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[ControlCountdown] English strings for spells

Гость neFAST

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Hi folks, I would like to use this plugin on our recently updated European servers.

I need to translate buff strings in the lua.

Could someone help me with this task by pointing me which spells are referenced using http://allodsbase.com/ru/talents?

THanks a lot

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Good idea, since ControlCountdown started working in EU/US, it should be localized in all 4 languages.

But don't rely on allodsbase.com very much. Carnifex (German player) claims it is outdated, and many spell translations here are WRONG. So, please check my collected translation strings in the game, and make corrections, if something is translated wrong. When you will have a corrected translation, post it here (or in ControlCountdown forum), so this localization will be added to next ControlCountdown update.

Spell/Buff/Talent names, MUST be translated correctly:

"Сугроб" = "Icy Grave" -- Mage's spell (Found on allodsbase.com)

"Мир Призраков" = "Debilitating Plague" -- Summoner's talent, from Summoner's talent grid (Found on allodsbase.com)

"Сонное зелье" = "Lethargy Potion" -- Warden's spell (Found on allodsbase.com)

"Ментальный блок" = -- Psionicist's ... (Can't find! Its translation is ~ "Mental Block", but not sure. It somehow related to "Will Suppression" and "Contact's Target". )

"Цель контакта" = -- Psionicist's debuff. (Can't find! Its translation is ~ "Contact's Target", but not sure. Afaik, "Mental Link" spell puts this debuff.)

"Подавление воли" = "Will Suppression" -- Psiocinist's spell (Found on allodsbase.com)

Other strings are visible in addon's gui, and also should be translated:

". Время кончилось" = ". Time is over"

"Подождите.." = "Wait.."

". CБИЛ " = ". INTERRUPTED by "

". Убил " = ". Killed by "

". Таймер остановился :'( " = ". Timer has stopped :("

" сек." = " sec"

"Прошлая цель" = "Previous target"

". Сугроб: " = ". Ice: "

". Мир: " = ". Plague: "

". Сон: " = ". Lethargy: "

". Гипноз: " = ". Hypnosis: "

P.S. neFAST, are you playing on English servers, or German or French?

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Так.. а я еще пока жив :)

Сегодня как раз планировал заняться вычислением debug-name(ов), обеспечив возможность работы аддона на любом сервере.. и возвращением ивента BuffElementChange.. который не сломали, а изменили выходные параметры.. забыв указать в справочнике >_>

Стоит мне уехать как начинают твориться интересные дела )) да и DnD новенький надо прикрутить.. + AddonManager..

:) I planed to do this work today\tomorrow.. but I will be glad if you help me..


..:'( debug names do'not work yet.. so I need help with exact buff's names..

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I have started to so this for the German Game Version at Home. Can you Build an datastructure for the Lokalisation and i will include the German String in it Next Weekend. I have Not AO in my iPod :-) (silly German autocorrection)

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P.S. neFAST, are you playing on English servers, or German or French?

French servers.

..:'( debug names do'not work yet.. so I need help with exact buff's names..

Is there a difference between spell names and buff names?

What is the easiest way to get buff names (which could include accentuated characters in French) ?
The combat log?
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mehael wrote:
Так.. а я еще пока жив :)

Так именно на тебя вся надежда :) Я собрал (почти) Английскую локализацию, Carnifex и neFAST помогут собрать Немецкую и Французскую - и будет полный комплект. А ты всё это прикрутишь :) Для начала, нужно бы сделать таблицу заклинаний, которая будет содержать все 4 языка. Примерно, как это сделано в "AddonManager".

Carnifex wrote:
Can you Build an datastructure for the Lokalisation and i will include the German String in it Next Weekend.

Use the data which I have posted above, and save the translation into Unicode TXT file, while there is no datastructure for holding localizations.

Carnifex wrote:
I have Not AO in my iPod :-)

No AO in iPod? What a disappointing fail :))

neFAST wrote:
French servers.

Oh, exactly, now I remember :) Very good, we have at least one French player here :)

neFAST wrote:
Is there a difference between spell names and buff names?

Good question. I don't know, how gPotato translated it, but in Russian version, there is NO difference. I agree, it sounds slightly not logical, when for example, there is Druid'd ability (spell) "Lethargy Potion", which creates the "Lethargy Potion" item, and when this item is used, it puts debuff, which is also called "Lethargy Potion".

neFAST wrote:
What is the easiest way to get buff names (which could include accentuated characters in French) ?
The combat log?

Don't know, maybe combat log is OK. I personally prefer Buff icons' *tooltips*.
Don't worry about French special characters, just save the translation into Unicode TXT file. Mehael will have to save this Uncode file as Windows-1252 encoding, and open it as Windows-1251, before copy-pasting strings to Lua.
Btw, you can even copy-paste your translation into this forum, because this forum also supports Unicode. Look, French characters: é, â, ä, ê, î, ô, ö, û, ë, ï, ü, ÿ, ç :)
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Is there a difference between spell names and buff names?

In the german version there are some differences between spell and buff names.
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I need to find a psionist and a warden to check that!

"Сугроб" = "Tombeau de glace"

"Мир Призраков" = "Faiblesse"

". Время кончилось" = ". Temps écoulé"

"Подождите.." = "Patientez..."

". CБИЛ " = ". INTERROMPU par"

". Убил " = ". Tué par "

". Таймер остановился :'( " = ". Le chrono s'est arrêté :'("

" сек." = " sec"

"Прошлая цель" = "Cible précédente"

". Сугроб: " = ". Glace: "

". Мир: " = ". Faiblesse: "

". Сон: " = ". Léthargie: "

". Гипноз: " = ". Hypnose: "

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Сконвертировал для вставки в Lua.

Как конвертировать, написано здесь.


"Сугроб" = "Tombeau de glace"

"Мир Призраков" = "Faiblesse"

". Время кончилось" = ". Temps йcoulй"

"Подождите.." = "Patientez..."

". CБИЛ " = ". INTERROMPU par"

". Убил " = ". Tuй par "

". Таймер остановился :'( " = ". Le chrono s'est arrкtй :'("

" сек." = " sec"

"Прошлая цель" = "Cible prйcйdente"

". Сугроб: " = ". Glace: "

". Мир: " = ". Faiblesse: "

". Сон: " = ". Lйthargie: "

". Гипноз: " = ". Hypnose: "

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Spell/Buff/Talent names, MUST be translated correctly:

"Сугроб" = "Eisiges Grab" -- Mage's spell (Found on allodsbase.com)

"Мир Призраков" = "Lähmende Plage" -- Summoner's talent, from Summoner's talent grid (Found on allodsbase.com)

"Сонное зелье" = "Lethargietrank" -- Warden's spell (Found on allodsbase.com)

"Ментальный блок" = --"Hypnose" (Can't find! Its translation is ~ "Mental Block", but not sure. It somehow related to "Will Suppression" and "Contact's Target". )

"Цель контакта" = "Geisteskontaktziel" (Can't find! Its translation is ~ "Contact's Target", but not sure. Afaik, "Mental Link" spell puts this debuff.)

"Подавление воли" = "Willensunterdrückung" -- Psiocinist's spell (Found on allodsbase.com)

Other strings are visible in addon's gui, and also should be translated:

". Время кончилось" = ". Zeit abgelaufen"

"Подождите.." = "warten..."

". CБИЛ " = ". unterbrochen durch "

". Убил " = ". getötet durch "

". Таймер остановился :'( " = ". Timer gestoppt :("

" сек." = " sec."

"Прошлая цель" = "vorheriges Ziel"

". Сугроб: " = ". Eisgrab: "

". Мир: " = ". Plage: "

". Сон: " = ". Lethargie: "

". Гипноз: " = ". Hypnose: "

I have put this string into the .lua but there are some bugs: no time is dispayed, but wait/time over...

and the error in mods.txt:

Error: addon ControlCountdown:   func: GetBuffCount, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1,  [C] 

Error: addon ControlCountdown:     func: OnTimer, global, line: 422, defined: Lua, line: 370,  [string "Mods/Addons/ControlCountdown/ScriptControlT..."] 

Error: addon ControlCountdown: Game::LuaUnitGetBuffCount: param 1 not a class GMUIHelper::ObjectId (type: nil), details: int __cdecl Game::LuaUnitGetBuffCount(struct lua_State *)

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  • 2 недели спустя...

БОЛЬШОЕ всем СПАСИБО за помощь ...

.. у меня бы не хватило духу достать названия зарубежных буфов..

BIG THANKS, all for [magicianmessage] Localized strings and this help..

после того как нам выдали новое АПИ, я буду фактически там все переделывать.. думаю багов не будет :)

before we got new API.. I wish write addon again, addon will must to work good and work in EN\another versions.. >_<

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I have the following behavior with french version:

ice grave shows countdown, who breaks the grave, etc.

For psionist, hypnose does not show the countdown. Is it the exepected behavior?

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@ neFast no, you use the wrong name i suppose.

I translated & tested a version for EU version, however non psio wanted to test, so this is for my fellow mages :


- works for Ice Grave, and other should work aswell.

Thx for this wonderfull addon !

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Today or tomorrow I will pach addon ..

.. but We donot have this 4 string:

abLethargyPotion [fra]  = "???" -- Buff on enemy/Name of Necromanser's ability

abMentalBlock [fra]  = "???" -- Buff on enemy, before Psionicist used Hypnose

abMentalBlock [eng]  = "???" --

abWillSuppression [fra]  = "???" --Psionicist's ability name 

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abLethargyPotion  [fra]   = "Potion de léthargie" -- Buff on enemy/Name of Necromanser's ability
abMentalBlock  [fra]   = "Lien Mental" -- Buff on enemy, before Psionicist used Hypnose
abMentalBlock  [eng]   = "???" --
abWillSuppression  [fra]   = "Abolition de la volonté" --Psionicist's ability name 
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  • 2 недели спустя...
Some skills does not work in german gameversion, because you lose the special characters "ä", "ö", "ü" in the converting process of the lua file. You can find attached an working version.
(from the ControlCountdown forum)

File: 8uZaX41MMQx1Vxh.zip
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psionic is working if you made the ä/ö/ü in your localisation (e.g Lähmende Plage and not Lahmende Plage)

I've attached an working version 2 comments above

abPlague["ger"] = "Lähmende Plage"

abSuppression["ger"] = "Willensunterdrückung"

stKill["ger"] = ". getötet durch "

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French work if you change FR: (and I'm pretty sure EN does not work)

Global( "abBlock",{})

abBlock ["rus"]  = "Ìåíòàëüíûé áëîê" --= -- Psionicist's ... (Can't find! Its translation is ~ "Mental Block", but not sure. It somehow related to "Will Suppression" and "Contact's Target". )

abBlock ["ger"]  = "Hypnose"

abBlock ["fra"]  = "Hypnose"

abBlock ["eng"]  = "Mental Link"

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Thanks.. I added neFAST's abBlock string in Carnifex's code.. I understand what we do not know abBlock ["eng"] string.. it is all bugs? (I do not play Allods Online..while)

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