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  1. Fields available CurrencyId: GetInfo () category: CurrencyCategoryId (ResourceId) - Categorydescription: WString - описаниеhideMaxValue: boolean - Whether to hide the maximum valueimage: TextureId - IconisCoupon: boolean - whether the currency couponlimitCurrency: CurrencyId (ResourceId) - Other currency containing the potential number of current currency, which we can still get it.maxValue: number (integer) - maximum number ofname: WString - namestorage: number (enum ENUM_CURRENCY_STORAGE_...) - тип хранилищаsysStorage: string - the type of storage linesysName: string - the system namevisualizeMode: number (enum ENUM_CURRENCY_VISUALIZE_MODE_...) - тип визуализацииsysVisualizeMode: string - the string type of visualization --Wouldn't it be possible to store .sysName of all Currencies and set them to true by default? Players could disable it in Settings (could be saved) and we could use .name ! The Currencies would be localized and We wouldn't need to add new Currencies with every Patch.. Would that be possible? If some Currencies should not be shown in CurrenciesInfo at all it would be possible to hide them even from the settings..
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