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Гость Tycere

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I developed now for a few weeks a new addon. First I tried to draw a circle on the ground, to visualize spell range. It did not work. I played a lot with the AttachWidget3D-Function. Then I watched an old video where i play wow. I see the really nice combat text on the target. So I started to develop this. In an early version it put text on random positions on a mob. Then I added different sizes to the text that determineds to the high of the damage amount. I did it with the TextView-Scale.

I get now some very good looking numbers, but I need to know what kind of damage it was. So I add some colors to the text. That was not enough, so i added for tests the icons under the text. 3 other persons and I prefer the Icon-Version so it is now the real version.

I had now 4 Events and 5 functions. I need now a better structured addon, so i added more files and many more functions. This takes a lot of time, but then it was good. Now I can start with the next step.

I thought about a calculation for the arrange of the texts. I would like to put the text nearest to the middle without overlap the other numbers. I do this with a 16x16 grid. I save in which cells are texts. I clear the cell when the text is away. This grid worked only for the target. On other objects the numbers goes under the ground.

That is because the game developers remove in the future the AttachWidget2D-Function, and I did not use it because in a few weeks come the next update (2.0.08 or 3.0 - we are in 2.0.06, the next version is not surely known). And in the russian version the function is no more there.

Since I had the addon grinding do a lot of fun. I like to see bigger numbers when the numbers are bigger. And I can better timing the spells, because I see when the spell is casted. I can now better grinding, because I can put lightning strike on the target with the debuff and then command the pet to go to this. I switch the target and I see when the debuff is active. I can grind much faster. :)

So that was the story of the addon :)

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Этот аддон меняет отображение урона по вашим целям. Цифры урона расходятся от центра в стороны. Размер цифр зависит от величины нанесенного урона. Также на короткое время появляется икона баффа, дебаффа, заклинания или атаки.

Значения цветов:

  • нормальный урон оружием - белый
  • крит оружием - красный
  • нормальный урон магией - желтый
  • маг. крит - оранжевый
  • нормальное лечение - зеленый
  • крит лечения - светло-зеленый
  • полученный опыт - фиолетовый

Исходящий от вас урон и от любого игрока лечение - отображаются сверху.

Получаемый вами урон, лечение и опыт - снизу.

Для изменения настроек отредактируйте файл Globals.lua

Этот аддон отключает работу стандартного аддона ContextDamageVisualization, поэтому зависимые от него другие пользовательские аддоны не будут работать.

English description below

This addon changes the representation of damage to your targets. Values ​​are arranged from the center outwards. The size of the numbers is determined by the amount of damage. Also appears for a short time the icon of the buff, debuff, spell or attack.

Color description:

Normal Hit Damage: White

Critical Hit Damage: Red

Normal Spell Damage: Yellow

Critical Spell Damage: Orange

Normal Heal: Green

Critical Heal: Light Green

Experience Gained: Purple

It will display the damage (from you) and heal (from everybody) in the top part of the screen.

It will display the incoming damage, heal and experience in the bottom part of the screen.

The only way to edit the settings is to modify the Globals.lua.

The addon is tested on, but should work on all versions back to 2.0.06.

Since r9 the addon disables the standard addon "ContextDamageVisualization", addons that need this addon will not work.


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I changed the fade speed a little bit. On some levels it is displayed too long.

The heal of the target was displayed on the 3D panel and not on the target panel.

The heal that the player receive will no longer appear. The system addon is for that enough.

The numbers are on lower levels and big numbers truncated, the reason was a fixed width of the text-widget.

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  • 2 недели спустя...

I installed in the a few days before the addon 'SetMyTarget' and i noticed that my addon is not working correctly. - This problem is now fixed.

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Ah ok, you have killed an enemy and the last hit can not displayed on the enemy panel.

It display it on the panel that is added with AddWidget3D. There are some other calculation for the text width. In the new version this problem will come only for very big numbers (greater than 10000k). Also i have found that the numbers are sometimes a little bit out of the panel.

I didn't noticed that, my druid/shaman didn't do so high numbers with one hit. Mostly between 15-50k, sometimes i do 120k.

OK, I will test my changes on the russian server and when i'm complete I upload a new version.

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I don't know it this a bug or whan, but I can see the damage done by other players. And they aren't in group with me or smth.

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I think this is a bug, sometimes i see that on the russian server. I had no problems on the german server.

I didn't know why it display the damage of others, this line should prevent it, but it doesn't:

if params.source == avatarId or params.source == petId then

I will try to find the reason why the condition is true.

Edit: Ok the source is sometimes nil. On a character without pet is petId also nil, then it will also displayed. But i noticed it the first time with my shaman. There is a second reason why the damage of others will be displayed. Ok, I will upload a new update, maybe the problem is solved after this.

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Can you move damage output outside of the target arena, because sometime itš hard to notice. You see there arrows, that show my target + this spam messages that spell is not ready.

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You mean that the damage should never displayed directly over the target? I can lock this area, so no numbers are shown within the ellipse.

Try the version of the attachment, maybe it is what you want.

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  • 4 недели спустя...


Возможно ли переделать аддон подобно MikScrollBattleTex?


Хочется чтобы цифры урона падали по дуге. Критические повреждения всплывали и дрожали несколько секунд

Is it possible to convert an addon like MikScrollBattleTex?


I would like to figure falling damage in an arc. Critical damage surfaced and trembled for a few seconds

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I didn't like moving of the numbers.

95% of all hits are critical. I think it is not useful to let tremble the critical damage.

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  • 3 недели спустя...

Too many errors in mods.txt :

Error: addon CircleCombatText: Error while running the chunk

Error: addon CircleCombatText: [string "mods/addons/circlecombattext/scriptcirclecombattext.lua"]:219: attempt to index local `texturePanel' (a nil value)

Error: addon CircleCombatText: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [c]

Error: addon CircleCombatText: func: ?, ?, line: 219, defined: Lua, line: 197, [string "mods/addons/circlecombattext/scriptcirclecombattext.lua"]

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I corrected the error that resulted in error-spam.

I disabled the clipcontent this will now prevent on some situations the cut of numbers.

Also I locked the middle area for the numbers that come on your target. The numbers other the target are random positioned.

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Error: addon CircleCombatText: Error while running the chunk

Error: addon CircleCombatText: [string "mods/addons/circlecombattext/scriptcirclecombattext.lua"]:187: attempt to index local `texturePanel' (a nil value)

Error: addon CircleCombatText: func: ?, ?, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1, [c]

Error: addon CircleCombatText: func: ?, ?, line: 187, defined: Lua, line: 171, [string "mods/addons/circlecombattext/scriptcirclecombattext.lua"]

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I corrected the error-spam a second time - i forgot the part of heals

I added the display for gained experience - I hope the size is ok

I noticed that the icon of some spells (for example the bard spell элегия/elegy/Klagelied) is not displayed, this is corrected

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  • 6 месяцев спустя...

После одного из обновлений аддон перестал работать правильно, т.е. работает одновременно со стандартным и урон от ударов показывает выборочно.

Так как аддон мне очень понравился, то хотелось бы, чтоб автор или другой понимающий человек его отремонтировал.

Google Translator:

After one of the updates addon stopped working correctly, ie operates simultaneously with the standard and damage from shock shows selectively.

Since the expansion I liked, it would be desirable that the author or any other person understands it repaired.

Заранее спасибо.

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  • 2 месяца спустя...

Duration of texts can be between 1.5 and 4 seconds.

Changed the color of experience gained.

Sometimes there was a targetTexturePanel error on the heal part.

Update for client version 4.0

This version place the target damage to the upper middle of the screen. The old version tried it to place it on the enemy, but this is now impossible. This change fix some errors and let the addon working.

@reclvz, I hope your issue is also fixed by this update.

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mods.txt Spam, v

Error: addon CircleCombatText:   func: Show, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1,  [C] 

Error: addon CircleCombatText:     func: ?, ?, line: 203, defined: Lua, line: 198,  [string "Mods/Addons/CircleCombatText/ScriptCircleCombatText.lua"] 

Error: addon CircleCombatText: Error while running the chunk

Error: addon CircleCombatText:    [string "Mods/Addons/CircleCombatText/ScriptCircleCombatText.lua"] :203: attempt to call method `Show' (a nil value)

Error: addon CircleCombatText: Widgets::LuaGetChildChecked: can't find a child: ContextDamageVisualization, details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaGetChildChecked(struct lua_State *)

Error: addon CircleCombatText: Error while running the chunk

Error: addon CircleCombatText:    [string "Mods/Addons/CircleCombatText/ScriptCircleCombatText.lua"] :319: attempt to call method `GetChildChecked' (a nil value)

Error: addon CircleCombatText:   func: GetChildChecked, method, line: -1, defined: C, line: -1,  [C] 

Error: addon CircleCombatText:     func: InitializeTargetPanel, global, line: 319, defined: Lua, line: 317,  [string "Mods/Addons/CircleCombatText/ScriptCircleCombatText.lua"] 

Error: addon CircleCombatText:       func: Init, global, line: 352, defined: Lua, line: 351,  [string "Mods/Addons/CircleCombatText/ScriptCircleCombatText.lua"]

Error: addon CircleCombatText:         func: CallWhenCharacterAvailable, global, line: 52, defined: Lua, line: 50,  [string "Mods/Addons/CircleCombatText/Helper.lua"] 

Error: addon CircleCombatText:           func: ?, ?, line: 357, defined: main, line: 0,  [string "Mods/Addons/CircleCombatText/ScriptCircleCombatText.lua"] 

Error: addon CircleCombatText: Can't execute script for addon: Mods/Addons/CircleCombatText/AddonDesc.(UIAddon).xdb

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