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By changing the SendEvent used in user addons from common. to userMods., they basically cut our ability to call the Popup add-on in charge of tooltips. That's the reason I rewrote half the popup add-on for my PLATES add-on.

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ok, its not possible -.-

@SLA and other russian player: is it possible in your version to create a link to the item similar to the ones you can post to the chat?

@Ciuine: if your bored: pls write a function, which fake the item-tooltip knowing its id^^ (I think you can do such things betther than I)

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The mechanics for your MasterLoot add-on work, I just used them while testing the tooltip concept. Pretty neat-sauces.

EDIT: Dangerous, dangerous error passes if a party member is offline. Basically breaks the add-on and loot is lost. My tester just ditched me because we were two-manning an instance and he didn't get the pretty blue because he logged his alt off, who was also in the party. :P

Oh, and I think my Tooltip function is done, I just need a green drop test.

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You need a window with player plates.

On each plate there should be an alpha buton over it.

Plates should be filled ONLY and ONLY from loot event - only there you can find who's participating in loot and who's not.

So basically by pressing plate you will give an item to that player.

You can clone plates for each item like i did with my AllianceICO adddon (there were examples somewhere nearby).

You can also add an item's name or overview over player list.

So as for beta version of addon you should have plates popping up after picking up loot - each one for each loot event, and after you select desired player plate should be destroyed.

Sorry if i'm speaking too much and doo too few, but i am extremeley lazy to do it - job and studen't exam period.

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I just said I finished coding the tooltip function... :P

I know the events to use, it works fine on gray/white items, I'm looking for an actual green or blue drop to complete my testing though.

Edit: Sent you the tooltip version Carnifex. A little buggy here and there, couldn't get any proper testing done because it requires a group and I don't play AO. :P Oh, I just realized how to fix one of the bugs! Change all the ItemTTText[whatever] to ItemTTText[sizevalue]. Bam, fully functional.

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@Ciuine: I thought it would be clear, that you never use an alpha version in instances. I coded this script on the half way of running for the incense daily and the only aim of this was to test, if the mechanic is working in our gameversion.

Ther also more bugs, because I hadn't the time to handel then: -idchanges (such as offline)

-pick up more than mone items (the other ones are destroyed)

-typing mistakes in playername -> gz nil to the new item ;)

@Setras: I will of course add an gui, but if I sad, i wont to write something in less the 5 minitues before giong sleeeping.

btw: you have now exam period? our starts in 1 month...

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Ah, I was just playing around about the blue item. We were two-manning an instance, that should have been a hint. We had full intentions on just confirming my additions worked. :P Oh noes, blue items go bye-bye.

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The problem was, that I write in a table indexed by the ids the playernames. But if the id had changed through the relog I've only add the new id with his name. And because the new id was higher, the old id was found first and so the old id got the item, so gz nil^^

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Now a working version: (not nice gui atm, I know^^)

Known Issues:

  1. you can only set the winner of the loot, if lootmode==master-loot(if you swich to an other lootmode, drops which are dropped with masterloot can not be collected, because loot.SelectWinnerForLoot isn't working in other modes) --> Bug in API --> not fixable

(note: if you change back again, you can gice the loot to player again)

you only can give loot to people, which have the same id at the moment of giving loot as at the moment of the drop --> if you relog after the loot drops, you can't get it(but relogs before are now fixed)

something else???, I hope not so


  • Find a way to show the other users, who aren't lootmaster the item(but they can't set the winner)

-check, if objectid still exist(so that the item is not destroyed, if you give it to a player, which has after the drop a relog -> see bug 2) ->done

-add DND ->done-winner select only done, if in lootmastermode(see bug 1) ->done

far future plans:

  • add class and lvl view to playerselect
  • add i option to select multiple players and "roll a dice" who of them gets the item
  • ...

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Some sort of displayed itemId which the MasterLooter can then type into party/raid chat which the add-on then asks on EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE if the message came from the name of the master looter, gets integer from string, checks to make sure its not a commonly used integer like 0-100 or something, then gets and writes the sent itemId into the tooltip.id.

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have you tested, if EVENT_LOOT_TO_DISTRIBUTE is only send to the masterlooter, becauseit could be possible, that it is send to all and only the loot.SelectWinnerForLoot is limited to the master looter (it not easy to test a grouploot addon, because you need always at lest 2 to do this...)

The method with copy and past isn't very userfriendly...

An other idea is to share the id over a sequence of emotes (similar it is planned for the league empire talk addon)

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No, I have not tested that. But I'll try it out tonight if I can.

Ran some tests, EVENT_LOOT_TO_DISTRIBUTE is only passed to the looter.

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Then there are 3 ways to do this:

1. The copy and past thing

2. The Emote morse one

3. To give everybody in the group this right and check in the addon for the leader, which only can set the winner and hope that nobody is intelligent enough to develop their own addon for this^^

I think 1 or 2 would be the best^^

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Our exams take time twice a year, after each half of learning year - december-january for 1-st half of year and in june for 2-nd part of year.

Guys, as for GUI - tomorrow after my exam i can give you an easy player list template, it's very easy to do it and to catch button pressings, but i need to go now.

The primitive GUI is very easy - it's a true "5 minutes - done" thing, and once you're used to it - you'll do it fast on-the-fly.

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Our exams take time twice a year, after each half of learning year - december-january for 1-st half of year and in june for 2-nd part of year.

In germany it is in febuary-march and august-September...

Guys, as for GUI - tomorrow after my exam i can give you an easy player list template, it's very easy to do it and to catch button pressings, but i need to go now.

The primitive GUI is very easy - it's a true "5 minutes - done" thing, and once you're used to it - you'll do it fast on-the-fly.

that would be great, atm I use a simply copy and paste of my mainmenu of aochatextension, which doesn't realy looks finde for such kind of gui
BTW: We have to add an Editbox and a Button to this window for the showing the item to the other player thing, so let room for this, if possible^^
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someone a idea, how big such itemIds can be?

Is 76^4-1=33.362.175 enough (for the english ones: 33,362,175^^)


Developing the emote-morse:

all params from EVENT_EMOTE_TEXT are different to the data from avatar.GetEmoteInfo( emoteId ):

-avatar.GetEmoteInfo( emoteId ).name!=params.text of EVENT_EMOTE_TEXT (such as "is provocated"!="provocate")

-textureids are also different (np why)

--> we need to get the localization of the parmas.text -> to get this the addon runs at the first time all emotes and save params.text into user.cfg ->/updateem updates this, because there can be an localisation update on the server, which changes these strings


I send 133742 and I get 20326638 fuck -.-

--> problem, different emotes with same text -.- wtf

--> solve clear table from this --> less then 76 emotes to use --> different from localization -.- (hopefully every localization has so much different emotetexts, so that the number, which I can send with 4 emotes, is higher than max(ItemID))

BTW: I'm standing here in the first zone of the league and I have spammed at least 10 times all 76 emotes, so I will not know, what someone thinks, who had watch me xD


now it is working and in the german localisation 3 emotes have the same text as another emote, so I ca use 73 on german servers -> 73^4-1=28.398240


added 5 sec timeout: if after an emote come after 5 sec no further emotes (and the ow of 4 emotes isn't completed) this emotes is ignored and emote-row interpretation starts from the beginning again with the next emote (emotes should be send every second, but at least every 2 seconds)


Version finisched: typ "/em on" to activated emote-row interpretation and "/em off" to disable this (of by default)

for testing type "/morse" to send and receive 133742 (received id will be shown in mods.txt)

note that at first run all emotes are used to get the localization text, after an localization update the issues the bad translation of the emotes type /updateem to update this texts, which are stored in user.cfg

To do: add a button to send the itemID as emote

-only interpret emotes from the lootmasters


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but the lootmaster has less to do and its now finished^^ (after 2 hors of work)

BTW: you make such complicated guis in your addons and say, that was complicated?^^ It is only 100 lines of code, but its very linesaving code as you see here: "if toSend["state"]>0 and avatar.IsExist() and avatar.GetEmoteInfo(Emotes[tosend[tosend["state"]]]["id"]).canRun then" for example xD

one big question to answer, what is max(ItemID)??? (may 3 emotes is also enought -> in german translation 389.016 items)

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I'm confused by how this works, the emotes it called on for /morse were 8622, 8575, 8587, and 8564. Tongue, flirt, sit, dance.

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what are these numbers? The emoteIDs? (because our emotids are around 200-300)?

Who it works: it find out how different emotetexts excist in your localisation, e.g 73 in German. Than it indexes the emotes form 0 to 72 and send the itemID as a number in the numeral system based of 73 with the 4 emotes. And after typing /morse you have to find a lofingo with 13742 in your mods.txt or isn't it so???

If you have problem, it could be a problem with the emote datavase, which was created on the first run, pls type /updateem to build them again.

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The code ran, /morse worked, sent the four messages with the emoteIDs I mentioned; all our IDs are over 8500 (starting with dance at 8564). No info in mods.txt.

I meant mathematically how does it work? How do 8500+x4 and 76 eventually equal 133742?

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have you typed /em on before you use /morse, because the interpretation of the emotes is off by deflaut?

I have a table which indexed begins by zero and end with global Emotlen-1=[number of emotes with different text]-1. Each element of the table contains a table with to fields, one of them is the EmoteID, which I need to send the emote, and the other is the text, which i need to get from the event the number, which the emote represent (not the EmoteID!).

BTW: all the parts with if toReceive["state"]==10 and ... are only for the getting of the data on first run!

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