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Весь контент BhaaL

  1. Yeah, I noticed zone.allod is different for all of them (I think, haven't been to some of them yet). But since thats a localized string, I'll probably have a hard time coding that into some sort of table which in turn tells me the sectors its in - different language clients wont match. The mapId, not so much, its always been "ZonesMapUnknown" for me. For now, I'm mapping those by hand with keys I picked myself (like "TT2", "Oreshek" or "Lab13") with a corresponding localization table - except that it leaves me no way of detecting them automatically for times when my resource table is not complete enough. Too bad theres no other way... Any other ideas?
  2. I'm currently working on an interactive version of easyAstral which takes zone info directly from the game, using sysZoneNames and zoneIds. This works for Astral Isles like "AstralIsland01", but not for instance maps such as Lab 13, Oreshek or Plague Castle; since all of them return Zone ID 228 which is "Unknown Zone". And other than GetCurrentZone, I can't seem to get the same info from any of the known API funcs. Does anyone know any way of - identifying and - retrieving data of instance maps? I'd at least want to someObject.DoMagic(someZoneId) and get "Lab 13"; but preferably also do someObject.DoInstanceMagic(currentZoneId) and get a "true"/1 for such maps. Anyone knows anything that could help here?
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