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Весь контент Dragagon

  1. Hey! Like the addon so far. Can this also be done for shell skin?
  2. Hey worm, text is not properly displayed for EU. you said before to edit the local file, but there is no such file. The ctrl and shift combinations are not working either. Try to add items to the database brings back an error, but imcomprehensible. Not much I could do otherwise so far haha. I am excited to try the addon.
  3. Dragagon


    I can't figure what's behind her >_<
  4. Hey! Been using this addon for a while now, works amazing! But there is a bug where it does not save prices of items I put up before. Any idea why this happens?
  5. Hey Worm, I see the translator hiding some things you say about removing the "," at the end of the season 2 pet names? But I see that on the russian version at the end of season 2 pets too. So unsure if it's that? I believe I fixed it for EU with the new pets, but unsure what I did different haha. Added file for english loca to update addon. Localization.lua
  6. Start location Empire: Start location League: Irene: Амулет Всех Стихий is too unclear on the google translator. Can you provide a screenshot of the item & description? Is it F2P or P2P item?
  7. Hi! I tried adding translation for EU on pet names, because some functions are not working for EU servers. But when adding the translation from the pets, it's breaking the addon. The button in the middle is not able to move anymore. When I comment the lines and reload addon, it works again, but with half the functions active. I see pet names for RU, but not for EN/FRA. Am I doing something wrong or is the code not allowing pet names from other languages? Added file. Localization.lua
  8. Thanks for the explaination and screenshots, worm! Here's the local file for EU eng.Locales.lua
  9. Is it possible to add a locales file for EU players? MoveEmblemAmulet.lua
  10. No, these are called Giant Dragon and Dragon. Giant Dragon are these Dragon are these Altho I see now that they have changed them again and called both Dragon Allods is making me so tired with their failed translations... So let's assume yes, Dragon and Dragon >.> Something else I noticed is that the settings keep resetting. I have to redo the cooldown to 13 so they don't disappear, and I have to keep increasing transparency.
  11. So how does f2p have no fps drop if they swap the thorn and the emblem? Or is it because p2p has to move the emblem and f2p doesn't since they can request new ones from the goblin banker? Could you not make it swap the thorn and emblem on p2p without the fps drop somehow? It's quite noticeable.
  12. Hey! Few remarks after today's Melting Isle. The addon only shows up to 5 mounts, but there are 6 great ones for getting around. Is it possible to expand the list? The next problem is that 2 mounts use the same name for their abilities, how does the addon differentiate these? Both are called "Flight", and it's not showing both my dragons at the same time on the addon. Perhaps this is why it's also not showing more than 5? Then a recommendation, since there is already an option to sort on cooldown, could you also sort it that when >2 mounts are ready, you sort them based on ability cooldown, and put the lowest cooldown at top so the user can use that mount 1st? Thanks in advance!
  13. I have translated them in the code, and the Artifact works. The next problem is described above. I added the .lua PlayerPower.lua
  14. Alright so yes, after searching for 2 hours, I fail to find it. I think it's because I oversee another problem with the addon perhaps. I hope you see the different apostrophes in this picture and see the problem why the addon won't read the banners. The same apostrophe is used for all 3 banners. The "Champion's tabard" is the normal apostrophe again just like Gods' Legacy. It's to go crazy about zzz
  15. Question for knowledge, what's the diff between eng and eng_eu? Also possible to show where the ifrit sparks are supposed to show? And where the button is said in description?
  16. Works very well, thanks for translation. Awesome for races and Melting isle ^^
  17. I believe it wasn't calc'ing God's Legacy and guild banners for EU. I added translations for these items in added file. It still doesn't show the correct value tho. EDIT: I found out I misswrote God's legacy, so that works now. The next problem is that the Banner's are using a different apostrophe than Gods' Legacy, so trying to figure out which apostrophe it was. Idk why allods does this Same goes for Titan's Rage from Warrior, but that one doens't work either. PlayerPower.lua Localization.lua
  18. Hey! Cool addon, I find it more interesting than gearscore But so far, the values seem wrong when I ask my friends their vigor. What is meant by "fairy" in the code? The actual vigor values are about 360 off, it differs per player.
  19. Hey, managed to make it to work for EU, but there is a heavy FPS drop to 1 for about 2 to 3 seconds. Can it be improved somehow? MoveEmblemAmulet.lua
  20. hey! It's incredibly laggy for EU. Is it normal or is it due to locales? Also confused that there are 2 raidabsorb.pak ?
  21. Stubbornly? I did translate everything and it still refuses to work. Auto equipping Free Bird Mask does not work, neither does the actor headpiece when entering the Theater. I gladly translate the addons I'll upload the file later tonight so you can take a look and perhaps see where I made an error
  22. Hi! I wanted to translate it for EU but everything seems .luac. Do you mind me helping on translating this great addon?
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