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The game let me first know that the Duration is 12 seconds. Then the game give me a new info that the duration is 6 seconds. The addon failed on the update and use the 12 seconds duration.

This bug I had already noticed and fixed. Try the version of the attachment.

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Thanks! This version works properly.

Edit: I just noticed that when using Particle of Light in quick succession, that the cooldown will show as if it was only decreased once, rather than decreasing both times (leaving it off cooldown).

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Ok, I see I had forgot to remove the picture when the cooldown is fully reseted.

Here is a new version it should work now for spell cds, maybe i had to do it for item cd also.

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Though this version works as intended, I've noticed random crashes since changing to this version. Though I'm not sure if it is due to the add-on or if it is just coincidence. Either way, thanks.

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With the new bard class I play currently on the low level. I meet some people that started gaming this week and have no addons installed. They have also random crashes.

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I inserted this weekend more Addon Manager support. This results that i can add to every addon the buttons very easy.

With the eye-button you can reset the button position. With the sheet-icon you can open the configuration.

Bug fixes:

- The Spell-CD Timer was not correctly updated, when the time is changing. I noticed it first with my bard and the flying blade spell. It have a cooldown between 10 and 30.

- Spell-CD was not removed when another effect is finishing it.

- Sometimes the addon tracks buffs that it doesn't should. This cause displaying icons when it should invisible.

- Try to fix the bug with the sometimes not working item cd

Thanks to all bug reports.

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I had fixed the bugs with the buffs. It display only the buffs from other players and check then if it is on you. If you had only 6 of stone barrier then powerauras display though 7.

With the item cd bug, maybe i solved it with r23.

Try the revision 23. :)

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The list show all debuffs that you see since the addon is loaded (login for example). The list share buffs and debuffs. It show buffs when you checked debuff also. The reason is that a debuff is in the system a buff with negative flag.

Cast a debuff on your enemy, this debuff will be displayed after you reopen the search-window or you clicked on the search button. I can't get a full list of all buffs/debuffs from the game.

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I looks like a lua error on the addon initialization. Can you look into the mods.txt (Allods Online\Personal\Logs) and send me the parts from powerauras. If the file is very big, then you can delete this file when the game is closed and restart the game. After you login and see the broken powerauras, upload the mods.txt. Then I can look into it and maybe I see the reason for it.

When I'm at home I will test it on the ru client. On this update I forgot it.

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Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [c]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: InitWindow, global, line: 7, defined: Lua, line: 6, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/powerauras\searchwindow\windowscript.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: 19, defined: main, line: 0, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/powerauras\searchwindow\windowscript.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: View

Error: addon PowerAuras: Error while running the chunk

Error: addon PowerAuras: [string "mods/addons/powerauras/powerauras\searchwindow\windowscript.lua"]:7: attempt to index global `View' (a nil value)

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [c]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: InitWindow, global, line: 7, defined: Lua, line: 6, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/powerauras\searchwindow\windowscript.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: 19, defined: main, line: 0, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/powerauras\searchwindow\windowscript.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: Can't execute script for addon: Mods/Addons/PowerAuras/AddonDesc.(UIAddon).xdb

Error: addon PowerAuras:

Error: addon PowerAuras:

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [c]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: InitWindow, global, line: 7, defined: Lua, line: 6, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/powerauras\auraswindow\windowscript.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: 19, defined: main, line: 0, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/powerauras\auraswindow\windowscript.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: View

Error: addon PowerAuras: Error while running the chunk

Error: addon PowerAuras: [string "mods/addons/powerauras/powerauras\auraswindow\windowscript.lua"]:7: attempt to index global `View' (a nil value)

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [c]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: InitWindow, global, line: 7, defined: Lua, line: 6, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/powerauras\auraswindow\windowscript.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: 19, defined: main, line: 0, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/powerauras\auraswindow\windowscript.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: Can't execute script for addon: Mods/Addons/PowerAuras/AddonDesc.(UIAddon).xdb


Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [c]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: UpdateLocalization, global, line: 395, defined: Lua, line: 394, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/locales.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: 470, defined: Lua, line: 468, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/locales.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: Attempt to read from undeclared global variable: View

Error: addon PowerAuras: Error while running the chunk

Error: addon PowerAuras: [string "mods/addons/powerauras/locales.lua"]:395: attempt to index global `View' (a nil value)

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [c]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: UpdateLocalization, global, line: 395, defined: Lua, line: 394, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/locales.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: 470, defined: Lua, line: 468, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/locales.lua"]

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undeclared global variable: View :o

View is declared in the Widgets.lua in the first line, it can not fail.

It looks like the Widgets.lua is missing. If the file is missing, then in the mods.txt is written nothing. Delete the PowerAuras-Folder and reinstall it. I have currently the same build running and it works.

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Yes, it is working on the russian client on my pc. When it was all errors that you get, I don't know why the view is missing on your client. The only reason that I can imagine is the missing Widgets.lua.

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Today we got new update and I installed an addons there. Everything is now working. Looks like I did something wrong last time I tried it.

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But after this patch addon doesn't work. I tried old and new version. But you can configure it and everything, but it displays no buffs. First pic shows the configured buffs, but with no icons. Second shows, that it finds all the buffs correctly.

c8a91cc6e656553be6a06fd25861517c.png f57e4899e2e6e22f45b8bcbe8130dc0e.png

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You know that the Addon only can have the icons when the addon see this since your login. Ok, I have an addon that contains all icons that the 3.0 version have. If I use that then are all icons available.

I will test it with the new client version, when I'm at home. If it is 3.0.02 the addon will not work, because they changed some things in the API.

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And the error log:

Error: addon PowerAuras: Error while running the chunk

Error: addon PowerAuras: [string "mods/addons/powerauras/scriptplayerstates.lua"]:15: attempt to call field `IsPlayerInGroup' (a nil value)

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: IsPlayerInGroup, field, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [c]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: IsPlayerInGroup, global, line: 15, defined: Lua, line: 14, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/scriptplayerstates.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: PlayerStates, global, line: 67, defined: Lua, line: 65, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/scriptplayerstates.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: UpdateItems, method, line: 71, defined: Lua, line: 68, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/scriptpowerauras.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: UpdateItems, global, line: 206, defined: Lua, line: 205, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/scriptpowerauras.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: 301, defined: Lua, line: 296, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/scriptpowerauras.lua"]

Error: addon PowerAuras: func: ?, ?, line: 309, defined: Lua, line: 306, [string "mods/addons/powerauras/helper.lua"]

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They renamed group.IsPlayerInGroup to group.IsCreatureInGroup, but forgot to change it in the moddingdocs.

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Hi Tycere, so far your addon has been working for the br version of Allods, but since the last revision I can no longer set up an aura viewer for target's buffs... example: I can't show in my screen if the target has "Psychic Stability" and such (but I could do this before!!)

I went to the mods.txt logging info and nothing about PowerAuras there...

Is something going wrong? could you help me?

Also, I've been trying to create what I named "Independant Buff Timer".

For example: I'm a psi, I cast Will Suppression on target and change target afterwards, but when I do that the buff timer dissappears from my screen, I'd like it to stay still so I could keep track of WHEN I'd need to renew the spell (say, I put the debuff on target, and I want a timer counting DOWN until it fades...)

It would be nice too!

Thanks for this AWESOME addon! =)

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I added only one line that have nothing to do with buffs. I think the br allods have also 3.0.00 client version, the same with the german.

For your suppression you can use the any option. If you have 3.0.00 the last page of the setting will work for you and you can export the settings as text. This text can you copy and post it here, when you need help to configure it.

Why your Psychic Stability is nomore visible, i have no idea. I will try it on the german client. I have only spells on my bard configured.

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I tried again... I found the problem.

I configured to show Psionicist's Premonition, export is:


Premonição= Premonition

The problem is: it only shows the aura, if I have the target FIRST, if I get the target with HIS aura ALREADY turned on, it won't show me.

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