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Весь контент Ciuine

  1. Ciuine


    It's a possibility that it is already fixed for the RU client. I wouldn't know though. But it was once a very popular game bug and popped up very early, from Carnifex on 2011-03-04. (Edit: Last report from the RU client for this game bug in this forum was from Hades in August.)
  2. Ciuine


    Weak, I meant "Return" as in that it's been around for much longer than 2.0.06. I'm not a RU player by the way BhaaL. I'm also still in the stone ages of Allods. Odd that the bug has taken over such a large number of cannons, rather than the same named it was once reported as. Did y'all try swapping the cannons around to try and break it? I wouldn't think there'd be a fix for it; because even my fix while it separated the two cannons, they were often out of order because six was referenced before five in the device table sometimes.
  3. Ciuine


    True, but the issue BhaaL mentioned is that the game sometimes (semi-rarely but easily reproducible) passes two cannons at the same slot. So you get side5/slot5 side5/slot5 instead of side5/slot5 side5/slot6. Even the state-managed default add-on slaps these two on top of each other in the Visor.
  4. Ciuine


    Good job, Asika1; looks prettier now. You did multi-shield support using the device health rather than the shield sides too; neat. Also looks like you added a cooldown function for the cannons. I wouldn't say it is nothing like its over the hill predecessor though. However, I have no problem with it if you want to post your version though, nor have I ever. (like icreator did for NamePlateBars)
  5. Ciuine


    This is a common bug with the device.GetShipSlotInfo; I'm sorry to see it has returned. Best way to avoid it in general is to reposition cannons, as it commonly occurs when two like-named cannons are placed next to each other in the 5/6 slots.
  6. ActionsMod. These are the add-ons I see (and know) in the video (from top to bottom, left to right); HonorInfo, MinimapSLA, SimpleCritAnnounce, DarkDPSMeter (texture modified), WhisperWindow, TargetsManager, ActionsMod (positions modified), Sniper, ContextPinMenu turned off, PhanTime, RaidPlates. I don't know what add-ons the money display or the cancel button is from, 'cause I've never had to answer a question about them before.
  7. Since someone put this on the front page of the developer's discussion, I'll add this which includes the Turkish Kania (provided by Fahrenheit of the Allods Online in Turkey); Code: function GetGameLocalization() local B = cartographer.GetMapBlocks() local T = { rus="\203\232\227\224", eng="Holy Land", ger="Heiliges Land", fra="Terre Sacr\233e", br="Terra Sagrada", jpn="\131\74\131\106\131\65", tr="\221ttifak" } for b in B do for l,t in T do if userMods.FromWString( cartographer.GetMapBlockInfo(B ).name ) == t then return l end; end end; return "eng" end This makes RUS/ENG/GER/FRA/BR/JPN/TR localization detection. Need some people from the other localizations to add to it (or someone bored enough to go hunting for the names).
  8. Haha. Sorry about that. Google is what I use first though. Don't really have a multilingual translator on hand while I'm writing. Thanks for the changes, I'll post it up now.
  9. I don't get why it is my fault that the developers removed a feature due to it being obviously abused and then the undesired work around being broken from my add-ons is my problem. If I fix it, it'll make CT_Total/NCT three times as load bearing on your computer. Why not ask the developers of the other two add-ons to do it?
  10. The latest version of WhisperWindow posted is supported...
  11. Only add-ons that support ConfigWindow will show up. ShipHUD, NCT, PlayerHUD, NamePlateBars, DamageMeters, DoTTimer, and WhisperWindow, currently support it; I don't know if there are others.
  12. Could those of you with the 3.0 client test this? (Lots of code changes to potentially adapt to the breaks mentioned, addition of optional FadingDisplay functionality [default-off], and localizations for ENG/RUS/FRA/GER/JPN/BR/TR.)
  13. The tabled event parameter objects is passed from EVENT_OBJECT_BUFFS_ELEMENT_CHANGED. Table: objects = {objectId = {buffId = true/false},...}
  14. Thanks Nikon, this is where I was heading with my inquiry. I'll have to attach the numbers to a second timer, I guess it is good that they made it spam less should reduce lag from buff add-ons. I'll figure out a work around and maybe even make some changes to the Element Changed code to allow it to only update buffs rather than create an entire new set. Buff add-ons were the first add-ons where I actually encountered a "not enough memory" mods.txt error, from the constant spamming of Element Changed. Probably the reason it was only discovered now was that the add-on wasn't completely functional for 2.0.06 due to an API flub. (API says unitId and index are passed through EVENT_OBJECT_BUFF_ADDED, but actually passes unitId and buffId.) Google Translate: Благодаря Nikon, это то, где я шел с моим расследованием. Мне придется приложить номера секундный таймер, я думаю, это хорошо, что они сделали это спам-менее должны сократить отставание от баффа дополнений. Я выяснить, обойти и, возможно, даже сделать некоторые изменения в элемент изменен код, чтобы позволить ему обновить только любители, а не создавать совершенно новый набор. Buff дополнения были первые дополнения, где я на самом деле столкнулись "недостаточно памяти" mods.txt ошибки, от постоянного спама из элементов Changed. : P Наверное, поэтому он был обнаружен только сейчас было то, что дополнения не был полностью функциональным для 2.0.06 из-за API промах. (API говорит unitId и index пропускают через EVENT_OBJECT_BUFF_ADDED, но на самом деле проходит unitId и buffId.)
  15. I have no idea why the game does that to certain add-ons. ConfigWindow and ShipHUD don't have escape recognition, yet it seems to cause them to randomly open. I'll look into why the buff event responsible for the second update is no longer working. (Perhaps they decided to stop spamming it every second.) Do you have any buffs/debuffs that stack that you can test without adding or subtracting any new buffs (mainly Summoner Neurotoxin is what I mean)? The event that isn't firing is also responsible for stack count updates.
  16. Is PLATES being broken just related to the Bard addition? Or is there some other error in the mods.txt? Google Translate: Является PLATES нарушаются только связанные с того Бард? Или есть какая-то другая ошибка в mods.txt?
  17. That's odd, are there any errors in the mods.txt related to the add-on? Oh, nevermind; I see the problem. The first buff might be breaking the rest. Try this; File: oPG2uFrE4aMQZbW.zip
  18. The multiple events at the same time thing was something I already knew about before I even made the add-on; it turned out that, at least in my localization, the important event that people wanted to track was the last shown in the message so I just left it as is to keep it simple. (I made this add-on in like two minutes for a guild member that asked me for it. This is pretty much true for all of my minor add-ons.) I'll make changes so that it'll display more than one message. I'm quite sick at the moment so this may take some time. Google Translate: Несколько событий в одно и то же время было что-то я уже знал о прежде, чем я даже сделал дополнения, оказалось, что, по крайней мере в моей локализации, важное событие, что люди хотели, чтобы трек был последним показано на сообщение, чтобы я просто оставили все как есть, чтобы держать это просто. (Я сделал это дополнение, как в две минуты член гильдии, который спросил меня за это. Это в значительной степени верно и для всех моих незначительных дополнений.) Я буду вносить изменения, так что он будет отображать более чем одно сообщение. Я очень больной на данный момент так что это может занять некоторое время.
  19. I made a very, very, very simple and lazy add-on for this just a little while ago. Google Translate: Я сделал очень, очень, очень простой и ленивый дополнения для этого просто некоторое время назад. CalendarTracker
  20. Use ConfigWindow to change the starting positions/styles/colors/sizes/shadows/outlines/icons/names in NCT. I'll consider adding the features you feel it is lacking from the previous add-on; but by far it is a better coded add-on with more potential. (I've even added the default ContextDamageVisualization 3D style into my version of the add-on.) As a side note, I actually -like- seeing that blob of red on my summoner/mage. Maybe I just like seeing all those delicious red critical numbers.
  21. Ciuine


    Good point, this should cut a few milliseconds off the function run time; I'll make the necessary changes. Anything else about the code that needs changing?
  22. Ciuine


    Good luck to you in the future. It was very entertaining, yet stressful.
  23. Ciuine


    You were banned for your racism and cultural derogation, which you can't seem to control.
  24. Ciuine


    You're obviously the winner. You broke me. You showed me that I am an ignorant, arrogant, idiotic fool who doesn't deserve to post add-ons for the RU community. I especially don't deserve to fix add-ons for the RU community; please take over all of my add-ons, oh wise and merciful Asika, make sure to keep them up to date for each of the game localizations that pop up on UI9.ru because some people might come and harass you for hours on end and make it their personal mission to derogate anything you do for a typo or an error that you couldn't foresee. Remember, the payment for this job is nothing but the "thanks" from the few people that genuinely thank you and the hatred and scorn of people like you.
  25. Ciuine


    You're right Asika. Would you like to take over the add-on?
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