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Developing SpamProtect

Гость Carnifex

Рекомендуемые сообщения

I have a problem with social.AddIgnore, because it makes an error in a case, it shouldn't make an error.

Short description:


params=parameters of the event "EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE"

social.AddIgnore(params.sender,params.sender) --> works fine

Spammer [0] =params.sender

common.CompareWString(Spammer [0] ,params.sende)==0 -> true

social.AddIgnore(Spammer [0] ,Spammer [0] ) -> error:

Game::LuaSocialAddIgnore: MainPlayer not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaSocialAddIgnore(struct lua_State *)


Global("Spammer", nil)




Global("LastEventAvatarWillBeRemovedDelay", 0)



function SpamProtect(params)

    if debugmode then

        Chatmsg [Chatmsgcount] =params.msg



    if params.chatType == CHAT_TYPE_ZONE then

        local spam=false

        for i = 1,3 do

            if common.CompareWString(params.msg,common.GetAddonRelatedText( "spam"..i ))==0 then




        if spam==true then

            local stillbanned=false

            for j=0,Spammercount [0] -1 do

                if common.CompareWString(Spammer [j] ,params.sender)==0 then stillbanned=true end --but this works o.O


            if not stillbanned then


                Spammer [Spammercount[0] ]=params.sender

                Spammercount [0] =Spammercount [0] +1





function SaveTabels()



    if debugmode then common.SetGlobalConfigSection("ChatLog",Chatmsg) end



    --don't work good (copied from HealtDB)

    if LastEventAvatarWillBeRemovedDelay <= param.delay then


        common.LogInfo("","Spiel beendet")


    LastEventAvatarWillBeRemovedDelay = param.delay





function OnEventSecondTimer() --I seperated this out of the Init, because it could be the reason of the error. --> I get nevertheless the error.

    if not synchronised then


        if Spammercount [0] >0 then

            for i=0,Spammercount [0] -1 do

                social.AddIgnore(Spammer  ,Spammer  ) 

                --Game::LuaSocialAddIgnore: MainPlayer not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaSocialAddIgnore(struct lua_State *)





function Init()

    common.RegisterEventHandler(SpamProtect, "EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE" )


    --don't save after every exit?


    common.RegisterEventHandler(OnEventSecondTimer, "EVENT_SECOND_TIMER" )



    if not Spammer then

        Spammer = {}


    if not Spammercount then


        Spammercount [0] =0


    --common.LogInfo("",Spammer [0] ) --has the value "Tjfgfhrthrth" and common.CompareWString(Spammer [0] ,common.GetAddonRelatedText(TXT_WITH_HIM)==0 was true

    --social.AddIgnore(Spammer [0] ,Spammer [0] ) --api says, that first param is a wstring with the name (Goldseller still excist and spam)

    -- why it make the error Game::LuaSocialAddIgnore: MainPlayer not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaSocialAddIgnore(struct lua_State *)



Can someone help me, pls?

BTW: how can I get the length of a tabel, so that Global("Spammercount",nil) is not necessary? --> in the Lua 5.1 manual stands, that #t ist the length of the tabel t. Do this work (I have never see this in an other addon)

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MainPlayer is created not at start AO, so you should add check:

function OnEventSecondTimer() 

  if avatar.IsExist() then

    if not synchronised then


        if Spammercount  [0]  >0 then

            for i=0,Spammercount  [0]  -1 do

                social.AddIgnore(Spammer    ,Spammer    ) 






I did not check this code, but it should work..

how can I get the length of a tabel, so that Global("Spammercount",nil) is not necessary? --

local tableSize = GetTableSize( table )

I am sorry for my English :)

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Tables in LUA

Notice that the indexing into the array starts at 1, not at zero


local tableSize = table.getn( table )

+ AO uses LUA 5.0.NNN. + libraries coroutine, table, string, math.

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@mehael: thx, with avatar.IsExist() it do not make an error (so my avatar do not excist in init? the avatar is creadet a few seconds later? And I thought, that the error is caused by the player, who should be banned^^)

BTW: I added a check, if the goldseller is still ignored. now it is perfect ;)

Notice that the indexing into the array starts at 1, not at zero

One more reason, that I do not like lua^^

BTW: Have you in the russion AO also problems with goldsellers or is it not necessary to make this addon working in the russan version?

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Global( "Spammer", {} )
Global( "Chatmsg", {} )
Global( "debugmode", false )
Global( "logout", false )
Global( "spam", {} )
Global( "on", {} )
function LoadTables()
Spammer = common.GetGlobalConfigSection( "SpammerList" ) or {}

if debugmode then
Chatmsg = common.GetGlobalConfigSection( "ChatLog", Chatmsg ) or {}
function SaveTables()
common.SetGlobalConfigSection( "SpammerList", Spammer )

if debugmode then
common.SetGlobalConfigSection( "ChatLog", Chatmsg )
function Synchronize()
for _, entry in ipairs( Spammer ) do
social.AddIgnore( entry, entry ) 
function HasEntry( tab, sample )
for _, entry in ipairs( tab ) do
if common.CompareWString( entry, sample ) == 0 then
return true
return false
function common.RegisterEventHandlers( handlers )
for event, handler in pairs( handlers ) do
common.RegisterEventHandler( handler, event )
on [ "EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE" ]  = function( event )
local msg, sender = event.msg, event.sender

if debugmode then
table.insert( Chatmsg, msg )

if event.chatType == CHAT_TYPE_ZONE
and HasEntry( spam, msg )
and not HasEntry( Spammer, sender ) then
social.AddIgnore( sender, sender )
table.insert( sender )
on [ "EVENT_AVATAR_WILL_BE_REMOVED" ]  = function( event )
if not logout then
logout = true
on [ "EVENT_AVATAR_LOGOUT_CANCELLED" ]  = function( event )
logout = false
on [ "EVENT_AVATAR_CREATED" ]  = Synchronize

function Init()
for i = 1, 33 do
table.insert( spam, common.GetAddonRelatedText( string.format( "spam%02d", i ) ) )

common.RegisterEventHandlers( on )

if avatar.IsExist() then

There can be a few glitches in this code, but hey, i know, you can fix it. =)
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so my avatar do not excist in init? the avatar is creadet a few seconds later?

Yes, Init() is executing during the "Loading..." splash screen, and avatar appears only AFTER this splash screen, several seconds later.

But there is an event EVENT_AVATAR_CREATED which fires when your avatar gets an ID, which means you can start using avatar.GetId() and many other avatar-related functions. Many addons are using this event.

BTW: Have you in the russion AO also problems with goldsellers or is it not necessary to make this addon working in the russan version?

Truth to say, no, we don't have those terrible spam-bots, like in English servers, which spams the same phrase into chat non-stop, every several seconds... We just have normal players, who sometimes writes a single message "wtb gold" or "wtb crystals". But on English servers this is TERRIBLE problem. Your addon will be very popular! ;)

BTW, in API 1.1.03, EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE got a new parameter - spamWeight, which probably will solve the problem somehow :)

spamWeight: number (integer) - Spam-weight of the message. If it is < 100, then it is NOT spam, otherwise it IS spam.

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Код переписать - быстро, а аддон делать и тестить - долго. =) А у Carnifex'а аддон уже есть.

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@SLA: and how do spamWeight works? Because it is only for one message, I think it will not check, if one character sends everytime the same messages. And if it analyse the msg, it is only so good as our GM's work on the spamfilters (and this is at the moment not so good^^)

@Ramirez: thx for you code. I still have a working version, but your code is much more elegant (you have more experience in programming with lua^^)

One question for the next step:

Is it possible to remove messages from the chatwindow or to say, which received message is shown and which not? I want to add this, so that players with an buggy friendslist (internal error, because player on it has delete himself) also do not see the goldseller-spam. (Is it not easy to understand some parts of the api, using the google translator^^)

Global( "Spammer", {} )

Global( "Chatmsg", {} )

Global( "debugmode", false )

Global( "logout", false )

Global( "spam", {} )

Global( "on", {} )




function LoadTables()

Spammer = common.GetGlobalConfigSection( "SpammerList" ) or {}

if debugmode then

Chatmsg = common.GetGlobalConfigSection( "ChatLog", Chatmsg ) or {}




function SaveTables()

common.SetGlobalConfigSection( "SpammerList", Spammer )

if debugmode then

common.SetGlobalConfigSection( "ChatLog", Chatmsg )




function Synchronize()

for _, entry in ipairs( Spammer ) do

if not HasEntry( Spammer, entry ) then

social.AddIgnore( entry, entry )





function HasEntry( tab, sample )

for _, entry in ipairs( tab ) do

if common.CompareWString( entry, sample ) == 0 then

return true



return false



function common.RegisterEventHandlers( handlers )

for event, handler in pairs( handlers ) do

common.RegisterEventHandler( handler, event )






on  [ "EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE" ]   = function( event )

local msg, sender = event.msg, event.sender

if debugmode then

table.insert( Chatmsg, msg )


if event.chatType == CHAT_TYPE_ZONE

and HasEntry( spam, msg )

and not HasEntry( Spammer, sender ) then

social.AddIgnore( sender, sender )

table.insert( Spammer, sender )




on  [ "EVENT_AVATAR_WILL_BE_REMOVED" ]   = function( event )

if not logout then


logout = true




on  [ "EVENT_AVATAR_LOGOUT_CANCELLED" ]   = function( event )

logout = false




on  [ "EVENT_AVATAR_CREATED" ]   = Synchronize



function Init()

for i = 1, 3 do

table.insert( spam, common.GetAddonRelatedText( string.format( "spam%02d", i ) ) )



common.RegisterEventHandlers( on )




(updatet Synchronize --> check if spammer is still banned + deletet synchronize from init --> no sense (it is always if false^^))

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I think that "Synchronize" part is not needed at all. Your ignorlist is saved on server, so why bother? =) You can "ignore" some person only once, and he (or she) will remain in ignorelist as long as you wanted.

You can't interact with "chat" or any other standard addon, no matter what.

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but the ignorlist ist charbounded.

With the "Synchronize" part a Goldspammer, which was banned with one character, will be automaticly banned at all other characters.

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but the ignorlist ist charbounded.

Ok, so you have your "Spammer" list with some number of charnames in it. So how exactly you can catch and ban all other characters at spammer's account? All that "Synchronise" part can do is adding all this names to ignorlist again. But hey, they already there. =)
BTW: What a sense has the a in "for a, entry in ipairs( Spammer ) do ..." (I know from prolog what _ is^^)

"a" is table index, "entry" is table value.
In Lua "_" is valid string identifier, like "o_O", "^_^" and so on. So you can use it like this Spammer [ _ ] = something.
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oh sry, i do not wrote it very clearly

With the "Synchronize" part a Goldspammer, which was banned with one OF YOUR character, will be automaticly banned at all YOUR other characters.

-> ignorelist from SpamProtect is not charbounded, it is only clientbounded

BTW: @2nd part: How could you read this? I edited it out, because I answerd the question by my self^^

BTW²: If I am right, that is also not possible to write something as an infoline in the chat?

BTW³: can you say me, what

wtChat [usr] userdata: 03C27758

is? (you can find it at the end of Mods/Docs/api_v1.xml)

Bug-report: your code for savin the tabels only work, if you are logging out to swich the character, but it does not work, if yoo leave the game completly (over the menu)

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With the "Synchronize" part a Goldspammer, which was banned with one OF YOUR character, will be automaticly banned at all YOUR other characters.

Oh well, that was stupid of me. =) Thx for answer.

If I am right, that is also not possible to write something as an infoline in the chat?

You're right.

you can find it at the end of Mods/Docs/api_v1.xml

I can't find anything like this. What's this about?
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you can find it at the end of Mods/Docs/api_v1.xml

api_v1.xml - we don't have this file in Mods\Docs. Can you post it here?

Bug-report: your code for savin the tabels only work, if you are logging out to swich the character, but it does not work, if yoo leave the game completly (over the menu)

The same problem existed in early "AoSimpleCoords" versions. That's why I don't recommend to save anything on EVENT_AVATAR_WILL_BE_REMOVED, but instead, save your Spammer-list after every Spammer-list change.

If I am right, that is also not possible to write something as an infoline in the chat?

We definitely have to ask game developers to add this ability. As well as some other abilities, like getting item/spell icons, etc, etc...

@SLA: and how do spamWeight works?

I don't know. The short description I have translated above, is the only info, and there is no more information about it.

Currently I'm on vacation, and I have NO access to AO 1.1.03 game client (because 600+ MB patch is too large, and internet connection here is too slow), so I have to return at home to test it. I will be back at home in several days :) Currently my testing abilities are just like yours, Carnifex - I have a new API, but I can't test anything :))

But I guess, the server tracks spammers itself, and marks all messages with different spamWeights. And game client probably just skips those messages which spamWeight is >= 100.
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api_v1.xml - we don't have this file in Mods\Docs. Can you post it here?

Now I remember, I found this anywhere in your russian forum and copied it to this folder. (look at the attachment, but it is not up to date...)

The same problem existed in early "AoSimpleCoords" versions. That's why I don't recommend to save anything on EVENT_AVATAR_WILL_BE_REMOVED, but instead, save your Spammer-list after every Spammer-list change.

Ok, I will do this

But I Have now a second problem. If you have an buggy friendslist and you yoin the game, you will se a spam of "internal errors" for every spammer, the addon tried to add. To fix this, i have added

common.RegisterEventHandler(onInternalError, "EVENT_AVATAR_FRIEND_IGNORE_LISTS_ERROR") --this in Init
--and this:
function onInternalError(errorname)
    if (not internal_error) and errorname.sysError=="ENUM_FriendIgnoreListError_ServiceNotReady" then
--and in the event OnEVENT_AVATAR_CREATED this:
if ignores and (not isinTable(ignores,curentspammer)) and (not internal_error) then

but it seems, that onInternalError is called complety after OnEVENT_AVATAR_CREATED and so it do not solve the problem. has someone an idea to this? --> Edit: I have a plan, how to solve this (I will do this this evening and I planed to add a function, so that you can declasre ingame a msg as a goldsellermsg)

BTW: "if a and b the..." and a is false --> check lua now b or ignore lua b?

Here the current soure-code of SpamProtect: xchrisx.bplaced.net/SpamProtect.zip
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You can write a very simple small addon that will display the spam weight of last written message and experiment whispering yourself.

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I think, this should work now:


    if  table.getn(Spammer)>0 then

        local ignores = social.GetIgnoreList()

        if ignores and (not isinTable(ignores,Spammer [1] )) then    social.AddIgnore(Spammer [1] ,Spammer [1] ) end

        if table.getn(Spammer)>1 then timer=3



function OnEventSecondTimer()

    if timer>1 then timer=timer-1

    elseif timer==1 then

        for i,curentspammer in ipairs(Spammer) do

            local ignores = social.GetIgnoreList()

            if ignores and (not i==1) and (not isinTable(ignores,curentspammer)) and (not internal_error) then






function onInternalError(errorname)

    if (not internal_error) and errorname.sysError=="ENUM_FriendIgnoreListError_ServiceNotReady" then




BTW: is it possible to make that "/Schlachtzug text here" automaticly call "/raid text here" (our gm's have translated raid with schlachtzug, but they do not have added an new slashcommand dor it...)

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Have anybody an idea, waht causes this error:

Error: addon SpamProtect: 

Error: addon SpamProtect:   

Error: addon SpamProtect:   func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1,  [C] 

Error: addon SpamProtect:     func: Init, global, line: 106, defined: Lua, line: 100,  [string "Mods/Addons/SpamProtect/SpamProtect.lua"] 

Error: addon SpamProtect:       func: ?, ?, line: 131, defined: main, line: 0,  [string "Mods/Addons/SpamProtect/SpamProtect.lua"] 

Error: addon SpamProtect: Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: OnReactionOk

if I comment the reactionshandler out, the buttons are shown without any error (but of curse the do not work^^). if i comment it in i became this error at init.

(you must type /gsaddmsg to oben the window)

BTW: I am for the next to weeks not at home, so do not wonder if i do not reply...

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OMG, LOL, now I remember, this api_v1.xml was posted by Skillcoder almost a year ago in the 3-rd topic of THIS forum:

http://ui9.ru/forum/develop/topic/3 :)))))

BTW: is it possible to make that "/Schlachtzug text here" automaticly call "/raid text here" (our gm's have translated raid with schlachtzug, but they do not have added an new slashcommand dor it...)

No, we can't alter the chat in any way. We can't alter messages, and we can't write to the chat. All those functions are blocked to protect the chat against spammers :))
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  • 2 недели спустя...

thx, a typical mistake, which you can easily overlook...

btw: in the attachment you can find the current version of SpamProtect:

-several bugfixes

-/gsaddmsg (add a message to an alternativ (not the txt's) list of spam-messages at your client an ban the sender)

-/gsunban (unban a player in ingame-ignorelist and SpamProtect-ignorelist)

-/gsdelmsg (unmark a message as goldseller-message)

I still have to test it and after this I can think over an release.

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wtf, why is "(not 1==2)" false? o.O --> ah (not (1==2)) is true, I think lua negate the one and compare it with two, lol

Info: addon SpamProtect: i: 1

Info: addon SpamProtect: wtf, i==1 <--I understand this

Info: addon SpamProtect: i: 2

Info: addon SpamProtect: wtf, i==1 <-- but I do not understand this...

Info: addon SpamProtect: i: 3

Info: addon SpamProtect: wtf, i==1 <-- ...and this, wtf

have someone an explanation for this?

BTW: i~=1 works, but what is the different between i~=1 and not i==1 o.O

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