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Сообщения, опубликованные Ciuine

  1. Yeh, I've been working on mapping out instances for my FullMap add-on. Here's how you get the names.

    local allod = userMods.FromWString(cartographer.GetCurrentZone().allod)

    local zone = cartographer.GetCurrentZone().sysZoneName

    The allod is not a system string, so it will be different in each languaged client of the game. However places like the Gipat dungeon do not have a sysZoneName in certain versions of the game.

    The zone is going to be a system string and will remain the same throughout clients so long as it is used. This will give you things like Inst_Empire1End or other things. You'll have to note simple distinct differences in these names. Like Laguna Boil is ZomeEmpire3 note the m instead of n; don't ask me why that's the case, it just is. Sadly, in certain versions of the game Oreshek and Darkblood Citadel share the same sysName, so the only difference is the non-standard allod name and the dynamic mapId.

  2. That's odd. :(

    Try changing the Refetch() function to this;

    function Refetch()

    TIMER = TIMER + 1

    if TIMER >= 5 then

    if unit.GetTransport(avatar.GetId()) then

    local trans = unit.GetTransport(avatar.GetId())

    if transport.CanDrawInterface(trans) then








    common.UnRegisterEventHandler(Refetch, "EVENT_SECOND_TIMER")



  3. Most of these bugs are actually out of my hands.

    The cannon problem seems to come about from two like named cannons being put on the bottom deck next to each other. The game then treats these two cannons as if they are in the exact same slot due to bad codes. (The state managed visor add-on shows the exact same bug. If this is incorrect, inform me of such and I'll see what is wrong and if it is fixable.)

    The when going on to ship and it doesn't load all devices is a table sending "problem" from the client. When the ship is facing the wrong direction in the hangar the player can no longer "see" the rear devices so these devices are not sent as transport devices when requested via transport.GetDevices(); the same is true of some occasions when the player dies/teleports and loads the transport too slowly, this results in zero devices loading. I will try and put in a second timer that activates after a player boards a ship that attempts to "re-fetch" the data after five seconds and then deactivates.

    For the battle problems, could you explain in more details? What stops changing information and at what percentage? I know that the game tends to sometimes "ignore" 90%+ to 100% changes.

  4. I don't understand the question. The bordering?

    SLA posted up this table a while back.

    Global( "ItemQualityColors", {

      [ ITEM_QUALITY_JUNK ]   = "0xFF9C9C9C", -- Gray

      [ ITEM_QUALITY_GOODS ]   = "0xFFDDDDDD", -- White

      [ ITEM_QUALITY_COMMON ]   = "0xFF00E629", -- Green

      [ ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON ]   = "0xFF2384FF", -- Blue

      [ ITEM_QUALITY_RARE ]   = "0xFFC244FF", -- Magenta

      [ ITEM_QUALITY_EPIC ]   = "0xFFFF8400", -- Orange

      [ ITEM_QUALITY_LEGENDARY ]   = "0xFF00FF9A", -- Mint

      [ ITEM_QUALITY_RELIC ]   = "0xFFE1FF44", -- Lemon

    } )

    Just convert them to RGBA for background colors.

  5. This is fixed in the current version.

    I was attempting to correct a bug that occurs rarely when the owner of an emote is passed as a number instead of an objectId. So I tried to do a type(p.unitId) ~= "number" but as it turns out this check treats objectIds and numbers as the same thing, even though object.IsExist() gets angry with actual numbers.. This caused the add-on to see all objectIds as numbers and then passed a false. I apologize for applying this not fully tested piece of code in for the few minutes it was up.

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