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Сообщения, опубликованные cristimirt

  1. You have to use avatar.EndInspect(), or else the Inspect window will be visible everytime you change targets. Which can be annoying. What you can do is check if the avatar is already inspecting the target. I think the function is avatar.IsTargetInspected(). If it's already inspected, you won't have to call avatar.StartInspect() or avatar.EndInspect(). If the target is not inspected, nothing changes. This could be an example:

    local inspecting = avatar.IsTargetInspected()
    if not inspecting then avatar.StartInspect() end
    {the code to get info about gems goes here}
    if not inspecting then avatar.EndInspect() end

    There shouldn't be problems. If inspecting is false, your addon starts and ends the inspect like it does in the actual version. If inspecting is true, your addon will not call StartInspect() and EndInspect(), but it will still get info about gems.

  2. Addon works well with TargetsManager and NewTarget3DPvP. It also works with NewInspectStatsVelhuru, but if you are currently inspecting someone (with or whitout NewInspectStatsVelhuru), when you press the GemsInfo button, the InspectWindow will close. You can re-open it by selecting Inspect again, if you want to see both the glyphs window and the Inspect window. I don't think this is a problem anymore.

  3. I have a WidgetPanel that contains other panels and a button. So far, everything is well, the button works as intended.

    But when I add that WidgetPanel as a child to a state managed addon (InspectCharacter in this case), using widget:AddChild(child), the button stops working as intended. I can click it, but nothing will happen.

    Any ideas why this happens and how I can fix it?

    I'm adding the panel to InspectCharacter because the addon also enables DnD for InspectCharacter, and I want the Panel to move together with the InspectCharacter.

  4. Can you add a compatibility fix for players from EU/NA? Our version is 4.0.00 and we don't have "common.isOnPayToPlayShard()" in the API. A simple fix would be to add a check when you use "isOnPayToPlayShard()":

    if common.isOnPayToPlayShard then
    isOnPayToPlayShard = common.isOnPayToPlayShard()
    else isOnPayToPlayShard = false

    Also, can you make the color of value for Dragon Tears be the same as the quality of the Dragon Tears? I did a small addon comaptible with the original AOPanel that did this, before I started using your InfoPanel.

    What about a settings window? Where we could select what to display. I don't care about the quest log/replicators/mount food for example, and I would want to remove them.

    And you should really add localization. Whitout localization, you can't get the amount of replicators/keys a player has. You could extract the text from "Mechanics/Astral/TierLevels/Tickets/Tier1_Ticket.txt" for AstralKey and "ItemMall/Scrolls/Ships/AstralLootMultiplier.txt" for the Astral Replicator. This way, there will be no need for localization :)

  5. Can you add a compatibility fix for the players from NA and EU? In 4.0.00, there is no "common.GetLocalDateTime". We have "common.GetLocalDateYMD" that seems to do the same thing.

    A simple fix would be this:

    if not common.GetLocalDateTime then
    common.GetLocalDateTime = common.GetLocalDateYMD

    Added in the initialization.

    It would also be easier if the FPS counter could be turned off with a slash command.

  6. I made it to work.. somehow.

    This is the WidgetButton.xdb

    <TextFileRef href="ButtonClose.txt" />

    This is the ButtonClose.txt

    <button fontsize="11"><r name="button_label"/></button>

    And this is the LUA code:

    wtCloseBtn:SetVal("button_label", toWS(GetTextLocalized("Close")))

    I don't know why it didn't work previously, but I'm glad it works now. I looked at how GuilGui1b does things :)

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