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  1. Its interresting that the summoner is missing there Maybe those pak files arent plain zip files at all (with hidden stuff somewhere...like, where are all the XDBs?) Anyways, has anyone ever heard from SLA since? The 4.0.03 (or 4.0.04) update brought a change to .bin textures, which seem to contain an extra image entry (with a start-offset equal to the end of the file, and a size of 0) that causes the current Texture Viewer to bail out with "not a nival texture". Some disassembling using ILSpy got me to a point where I could fix that part, only to find out that something further down also breaks (which I couldn't fix yet). It would probably a lot easier if SLA was around, or at least could provide the sources for the tool to have other capable programmers build on his code and improve things.
  2. Great, thanks! Just in case anyone else is looking for it; the Engineer uses #869CAE as color (ScriptPlayerClasses.luac defines those).
  3. It still takes some time until we get the 5.0 patch on the european server, but a few of us would like to do some stuff in advance (such as updating addons to cope with the new engineer class). Short of downloading the complete russian client, we couldn't find any of the files we're looking for online, so I'm asking someone to upload them somewhere. The ones i'd be particularly interrested in are the new class icons (both the rich and the simple one; from Interface.Mini.pak - names my vary a bit: Interface/Ingame/ContextRelatedTextures/Engineer.(UITexture).bin and Interface/Common/Elements/ClassIcons/Engineer.(UITexture).bin) and the related class colors the game assigned them (Interface\Ingame\ContextRelatedTextures\PlayerClasses\ScriptPlayerClasses.luac from LuaCompiledIngame.pak) Thanks in advance! - BhaaL
  4. Aww, too bad...for now, I'm just doing the same: - See if the amount of vertices is divisble by 9, 8, 7 or 6 to determine the amount of unknowns and whether its UV or UVW coordinates (for the %8 part) - Try to split when the face index drops to index 1 again Apart from the fact that 00/01/02 blocks are present in all models and 03 upwards only in few of them (altho pretty much type specific, such as ship models or character models), I didn't find out much more than whats already in this thread I was also poking around SLAs Texture Viewer to see how textures are encoded, in order to create something like a model viewer; but the code is far too messy right now and pretty much stuck as bin2obj converter...might put that up on github or somewhere if I get around to clean it up a bit.
  5. Is anyone still looking into the model format itself, or did everyone go back to use 3dRipperDX and stuff to get things into your-favorite-modeler? The biggest issue I'm currently facing is separating the different models in there. I'm doing a decent job on estimating points to split, but this only works for the large models (such as the book and its lower detail representation); not for the distinct parts of one model (such as the different hairstyles of a character). The game must have a way of doing this, a way I've yet to find. All the models seem to have a block 00 (vertex data), 01 (face indices) and 02 (unknown as of yet) - and I believe this block 02 could contain that information. The other blocks (03 upwards) only appear in certain types of models and have a different structure, so it must be either in 02 or somehow encoded in the vertex/face list (the unknown byte/s after each vertex come to mind). Bercut: How did you get to XZY, instead of XYZ? I frequently get flipped normals and stuff if I do that, along with the models lying down instead of standing up. Using XYZ fixes this, altho the 3dsmax importer has options for both Flip Normals and Flip YZ. And have you found out anything about those "непонятныхбайт" after the vertices? They're not strictly limited to the 3 you list, and seem to be derived from the amount of vertices (altho this sounds a bit strange and error-prone). I've found good matches by simply assuming 9 floats per vertex when the amount of vertices read is divisible by 9; 8 floats if its divisible by 8 etc. (with the /8 case being the only one with UVW values, while the others only use UV coordinates).
  6. I use ChunkSpy and reverse the code by hand, as most other tools fail on certain stuff thats in there (luadec tends to coredump and stuff).
  7. Great, it looks like WidgetCore does the trick (you can clearly see how it overrides __index). For others that are interrested: Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><UIAddon> <!-- other stuff --> <ScriptFileRefs> <Item href="/Interface/Common/Script/ScriptWidgetCore.luac" /> <Item href="/Interface/Common/Script/ScriptClassesImplementation.luac" /> <!-- your scripts using Class(...) here --> </ScriptFileRefs> <!-- other stuff --> </UIAddon> I've yet to run further tests and see whether my actual code works, but so far it doesnt throw any errors anymore.
  8. Oh, neat, I didn't know they were around for that long. I just noticed them after looking around AstralMap and things after the 3.0 update. I'll take a look at WidgetCore, and its gonna be a lot to reverse.
  9. Has anyone tried (and succeeded in) using the new facilities that came with (around) 3.0? I'm talking about the stuff in LuaCompiledSystem.pak, specifically Class (Interface\Common\Script\ScriptClassesImplementation.luac) and useful base classes such as widgetObjectMonitor (Interface\Common\Script\ScriptWidgetObjectMonitor.luac) or widgetDynamicList (Interface\Common\Script\ScriptWidgetDynamicList.luac)? I tried to use them like other scripts do (for example AstralMap), which starts the whole thing by doing something like that: Code: Class("main", UIBasicElement())function main:Init() otherClass(self.wtSomeWidget):Init() -- [...] return UIBasicElement.Init(self) end -- [...] main(mainForm):Init() ...when I try that, main(mainForm) throws a bad argument #1 to `setmetatable' (table expected, got userdata); if I remove mainForm it runs Init - but then self.wtSomeOtherWidget is never set (and I couldnt find any code inside the classes that initializes them based on widgetForm:GetNamedChildren or something). So, any luck there, or am I the first one to try that? My main goals in trying to use those things is the magic widgetDynamicList and widgetObjectMonitor work behind the scenes (like widgetDynamicList.Add creating other classes for objectIds or widgetObjectMonitor.Toggle keeping track of busy reaction handlers).
  10. Will do. Do you happen to know if the XDBs are also around somewhere? All I've seen so far were either the old 1.0.03 scripts and the current compiled luac, but I've never seen any XDB files (or text files with format, for that).
  11. Edit: Argh! I just compared my stuff again to your code, and randomly changed things around until I got a "cannot find child named 'xx'" error. Turns out that my Widget was called "Tooltip" while the one from stateMainForm is also called "Tooltip". And apparently by calling mainForm:CreateWidgetByDesc it created and added a new "Tooltip" to my mainForm, confusing all the rest of the code. Suddenly it all works just fine, and I feel like the solution hit me straight in the face for 2 weeks. ---------------- I just find it disturbing that I *have to* resort to code when everything is mostly static and could be done by XDB alone. Some further testing revealed that either 2.0.06 is bugged there, or I'm doing something plain wrong. Adding my contents to a WidgetSimpleTable by adding them to the <Children> collection via XDB and setting the Table as sizingWidget of the Tooltip had me end up with an empty box of about 20x20, with no contents at all. Doing the same from Code (like AddonManager r4 does) had the same result, except that my children werent added to the container but to the mainForm (altho using container:PushBack(childWidget)) Using a WidgetPanel instead of a WidgetSimpleTable just obviously throws a "attempt to call method `PushBack' (a nil value)" because a Panel has no PushBack method. GUI coding can really be frustrating at times =/
  12. Where's the static part in your sample thats NOT resized by the game but fixed height? I understood what you wanted to tell me with the container, but thats also what I do/did for simple tooltips with just text.
  13. I think the Problem is that I have two things that should size... The tooltip (WidgetPanel) should be as large as all of its contents - and the content is a variable sized text area (WidgetTextView) and some fixed sizes footer panel (WidgetPanel). The content text area (WidgetTextView) should be as large as the text (or here: ValuedText) I put inside. Gonna try something else, but I'm not sure if adding an extra container in-between will help...
  14. Are you trying to say that the game actually calculates the sizes in code, rather than relying on SIZING_CHILDREN/_INTERNAL? SLA had a post about those two in his Minimap Adventures thread, but I didn't have any success yet on getting the thing to work with more than just one Widget in there. I know about sizingWidgets (plural, thats an element in the same place as sizingWidget, which takes a list), but it didn't really work out either (especially since the dynamic sizing shouldn't be done on the static content, which I think the element is for.
  15. I'm trying to create a tooltip that looks like the ones that show up when hovering any item in the inventory - Item description at the top (which varies in height when more/less text is shown) and a fixed size footer showing some options (like left-click does something, right-click does something else). For now, I use a simple tooltip like this (with a ValuedText as TooltipText): Code: Tooltip.WidgetPanel (WIDGET_SIZING_CHILDREN, sizingWidget = TooltipText)+-TooltipText.WidgetTextView (WIDGET_SIZING_INTERNAL) Works just fine, but as soon as I try to add more children to Tooltip i either get overlapping Controls (TooltipText is shown above/below the other stuff) or sizing is completely off. I tried something like this for example: Code: Tooltip.WidgetPanel (WIDGET_SIZING_CHILDREN, sizingWidget = TooltipText)+-TooltipText.WidgetTextView (WIDGET_SIZING_INTERNAL) +-LeftClickIcon.WidgetPanel (WIDGET_SIZING_DEFAULT, BackLayer set to image) +-LeftClickText.WidgetTextView (WIDGET_SIZING_DEFAULT) +-RightClickIcon.WidgetPanel (WIDGET_SIZING_DEFAULT, BackLayer set to image) +-RightClickText.WidgetTextView (WIDGET_SIZING_DEFAULT) and Code: Tooltip.WidgetPanel (WIDGET_SIZING_CHILDREN, sizingWidget = TooltipText)+-TooltipText.WidgetTextView (WIDGET_SIZING_INTERNAL) +-Footer.WidgetPanel (WIDGET_SIZING_DEFAULT) +-LeftClickIcon.WidgetPanel (WIDGET_SIZING_DEFAULT, BackLayer set to image) +-LeftClickText.WidgetTextView (WIDGET_SIZING_DEFAULT) +-RightClickIcon.WidgetPanel (WIDGET_SIZING_DEFAULT, BackLayer set to image) +-RightClickText.WidgetTextView (WIDGET_SIZING_DEFAULT) ...all to no avail. Does anyone know what I'm missing here? Edit: Looks like this right now: A sample project can be found here: http://www.mediafire.com/?d9b6gqumnhgo886
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