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Весь контент Ciuine

  1. If you downloaded the "White Square" version, then yes. When I first helped with this add-on the author decided he liked the white square. Try the other two versions with the same changes to get different results. Google Translate: Если вы скачали "Белый квадрат" версии, то да. Когда я впервые помогли с этого дополнения автор решил, что он любил белый квадрат. Попробуйте другие две версии с тем же изменения, чтобы получить разные результаты.
  2. Mine's a wee-bit damaged by the 2.0.02 patch Drag and Drop changes, so I'm working to fix it and add new features. But; RaidPlates
  3. You need to change; Code: userMods.FromWString(object.GetName(v)) == "Astral Chrysolite" or userMods.FromWString(object.GetName(v)) == "Astral Lapis Lazuli" or userMods.FromWString(object.GetName(v)) == "Astral Amethyst" These need to be changed to the Russian names of the gems; these are located in GemSpotter.lua, open it with a text document editor. Google Translate: Они должны быть изменены на русские названия драгоценных камней; они расположены в GemSpotter.lua, откройте его в редакторе текстовых документов.
  4. The "presence" concept uses the avatar.GetUnitList() function, which is used for attaching 3D/2D widgets to units around the player via ContextOvertip. The position coordinates of any unit not connected to the player through group/raid/spouse/detector means are protected and requesting them passes a "can't access" error. This is to prevent such add-ons. Google Translate: "Присутствие" концепция использует avatar.GetUnitList () функцию, которая используется для крепления 3D/2D виджеты единиц вокруг игрока через позицию ContextOvertip. позиция координаты любой блок не подключен к игроку через группу/рейд/супруга/детектор средства защиты и просьбой проходит "не может получить доступ к" ошибке. Это сделано для предотвращения таких дополнений.
  5. That error would likely come about when you do not have a target and the code is passed. Meaning that an event triggers the code to run when you do not have a target, so add if avatar.GetTarget() then ... end around your stuffs. Google Translate: Эта ошибка будет, скорее всего о том, когда у вас нет цели и код передается. Это означает, что триггеры событий кода при вас нет цели, чтобы добавить "if avatar.GetTarget() then ... end" вокруг вашего питания.
  6. I've never prevented people from helping me translate. I even added a once only message that sends, "If there are any translation errors, please notify me about it" or something of the like that sends the first time you install the add-on. All the strings are in a single file called "WW_Globals", didn't think it was hard to find. I use "is offline" for people logging on and off and people being offline. The reasons I did this was because the whispering someone has a few errors and I just chose the simplest to convey that the person did not receive your whisper. If the RU version does not say "is offline" and instead says "goes offline" that is an error in what people translated for me as the RU version has been updated repeatedly by users. I'm so glad that I've done such a terrible job that the second the developers announce a new chat interface my board blows up with the exact same comment again and again saying my add-on is worthless.
  7. Remove KillCompass and type /cpdnd with ClassPlates to access Drag and Drop functionality..
  8. (English) Time Travelers 1/2 - Time Traveler 1 - Yasskul Nasakhma Time Traveler 2 - Monique de Pluie
  9. Ciuine


    When you translate /shuddnd using Google Translate turns into / shuddnd, there's never a space in my slash commands. That should be fixed now. (Atleast for the Iconic version at the moment.) Use /shudtop in the new version to do this. Google Translate: Когда вы переводите /shuddnd использованием Google Translate превращается в / shuddnd, там никогда не пространство в моей команды черту. Это должно быть исправлена​​. (По крайней мере для версии Iconic на данный момент.) Используйте /shudtop в новую версию, чтобы это сделать.
  10. I ran some tests, and you can fetch textures for all abilities/spells if they exist, and most do (which is interesting considering you'd never see some of these skill textures unless you asked for them in this manner). However, avatar.GetBuffInfoById(buffId) does not pass texture information for some odd reason. This means that damage over time effecting debuffs and healing over time effecting buffs would need different and more complex code in order to fetch their textures. (Atleast in my version of the game, 1.1.04.) avatar.GetBuffLinkedSpell() requires buff index values, so also can't be used easily.. In any case the buffId would probably need to be passed through a check against the recipient owner id found in the event used to call them, then be compared against the list of buffs on that recipient, then the index and owner id would need to be used in unit.GetBuff(id,index) in order to get the texture for buffs.
  11. Not for getting an icon. You'd have to ask the game for the spell/ability info for the enemy spell/ability in order to get the skill icon. The EVENT_DAMAGE_RECEIVED only sends skill names and skill ids as the icon information isn't required for the standard interface. So the inclusion of enemy skill icons would depend on whether or not you can request info on an enemy's skill. By the way Google Translate works a wee-bit better for translating Russian to English, I have it as a toolbar so I just press a button and it translates the page into my language. Heh, "broad gulls". www.translate.ru might work better translating English to Russian though.
  12. That's a superb looking add-on. The only thing that I can see that can't be transferred over is the font changing (as far my knowledge goes unless someone has figured out how to add fonts without modding). Everything else should be doable just time consuming (atleast from my perspective since I do all my paneling from scratch, 'cause that is a -whole lot- of paneling), needs community support for desired skills and such. It is a good idea to replace skill names with icons, I should have thought of that. However, I don't know if enemy skills come with icons attached when sent to the client.
  13. 2.0.02 doesn't come out for the NA servers until the 26th of April and EU gets it a little while later.
  14. If you look at DQuestLog, I use the API functions to request Quest History. Which allows you to see all the quests you have completed on that character. This means that feasibly you could complete every quest in the game for your faction alliance, request the quest history and write all of the quest information to the mods.txt in some transferable format and then create a quest database from that. Might be a little annoying to do such, and as I mentioned in DQuestLog as a warning such extreme data collection/writing results in a couple second freeze of the game. My level 42 has completed 1063 quests and that's just one side of the game and patch 1.1.04. Google Translate (terrible translation): Если вы посмотрите на DQuestLog, я использую API функций просить Quest истории. Которая позволяет увидеть все квесты вы завершили на этот символ. Это означает, что реально можно было полное каждый квест в игре, просьба поисках истории и написать все поиски информации mods.txt в некоторых передаче формате, а затем создать базу данных поисков от этого. Может быть немного раздражает, чтобы делать такие, и как я уже говорил в DQuestLog как предупреждение таких экстремальных сбора данных / запись результатов в пару второй остановкой игры. Мой уровень 42 завершила 1063 квестов, и это только одна сторона игру и патч 1.1.04.
  15. The user data ID system in this game is completely dynamic. If you walk 200 yards away from an NPC/Player/LootBag/Device/Transport/anything and come back, that object has a completely new ID. The same is true anywhere you see the word "ID", they are temporary identifiers used only to transmit the data they contain at that moment. These IDs change less frequently in the case of constantly stable information, such as objects in slots and the spell book. This is a problem that MasterLoot experienced with the Morse-derived ID notification where the ID passed to each separate player for a single item was different. IDs are not a good or feasible means for bouncing stored data checks off of, but they are sometimes the only thing we have access to that is different. (Ex. Two devices with the same info table data and the only difference being X/Y/Z position and their ID.) One of the bugs in my ShipHUD occurs from this problem; which I should address when I get free time. This is when the player leaves the ship's range and all the devices get new IDs and it creates a secondary set of devices or a whole new ship in response to the change. (Iconic bug only, the circular version functions quite differently.) In the case of your EnhancedActionPanel idea, it would more than likely be better to store slot names and the name/slotnumber/stackcount of the skill/item stored there and then run a check on all locations where slots can be stored to find out if an item with that name (and stackcount/slot number for items/abilities with stacks or the same name) exists. A much more extraneous methodology, but should never result in an erroneous situation.
  16. Figured this add-on would become useless when I first started developing it, but people kept asking for more. Oh well.
  17. The bottom buttons are controlled by ContextPinMenu, finding and donating to them a DND panel is very possible; but further limits the DND container's useful values. I developed a raid add-on which I have yet to translate and publish here. RaidPlates You can run two WW's at the same time, but you'd have to change the second's DND ID's. Which would be a little complex, since they are stored at not only the bottom of the main LUA, but also embedded in the modified version of the LibDND.
  18. Double post, "The url you requested is not found on this server".. Sorry.
  19. I don't have this in my 1.0.4 API, so maybe this is a future/current idea involving people being able to "bundle" up a collection of items for sending and such? Empty bundles would produce nil results, IE "There's nothing in this package, drag items into it to add" type deals. Then you could have it show a list of items in the item tooltip for what is inside the bundle. Like known costume chests showing, "Headpiece = Blah, Suit = Blah" so on.. Like what Hommit said.
  20. That is apparently what happens. The pet can attack dead targets, as well as attack while dead. Both of these send "unit does not exist" errors occasionally, which sucks. It is similar to the emote "expected PlayerId got number" error. Client/server conflict errors. You can try and ignore the extra data by creating your own table of attacked units and then setting the unit to nil when it "dies".
  21. Ciuine


    Версия r6

    27 раз скачали

    A simple replacement to the overhead name plates. простая замена накладные таблички. Последняя проверенная версия работы аддона:
  22. NamePlateBars Просмотреть файл A simple replacement to the overhead name plates. простая замена накладные таблички. Последняя проверенная версия работы аддона: Автор Lafayette Добавлен 07.12.2018 Категория Старые аддоны (от игры 1.0 - 3.0)  
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