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Весь контент cristimirt

  1. cristimirt


    TradeWindowFix Просмотр файла Если игрок, с которым вы торгуете, вводит шестизначное число для золота - то вы видите только первые пять цифр. Этот аддон позволяет исправить этот баг, за счет увеличения размеров окна трейда. Также это окно можно перемещать по экрану. A simple addon that will help with the Trade Window Bug. This bug happens when the player you're trading with will enter a 6-digit gold sum, but you'll only be able to see the first 5 digits. For example, if he types 123456, you'll only see 12345. The way the fix works is that the trade window is enlarged, allowing for the text-field to be enlarged as well and be able to display all the 6 digits properly. The Trade Window can also be moved around the screen if you need to. Добавил cristimirt Добавлено 12.06.2014 Категория Аддоны  
  2. cristimirt


    Версия 2

    1 332 раза скачали

    Если игрок, с которым вы торгуете, вводит шестизначное число для золота - то вы видите только первые пять цифр. Этот аддон позволяет исправить этот баг, за счет увеличения размеров окна трейда. Также это окно можно перемещать по экрану. A simple addon that will help with the Trade Window Bug. This bug happens when the player you're trading with will enter a 6-digit gold sum, but you'll only be able to see the first 5 digits. For example, if he types 123456, you'll only see 12345. The way the fix works is that the trade window is enlarged, allowing for the text-field to be enlarged as well and be able to display all the 6 digits properly. The Trade Window can also be moved around the screen if you need to.
  3. You should be able to change the size using the ConfigWindow addon. Install that addon, type "/cw" in chat, and you'll have more options there, including the size. If it doesn't work, tell me. I didn't make the addon, and the original author chose to use ConfigWindow instead of making its own settings window. In the future, maybe I'll make a settings whitout whitout the need of a different addon. But not now.
  4. My bad, I made a syntax error. Download it now https://alloder.pro/files/file/229-/
  5. I forgot to add an important part. The code of the function and the Locales table must be initialized before the main init() function of the addon is called. The way I do it is to have the code (GetGameLocalization() and GTL()) in one file, and the Locales table in a different file, and add them in AddonDesc.(UIAddon).xdb before the main script. After all this is done, all you have to do is call GTL(stringName), and it will return the localization for the detected language, if there is a "stringName" item in the Locales table for the detected language. If not, it will try to return the localization for the default language. If that also fails, it will return the original string. I suggest using a different file for the Locales table in case you plan to compile your code. That way, users will be able to correct translation errors and send us the file to update the addon. If you have any addons that are not localized, I ask of you to at least localize them in English. I can help if you want, and I might also be able to help with the other languages.
  6. More and more players from the European server are now downloading addons. But there are a lot of addons that are not translated for English, French, German or Turkish clients. Localizing an addon is not hard. This is the code I use ( Global("localization", "eng_eu") -- +----------------------------------+ -- |AO game Localization detection | -- |New conceptual detection by Ciuine| -- |Aesthetically improved by Ramirez | -- +----------------------------------+ local function GetGameLocalization() local id = options.GetOptionsByCustomType( "interface_option_localization" )[ 0 ] if id then local values = options.GetOptionInfo( id ).values local value = values and values[ 0 ] local name = value and value.name if name then return userMods.FromWString( name ) else return localization end end end localization = GetGameLocalization() function GTL( strTextName ) return Locales[ localization ][ strTextName ] or Locales[ "eng_eu" ][ strTextName ] or strTextName end The global variable localization will store the language of the client. It is also the default language. In case the language detection fails, this is the language that the addon will use. I suggest setting it to eng_eu because chances are high that the user knows english. As far as I know, supported languages are rus (Russian), eng_eu (English), fra (French), ger (German) and tr (Turkish). The function GetGameLocalization() is the function that detects and returns the language of the client. The function GTL( strTextName ) takes a string as a parameter and returns the localized version, found in the Locales table. This is the Locales table of the KillAnnounce addon: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- KillAnnounce LOCALES (2.1) -- RUS, ENG_EU, FRA, GER, TR -- If you find any mistakes or can provide additional localization, send me a PM on Alloder.pro (https://alloder.pro/user/1245-cristi-mirt/) -- or email me at [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global( "Locales", { ["eng_eu"] = { -- English, Latin-1 ["You killed"] = "You killed %s!", ["You were killed by"] = "You were killed by %s!", ["killed"] = "%s killed %s!", }, ["rus"] = { -- Russian, Win-1251 ["You killed"] = "Вы убили %s!", ["You were killed by"] = "Вы были убиты %s!", ["killed"] = "%s убил %s", }, ["ger"] = { -- German, Win-1252 ["You killed"] = "Du hast %s getötet!", ["You were killed by"] = "Du wurdest von %s getötet!", ["killed"] = "%s hat %s getötet!", }, ["fra"] = { -- French, Win-1252 ["You killed"] = "Vous avez tué %s!", ["You were killed by"] = "Vous avez été tué par %s!", ["killed"] = "%s a tué %s!", }, ["tr"] = { -- Turkish, Win-1254 ["You killed"] = "Sen %s öldürdü!", ["You were killed by"] = "Sen %s tarafından öldürüldü!", ["killed"] = "%s %s öldürdü!", } } ) Localization_example.zip
  7. Very funny, Лютик. https://alloder.pro/files/file/229-/ Updated the addon to 2.1 - Added RUS,FRA,GER and TR localisation - Added DnD. Use command "/kadnd" to turn DnD on/off
  8. Thanks logg. I wasn't sure if object.IsUnit will be called if object.IsExist returns false Forgot to fix the code after I learned that.
  9. https://alloder.pro/files/file/229-/ Updated to 2.01 . - Attempted to fix log error Lysonia, please tell me if that errors appears again. I'm guessing it happens when the killer is a warden or a summoner, more specifically, when their pet does the kill. If you can tell me the translation, I'll add it. To access the settings, you need the ConfigWindow addon (https://alloder.pro/files/file/28-configwindow/) Type "/cw" in chat to open the settings after you installed ConfigWindow
  10. How come I never get these errors? I'll add extra checks that should prevent this. But the addon works, right?
  11. cristimirt


    Версия 3

    8 781 раз скачали

    При смерти игрока около вас появляется сообщение с именем его убийцы. Если убили вас или дружественного вам игрока - цвет сообщения будет красным, если убили вы или ваш друг - цвет будет желтым. Вы можете изменить цвет каждого сообщения, также как и размер текста, при помощи аддона ConfigWindow. /cw - открыть окно ConfigWindow /kacw - окно с настройками KillAnnounce /kadnd - включение/выключение перетаскивания окна /kalocale code - Изменить локализацию аддона. Например : /kalocale rus or /kalocale eng. Если код локализации не указан, будет отображаться текущая локализация.. Доступные коды : eng, eng_eu, rus, fra, ger, tr Аддон поддерживает клиентов ENG_EU, RUS, FRA, GER, TR ------------------------------------------------------ With this addon, everytime a player around you dies, an announcement will appear saying who killed him. If you or a friendly player dies, the announcement will be red, if you kill a player or a friend kills a player, the announcement will be yellow. A chat message will also appear to announce kills. The color will be the same as with the announcement on the screen. You can change the color for each announcement, which announcement to display as well as the size of the text using the addon ConfigWindow. Supported commands: /cw - opens ConfigWindow /kacw - opens ConfigWindow for KillAnnounce (faster than /cw) /kadnd - Enable/Disable Drag'n'Drop /kalocale code - Change localization of the addon. For example : /kalocale rus or /kalocale eng. If no localization code is provided, it will display the current localization. Available codes : eng, eng_eu, rus, fra, ger, tr Addon has support for ENG_EU,RUS,FRA,GER and TR clients.
  12. cristimirt


    KillAnnounce Просмотр файла При смерти игрока около вас появляется сообщение с именем его убийцы. Если убили вас или дружественного вам игрока - цвет сообщения будет красным, если убили вы или ваш друг - цвет будет желтым. Вы можете изменить цвет каждого сообщения, также как и размер текста, при помощи аддона ConfigWindow. /cw - открыть окно ConfigWindow /kacw - окно с настройками KillAnnounce /kadnd - включение/выключение перетаскивания окна /kalocale code - Изменить локализацию аддона. Например : /kalocale rus or /kalocale eng. Если код локализации не указан, будет отображаться текущая локализация.. Доступные коды : eng, eng_eu, rus, fra, ger, tr Аддон поддерживает клиентов ENG_EU, RUS, FRA, GER, TR ------------------------------------------------------ With this addon, everytime a player around you dies, an announcement will appear saying who killed him. If you or a friendly player dies, the announcement will be red, if you kill a player or a friend kills a player, the announcement will be yellow. A chat message will also appear to announce kills. The color will be the same as with the announcement on the screen. You can change the color for each announcement, which announcement to display as well as the size of the text using the addon ConfigWindow. Supported commands: /cw - opens ConfigWindow /kacw - opens ConfigWindow for KillAnnounce (faster than /cw) /kadnd - Enable/Disable Drag'n'Drop /kalocale code - Change localization of the addon. For example : /kalocale rus or /kalocale eng. If no localization code is provided, it will display the current localization. Available codes : eng, eng_eu, rus, fra, ger, tr Addon has support for ENG_EU,RUS,FRA,GER and TR clients. Добавил cristimirt Добавлено 29.04.2014 Категория Аддоны  
  13. Hmm.. interesting ideas.. I'll try to implement them. What do you mean by "movement while mounted impossible"?
  14. cristimirt


    Версия 2

    3 256 раз скачали

    This addon attaches a timer to the MountPlate, indicating for how long until you need to feed your active mount. If the Mount is hungry, a message "Feed me" will appear instead. It will also replace the default mount icon with the actual icon of your active mount.
  15. cristimirt


    MountTimer Просмотр файла This addon attaches a timer to the MountPlate, indicating for how long until you need to feed your active mount. If the Mount is hungry, a message "Feed me" will appear instead. It will also replace the default mount icon with the actual icon of your active mount. Добавил cristimirt Добавлено 27.04.2014 Категория Аддоны  
  16. Thank you for noticing that error. I fixed it now. Updated addon to Revision 29 https://alloder.pro/files/file/61-astralinfo/ Changelog: RU: - Исправлены ошибки с помощью групповой Unlock EN: - Fixed errors with Group Unlock
  17. If it's possible, I can take care of both KillAnnounce and MountTimer. And a couple of other addons that Ciuine gave me before he quit developing for allods.
  18. What do you think the difference between the lite and full version should be? I tried once with free version, but it was troublesome to keep both of them updated.
  19. https://alloder.pro/files/file/174-/ Updated the addon to Version 8.1 - Fixed for update 5.1 - Changed the gearscore - The color of the gearscore is wrong. Will correct in next version
  20. Seems there were more than one problem. It will take more time to fix
  21. Thanks for letting me know. I didn't have the chance to play on 5.0.01 or see the changes in the API. I'll try to fix it today or tomorrow.
  22. https://alloder.pro/files/file/174-/ Updated to Version 8.02 This version is compatible with PreciousStone I also had to remove the button that hides the Panel. Because my addon would attach itself to the MainFrame of InspectCharacter, I had to increase it's size (sizeX), to accomodate my Panel. PreciousStone attaches its Panel to the same MainFrame, that's why the gems would be displayed in the wrong place.
  23. Sometimes those errors pop up. But it shouldn't be too often. I managed to fix the incompatibility with PreciousStone, but I'll have to remove the button on the right side that hides the panel. I hope that won't be a problem.
  24. @bodia3092 Thanks for reporting this. I'll try to fix it. Are the spell power and melle damage correctly displayed? I see they both have 555.15, which is weird.
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