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Весь контент nykoo

  1. Thank you for your answer and too bad to read that :/
  2. paiement directly by credit card from france is nearly impossible :/ It will cost us change tax thank is maybe 10 or 20 times more than the price of an addon :/ Is there a way to think about instoring paypal paiement which is certainly the best compromise and the more easy and common paiement mehtod ? Anyway thanks a lot for all your great job here
  3. love it such a great addon and job... but which file can i translate (and with which software ?) to translate instruction and message (such heat,....) into french (or english) as right now i have the message... in russian :/ thanks a lot for the job done here and wait for your answer
  4. Can we hope for an english or even better a french working addon ?
  5. nykoo


    Apparently don't work for french allods client version ... i've got a message in chat when starting the game, but it's seems to be in russian :/ and no addon text on screen or even info when i'm recolting sparkles, for the alchemy amalgam. nothing into the mods.txt file refer to Alchama :/ any idea ?
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