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Весь контент Venric

  1. any news yet? because I would like to buy some addons
  2. Anything new with Z-payments in regards to them not accepting credit cards from the united states?
  3. I've tried as explained in the forum to make a purchase without google translation and instead used Internet Explorer but the service Alloder.pro has setup for countries outside russia will not take a credit card payment from the united states. I love what this web site is doing for the developers, all the hard work should be rewarded. sadly we in the united states will miss out unless a payment system can be made properly functional or the addons become free. I've shown many the addons I would like to purchase and similar interest was expressed. please help
  4. I tried to make a purchase using my credit card for 200 rubles but the purchase wouldnt process. I sent a message to z payments customer support asking for help and this is what the response was " Служба поддержки 3:45 AM (7 hours ago) to me Hello dear customer! Unfortunately the web site www.z-payment.ru doesn't accept credit cards issued in United States for online payments. In order to get this problem resolved we advise you to contact www.z-payment.ru support team. Please note that PayOnline System only provides payment processing services for the website. About all matters relating to the rules and terms of provision of goods or services, you must apply to the administration of web site (online-store) for e-mail address or phone number listed on web pages of online-store. Confidentiality note: This message and any accompanying documents are confidential. This information is private and protected by law. All data in this correspondence can not be transfered to trird parties, published in a forums and blogs, as well as in a social networks and other public information resources without written permission of "PayOnline System" LLC. With best regards, Your PayOnline, [email protected] Tel: +7 (495) 666-21-43 http://www.payonline.ru " so this means we still can not purchase addons from North America
  5. any chance for an english version? Addon looks really nice and detailed.
  6. so now what? there are a lot of people who want access to these addons and sadly we cant get to them.
  7. The services and products described on wmtransfer.com and webmoney.ru and offered by WM Transfer Ltd. are not being offered within the United States and not being offered to U.S residents or citizens, as defined under applicable law. WM Transfer ltd. and its products and services offered on the site wmtransfer.com,webmoney.ru are NOT registered or regulated by any U.S. including FINRA, SEC, FSC, NFA, FinCEN, CFTC or ASIC.
  8. so if Webmoney is an exception does that mean Webmoney can be used right now to purchase the Addons?
  9. Venric

    United States Purchases

    I live in the United States and I want to use some of the Addons but it seems as if I am unable to make a payment, is this my error? or a problem with Alloder.pro payment method? please find away to get things working. Thank You.
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