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Весь контент Ciuine

  1. The first version was just an appeasement, this is more of "full" version. The window can be moved via DnD, and the buttons can be moved as well. Google Translate: Первая версия была просто умиротворения, это скорее "полный" вариант. окно может быть перемещено через DnD, и кнопки могут быть перемещены, а также.
  2. Ciuine


    Версия 33

    22 098 раз скачали

    Добавляет отдельное окно чата. Я очень рекомендую удалить все версии до R18, перед установкой более новой версии, иначе у вас накопится куча бесполезных файлов, в связи с реструктуризацией. Adds a separate chat window. I would highly recommend deleting all versions prior to r18 before downloading the new one as you'll end up with useless files due to restructuring. Инструкция по использованию Type /ww to open/close the panel or click the text button. Use these buttons to decide what text is shown. ^ Some localization provided by Duvodas and Carnifex. The rest is Google Translate, please mention if it is incorrect. Customization via ConfigWindow (right click the text button or typing /cw): Now with custom color creator. Set color by moving the sliders and clicking the respective color button. Drag-To-Resize: Container Customization (right-click container buttons): Slash Commands: /ww - Show/Hide WhisperWindow /wwreset - Reset DND of WhisperWindow /wwclear - Clear current window of text /wwtotalclear - Clear all windows. /wwtop - Set WhisperWindow display above/below the map. /wwhelp - Prints slash command information in All. слэш-команд: /ww - Показать/Скрыть WW /wwreset - Сброс DND из WW /wwclear - очистить текущее окно текста /wwtotalclear - Очистить все окна. /wwtop - Задать WhisperWindow дисплей выше/ниже карте. /wwhelp - Печать слэш команду информации во всех.
  3. Character names in the game are passed as WStrings, not strings. This means they do not need to be converted to WStrings via ToWString commands. object.GetName(id) is a WString. "Blah, useless string." is a string. Look for the labeling of types in the ModdingDocuments. Google Translate: Имена персонажей в игре передаются как WStrings, а не strings. Это означает, что они не должны быть преобразованы в WStrings через ToWString команды. object.GetName(id) является WString. "Бла, бесполезные строки". является string. Посмотрите на маркировку типа в ModdingDocuments.
  4. Ciuine


    WhisperWindow Просмотр файла Добавляет отдельное окно чата. Я очень рекомендую удалить все версии до R18, перед установкой более новой версии, иначе у вас накопится куча бесполезных файлов, в связи с реструктуризацией. Adds a separate chat window. I would highly recommend deleting all versions prior to r18 before downloading the new one as you'll end up with useless files due to restructuring. Инструкция по использованию Type /ww to open/close the panel or click the text button. Use these buttons to decide what text is shown. ^ Some localization provided by Duvodas and Carnifex. The rest is Google Translate, please mention if it is incorrect. Customization via ConfigWindow (right click the text button or typing /cw): Now with custom color creator. Set color by moving the sliders and clicking the respective color button. Drag-To-Resize: Container Customization (right-click container buttons): Slash Commands: /ww - Show/Hide WhisperWindow /wwreset - Reset DND of WhisperWindow /wwclear - Clear current window of text /wwtotalclear - Clear all windows. /wwtop - Set WhisperWindow display above/below the map. /wwhelp - Prints slash command information in All. слэш-команд: /ww - Показать/Скрыть WW /wwreset - Сброс DND из WW /wwclear - очистить текущее окно текста /wwtotalclear - Очистить все окна. /wwtop - Задать WhisperWindow дисплей выше/ниже карте. /wwhelp - Печать слэш команду информации во всех. Добавил Ciuine Добавлено 18.01.2011 Категория Аддоны  
  5. I was actually using some of the very old 1.1.01 source LUA to get all of these definitions. So like I said, the DarkGreens are gone and probably a few others. Just a table showing off their naming. You don't have DarkWhite set to anything. (Why does Google Translate always turn, "You don't" into "Should not", totally not the same definition...) Я был на самом деле, используя некоторые из очень старых 1.1.01 источник LUA, чтобы получить все эти определения. Так как я уже сказал, DarkGreens ушли и, возможно, некоторые другие. Просто таблица, показывающая свои имена. Не должны DarkWhite множество ни к чему.
  6. I don't know, I spoke to a GM about it on my end and like I said, "they" feel if it doesn't cause any malicious harm then it works out. Immediately after that I installed the mechanics into PLATES for the movement of BuffInfo.
  7. I have to agree with Duvodas on this. Where would this lie under the ToS? Because I just ran this code as a test... Code: local wtMainForm = stateMainForm:GetChildChecked("MainAddonMainForm", false )local children = wtMainForm:GetNamedChildren() for i = 0, GetTableSize( children ) - 1 do local wtChild = children local name = wtChild:GetName() LogInfo(name ) end children = wtMainForm:GetChildChecked("WatermarkRight", false ) children:Show(false) And it turned off something I'm pretty sure they don't want you to turn off. Edit: By the way the list in the NA version is not as pretty as just saying "LagMeter"... 90% of our MainForm's are named.. MainForm. Easier code: Code: local children = stateMainForm:GetNamedChildren()for i = 0, GetTableSize( children ) - 1 do local wtChild = children local name = wtChild:GetName() local children2 = wtChild:GetNamedChildren() for j = 0, GetTableSize( children2 ) - 1 do local wtChild = children2 [j] local name2 = wtChild:GetName() LogInfo(i.." " .. name, " "..j..": " .. name2) end end
  8. Thanks Duvodas, the self mechanics are just there because the game doesn't pass params.recipient when you send messages to yourself.
  9. I need simple translations this time around. For my new, new, new.. add-on. WhisperWindow Basically generates three separated text windows for whisper/zone/party, and with that I need translated... Code: ToFrom Self Whisper Zone Party
  10. This is a typo in my coding, I set reversed the if HD/HR then, elseif HR/HD then statements, just change the letter.
  11. By the way, I should mention that "predefined colors" as it were, are actually predefined -styles-. It's just tip has no other information than color. I've been experimenting with a number of these string defined variables. Color only: (a number of these call on similar colors) LogColorMagenta LogColorYellow LogColorViolet LogColorLightRed LogColorRed LogColorBlue LogColorCian LogColorGreen LogColorLightGreen LogColorWhite LogColorBrown LogColorDarkWhite LogColorGold LogColorBlack LogColorDarkGreen Junk (dark white) Goods (white) Common (green) Uncommon (blue) Rare (purple) Epic (orange) Legendary (mint) Relic (lemon) Friendly (green) Aggressive (red) Neutral Dead DamageVisHpGain DamageVisHpDrain DamageVisMpGain DamageVisMpDrain DamageVisEnergyGain DamageVisEnergyDrain DamageVisDodge DamageVisBlock DamageVisMiss DamageVisParry DamageVisResist DamageVisAbsorb DamageVisExpGain DamageVisReputationGain DamageVisReputationDrain DamageVisHonorGain DamageVisHonorDrain Possibly color only: StatDebuffed StatBuffed StatNormal Predefined Size/Color/Positioning: log_red log_orange log_yellow log_magenta log_white log_dark_white log_blue log_green log_brown log_light_yellow log_violet log_dark_green (might be deprecated) (Buttons Only) button_red I'd assume there's a variant of button color for all the log colors.
  12. Seems like it, but my game client still recognizes it as a valid slash command. Even if it doesn't do anything.
  13. I'm going to assume that it's a shorter version of the /emote call. Like /w is short for /whisper and the like.
  14. I believe the error here might be that /em is a functional slash command in the NA version of Allods, and as such the event "EVENT_UNKNOWN_SLASH_COMMAND" is not processed when it is used. Edit: This is correct, upon changing "/em on" to "/emlm on" the field was turned on and 133742 was printed to the mods.txt.
  15. The code ran, /morse worked, sent the four messages with the emoteIDs I mentioned; all our IDs are over 8500 (starting with dance at 8564). No info in mods.txt. I meant mathematically how does it work? How do 8500+x4 and 76 eventually equal 133742?
  16. I'm confused by how this works, the emotes it called on for /morse were 8622, 8575, 8587, and 8564. Tongue, flirt, sit, dance.
  17. This seems like ten billion times more complicated than just typing the itemId in a message.
  18. No, I have not tested that. But I'll try it out tonight if I can. Ran some tests, EVENT_LOOT_TO_DISTRIBUTE is only passed to the looter.
  19. Some sort of displayed itemId which the MasterLooter can then type into party/raid chat which the add-on then asks on EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE if the message came from the name of the master looter, gets integer from string, checks to make sure its not a commonly used integer like 0-100 or something, then gets and writes the sent itemId into the tooltip.id.
  20. Ah, I was just playing around about the blue item. We were two-manning an instance, that should have been a hint. We had full intentions on just confirming my additions worked. Oh noes, blue items go bye-bye.
  21. I just said I finished coding the tooltip function... I know the events to use, it works fine on gray/white items, I'm looking for an actual green or blue drop to complete my testing though. Edit: Sent you the tooltip version Carnifex. A little buggy here and there, couldn't get any proper testing done because it requires a group and I don't play AO. Oh, I just realized how to fix one of the bugs! Change all the ItemTTText[whatever] to ItemTTText[sizevalue]. Bam, fully functional.
  22. The mechanics for your MasterLoot add-on work, I just used them while testing the tooltip concept. Pretty neat-sauces. EDIT: Dangerous, dangerous error passes if a party member is offline. Basically breaks the add-on and loot is lost. My tester just ditched me because we were two-manning an instance and he didn't get the pretty blue because he logged his alt off, who was also in the party. Oh, and I think my Tooltip function is done, I just need a green drop test.
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