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  1. So this addon is not exist anymore? I love this one for alchemy. my favorite. Is it possible to make it work again ?
  2. Nope. It doesn't. Here, a screenshot of it. It says "we stopped our services on Turkey since June 2016."
  3. I can't. Paypal has stopped working here on 2006 if i remember right. Years ago before i left Allods, i was using russian wallet payment systems like yandex wallet, but now all of them requires russian mobile number verification. Is there another way for me to pay please?
  4. Same problem here, from Turkiye. How can i top-up balance or payment? Can i do a direct bank transfer to an admin's bank acc? I tried almost everything. Qiwi or others asks for verification from a russian mobile number.
  5. Hello I really loved this addon but i don't know any Russian can you please translate it to english? i want to use it on ENG client
  6. Hai, Can someone edit this addon for ENG Client please? I do not know much thing about how to edit addons but if you can tell me, i try.
  7. We got 6.0.1 patch yesterday and now i can't add a new build. "+" button doesn't work anymore. Can you fix this please? or How can i fix this ?
  8. I can help. Just send me items' icons and i'll give you eng names.
  9. not working on eng client Can we make this work for english client?
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