которые сложились.

  9. Pick children only allows the transparent input to only be applied on the <Children> of the panel specified.

    <TransparentInput>false</TransparentInput><PickChildrenOnly>true</PickChildrenOnly> Makes the input for the panel click through-able but not its children.

    <pickObjectsOnly>true</pickObjectsOnly> is similar, and allows only for valued objects to be clicked.

    Edit: Here's an example of the idea I mentioned before, of swapping the children back and forth between clickable and non-clickable forms using PlayerHUD; it requires ConfigWindow to test (among various other features I've been working on, note the use of clipmasks and reduced number of actual defined panels):

  10. This is an issue with the TimeTracker table, I apologize for the issue. In your case, certain buffs are getting through without creating a TimeTracker field for the unit. Then it tries to reference a field within said table that was not created, causing an error.

    I am currently without a computer due to a virus that shredded my OS files as well as my computer power supply shortly after taking its final breaths after struggling for a year. I'll try and post up a fix when I get the chance on my friend's laptop (my laptop that I gave to my friend, sadly before my computer died, because her laptop died).

    This should fix the issue at line 274;

    if TimeTracker [p.unitId]  and TimeTracker [p.unitId] [j]  then
  11. Open your Allods Online launcher, then open the /bin/ folder of your Allods Online folder. You should see a new pak file called LauncherResources.pak, open this with WinRAR and you can see all the localization tags. (br/chn/eng/esp/fra/ger/id/jpn/kr/rus/tr/tw)

    CHN is China, ID is Indonesia (the "Philippines client"), ESP is Spain, KR is Korea, JPN is Japan (no longer operational last I checked), TR is Turkey, and TW is Taiwan. Just lowercase them and you have your localization globals.

  12. I saw the common.ExtractWStringFromValuedText function, from the 3.0 test API that I was given, as well. I was very excited about this function, since it should allow us to fetch ValuedTexts that were "off-limits" before. Like description texts and the map texts (different means than my current FullMap methods). This'll allow us to rewrite the color/size/shadowing/outline and so on of (possibly even add to) pre-existing ValuedTexts without having to recreate them entirely or instinctively knowing the fields required.

  13. Weak, I meant "Return" as in that it's been around for much longer than 2.0.06. I'm not a RU player by the way BhaaL. I'm also still in the stone ages of Allods. Odd that the bug has taken over such a large number of cannons, rather than the same named it was once reported as. Did y'all try swapping the cannons around to try and break it? I wouldn't think there'd be a fix for it; because even my fix while it separated the two cannons, they were often out of order because six was referenced before five in the device table sometimes.

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