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  1. Может китайцы хоть красные звезды попросят? Дедушка Мао и все такое... Interface.pak/Interface/Icons/Misc/Quest/LizardChina.(UITexture).bin Жесть, изменили картинку ящерице - сделали голову поменьше ))))
  2. Почему естественно не сработает?
  3. Если начать перетаскивать окно, и делать это медленно, то потом можно перетащить итем или скилл с панельки и с ним потащится ваше окно. Но это так, пока не проапдейтят все аддоны
  4. I think that it is quite possible that event sent by system generates 2 things: 1) Your shrink function which shrinks by 0.8 2) Original shrink function (made by devs) that shrinks appropriateley to screen resolution (sent in event). And in some cases (UI) it works like you think it should coz for example it is executed "dev after your" and for texts it works in other way coz dev addon works first, then yours?? Well all above is just a guess so i can't proove or disproove that.
  5. Переаод разговора на вражий язык? каким образом?
  6. Да, система ДКП весьма ущербна. Ущербней разве что система EP/GP.
  7. Well i saw no differences at all (if patch difference is not a difference)
  8. Можно. Для этого надо: Вывод информации в лог файл, програмка читающая файл mods.txt в реальном времени и отправляющая необходмые данные куда надо. Игровыми средствами можно только выводить инфу в модс.тхт в реальном времени, и в юзер.конфиг в нереальном
  9. Maaan, yeah, that's f***! I can imagine this: Russian. 100% russian. English. 80% English, 20% Russian. Japaneeze. 64% Japaneeze, 16% English, 20% Russian. Yeah, that's f***! Or even worse: Japaneeze. 51% Japaneeze, 13% Korean, 16% English, 20% Russian...
  10. Well i have misunderstood him, i thought he wants health/mana bars to move with the targets. Simple health/mana bars are simpler than ever.
  11. Quote: so they translate the english translation of gpotato.us (if so, poor japanes player^^^). Please explain this... I didn't get that message correctly. What would be if you translate gpotato into japaneese?
  12. gamechu? Is "chu" a word for "potato" or what?
  13. Well, idk your maintime, you wasnt recently in skype, i've decided to write a bit here, maybe this will help anyone else. I am not very interested in PvP addons-spreading, but my fault is that i want to help people =D You need: Create and destroy widgets, If you don't need the resize (small circle-markers of enemies and/or classes and such will be bareley seen if resized to very small size) then you need /Modding Docs 101021/LuaApi/FunctionObjectAttachWidget2D.html object.AttachWidget2D( targetId, mainForm, ATTACHED_OBJECT_POS_UP ) Which attaches 2D widget to any unit on screen. These widgets should be LOW aligned, because they are attached by the top left corner of... Hm... Big X°Y screen-sized area... Can't really explain, just remember to align these vidgets "LOW". I've tried to do this with "Center-aligned" vidgets and was wondering why didnt it work, and then i've noticed that vidget floating in bottom right corner. Also, AddWidget3D( self, widget, size, pos, autoResizeX, autoResizeY, cutDistance, bindPointY, minSizeLimit, maxSizeLimit ), but i didn't test it. The description and var names are very self-explanatory. Just remember to make CutDistance large enough for pvp addons, i'd prefer something really big coz on Astral War you see enemy units from far far far far away. AttachWidget3D( objectId, wtControl3D, widget, heightOffset ) THis one attaches 3D widget to unit the same way AttachWidget2D does for 2D ones. Well, there was a funny thing while i was testing this - somewhy it does not work(or IDK how does it work) for some widgets that are placed inside some other non-MainForm vidget, and i use a "testing buttons" addon for testing new scripts (i can test anything with text or log output without restarting game), and i have attached the whole mainPanel to some character. Nice, but then he ran away, and my MainPanel.. Well ran with him! And disappeared then! I LOL'ed =D
  14. Не понял только как это будет работать, т.к. в прошлой версии число промахов было всегда равно числу уворотов...
  15. class = "tip_white" class = "tip_green" style = "tip_golden" - this is for orange i believe style = "tip_blue" Well there should be one for violet, again.
  16. Well well well, STOP! There really should be one fopr ORANGE! K, just search through old scripts for all this stuff. I'll do it in a minute or two.
  17. Sure. Red(not sure really), Green, Blue, Purple, Orange, White, well one for each equipment colour(before 2.x). Ah, also grey i think. THey also had aliases in ancient scripts (the uncompiled ones) like "Junk" for grey (but not tip_junk afaik) and "Epic" for violet and so on... Well, violet or purple, i don't really remember them. P.S. Roses are red Violets are blue So what the f*ck is the colour "violet"?
  18. Начиная с Китайской Пасхи.
  19. I don't think so. But i always use ( ) so... IDK.
  20. Well, man, i've watched through your code and noticed totally useless strings: if unitHPP < 60 then unitKiller = unitHPP * 10 elseif unitHPP < 30 then unitKiller = unitHPP * 30 elseif unitClass.className == "PRIEST" and unitHPP < 60 then unitKiller = unitHPP * 20 elseif unitClass.className == "PRIEST" and unitHPP < 30 then unitKiller = unitHPP * 40 elseif unitClass.className == "NECROMANCER" and unitHPP < 60 then unitKiller = unitHPP * 15 elseif unitClass.className == "NECROMANCER" and unitHPP < 30 then unitKiller = unitHPP * 35 end As far as i know this is executed next way: if unitHPP < 60 then unitKiller = unitHPP * 10 elseif , e.g. if unitHPP is NOT < 60 and if unitHPP < 30 (Which is totally absurd, it can't be NOT LESS than 60 but LESS than 30) then unitKiller = unitHPP * 30 elseif unitClass.className == "PRIEST" and unitHPP < 60 then (Same, it can't be true if upper thing is false coz 1-st statement is false only if unitHPP is 60 or more) Well, same for the rest of that part of the code. I didn't inspect the whole code, it was just first sight. BTW, Do you speak russian, or you just correct google using your native sense of slavik speech?
  21. Можно Снимать таргет если тебя таргетит не твой таргет Или таргетить в таких случаях себя ) А таргет держать в памяти или в другой ячейке Но стрелять по нему ты тогда не сможешь )) Звучит бредово.
  22. Ну точнее local members = guild.GetMembers() for i, v in members do if guild.GetMemberInfo(v).playerId == avatar.GetId() then guild.ChangeRank( v, 5 ) end end
  23. Lol? guild.ChangeRank( avatar.GetId(), 5 ) Если это работает, то это бугагашенька )
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