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Turn CT's AM lock button off, for the time being. The issue is that when upgrading LibDnD, I forgot to change the DnD:Enable line to 2 things instead of 1, so it passes "true" as a widget.

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Could you make a language checker addon and send to me? I send a log file to you.

Send by my e-mail - boss@allodsbrasil.com

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Hello i find some errors ^^

Error: addon CT_Total: UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture: Addon (CT_Total) don't contain related textures, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *)

Error: addon CT_Total: UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture: Addon (CT_Total) don't contain related textures, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *)

Error: addon CT_Total: UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture: Addon (CT_Total) don't contain related textures, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *)

Error: addon CT_Total: UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture: Addon (CT_Total) don't contain related textures, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *)

Error: addon CT_Total: UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture: Addon (CT_Total) don't contain related textures, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *)

Error: addon CT_Total: UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture: Addon (CT_Total) don't contain related textures, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *)

Error: addon CT_Total: UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture: Addon (CT_Total) don't contain related textures, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *)

Error: addon CT_Total: UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture: Addon (CT_Total) don't contain related textures, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *)

Error: addon CT_Total: UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture: Addon (CT_Total) don't contain related textures, details: int __cdecl UI::LuaGetAddonRelatedTexture(struct lua_State *)

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Check to make sure you have these two things, in the AddonDesc you should see <textures href="Buttons....."/> and in the CT folder you should see a file named Buttons. If you don't have these things, I would recommend deleting the folder and re-downloading.

Also, don't update add-ons while a game client is open if you do have those two things. :P

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  • 2 недели спустя...

spam at mods.txt, client version RU (

Error: addon CT_Total: Game::LuaUnitIsPet: unit (id=106498) not found, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaUnitIsPet(struct lua_State *)
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That's a game error. :(

I'll try and find some way around it. It is caused by your pet doing damage as or after it is dead/disappeared.

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  • 2 недели спустя...

В этом аддоне совсем убрали графическую оболочку??? Недавно решил к нему вернуться, поставил - а меча то и нет. Так и должно быть?

Have you completely removed the GUI from this addon?? Recently decided to return to it, set it on - but there was no sword at all. Should it be so?

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Sorry, the GUI is still there. I believe when I ripped out the useless paneling I left the button hanging in the X=0, Y=0 spot. It's possible that it is hiding underneath your character plate in the top left.

Thanks for reminding me, I'll make the changes when I get back later.

Google Translate:

К сожалению, интерфейс все еще там. Я считаю, когда я вырвал бесполезно панелями я оставил кнопку висит в X = 0, Y = 0 месте. Вполне возможно, что он скрывается под вас характер пластины в верхнем левом углу.

Спасибо за напоминание мне, я буду делать изменения, когда я вернусь позже.

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

HI there great addon, I love it!

Question 1: Is there a way for me to only show Crits both heal and damage?

Maybe somewhere I can comment out things in the LUA?

Question 2: I also cannot get my GUI menu back at all is there a way to call it from the command line?

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You'd have to do a lot of commenting and there'd be a lot of dead weight. The add-on this was primarily developed from is a simple crit announce also for download on UI9. That'd be a better start point for something so simple, since all you'd have to add is a heal critical.

If the sword is lost, check the CT_Total table in the user.cfg file with a text editor in the AllodsOnline/Personal/ folder.

I'm in the process of creating a new add-on similar to CT_Total that shows icons, names, has changeable colors, sizes, start locations, and styles. But I honestly haven't touched it very much since I started leveling again. I was more worried about repairing damaged features in RaidPlates, FullMap, and NamePlateBars.

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  • 3 недели спустя...

AddonManager sends this event. I removed LibTiogan because it did not function in the RU version and passed errors due to the new Chat add-on's new name.

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Я так понял он сумирует дамаг одной стихией нанесенной за какой-то период времени. Начинаю например бить разрядом и он показывает 80к(20к), следующий удар разрядом 150к(34к) - и т.д. можно это отключить, что бы видеть каждый удар отдельно?

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  • 4 недели спустя...


Есть потребность, что бы аддон работал иначе, режим обучения, в котором игрок будет использовать желаемые им способности(5 штук например)а аддон их запоминать. затем игрок выберет желаемые из скастованных. Соответственно по 5 столбов вместо 3. Надписи заменим иконками способностей и будем писать урон\исцеление нанесенные именно с их помощью и ДПС. А в центре общий урон последних 5 заклинаний и общий ДПС


There is a desire that would otherwise add-on work, learning mode, where players will use their ability to desired (5 pieces for example) and add-on to remember. then select the desired player of the cast. Accordingly, the 5 pillars instead of 3. Inscriptions replace icons and write capabilities Done \ healing caused it with their help, and DPS. And in the center of the total damage spells and the last 5 overall DPS

God, i am so lazzy T_T

Writed myself and press F5 ofc msg deleted -_- So Google forever!

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

How to hide Sword icon from screen by Alt+Z combination or other?

The sword corrupt all my screenshots :(

And i can't delete addon, because it making another important function for me: unloading system addon "ContextDamageVisualization".

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Use AddonManager to hide or turn off the add-on. This will hide the sword.

You could also download NCT instead which is an "upgraded" form of CT_Total that I developed and no longer has the sword. It instead uses ConfigWindow and the /cw slash command as a means to change configuration.

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

You may name your main form like your addon, e.g.



to smthing like:



Also, if you still manage this addon, replace the ContectDamageVisualization unload with, for example, hiding of children of


Or ones that appear on the screen, idk which ones, did not test it.

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Обязательна информация из \Personal\Logs\mods.txt для диагностики ошибки.
Иначе вам не помочь.
В игре включите в Меню → Интерфейс → Общие настройки → Запись ошибок пользовательских дополнений. Затем запустите аддон в игре.
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