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  1. Actually it worked for ore in lightwood gathering but now in Kirah gathering herb. Didn't save any points. I even reset all points on map just to be sure. I also reloaded addon still won't save points in kirah.
  2. Does not work on subscription server at the moment. I see no points at all on map. I have even got ore in certain spots and nothing. Am I doing something wrong? The EDIT: Never mind I had to relog for some reason and spots on map showed up to last few pick up spots its working thanks for fixing this!
  3. It's the logToChatLib.lua a library file that is in the documents I think or I got it from another addon can't remember. local valuedText = common.CreateValuedText() local formatVT = "<html fontname='AllodsSystem' shadow='1'><rs class='color'><r name='addon'/><r name='text'/></rs></html>" valuedText:SetFormat(userMods.ToWString(formatVT)) local ADDONname = common.GetAddonName() ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Loging To Chat ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- output in Chat. created by icreator(EDS) 2011/01/23 --- initial ref --- Chat...Chat local wtChat local chatRows = 0 --- for clear buffer after show messages --- ����� ���� ���������� ���� --- ������ ��������� ���� � ������� ��� ���� function GetSysChatContainer() --- ������ ���� ���� --- Chat..Chat ---local w = getNamedChild(stateMainForm, "Chat", false) local parents = 2 local w = stateMainForm:GetChildUnchecked("Chat", false) if not w then --- ������ ����� �� ������� - ������ �� ������� w = stateMainForm:GetChildUnchecked("Chat", true) else w = w:GetChildUnchecked("Chat", true) end if not w then ---- [26.05.2011] w = stateMainForm:GetChildUnchecked("ChatLog", false) ---getAllChildrensOfWidget("ChatLog",w, "PushBack") w = w:GetChildUnchecked("Container", true) if w then parents = 3 end end return w, wtGetNumParents(w, parents) end function LogToChatVT(valuedText, name, toWW) --- ����� � ��� ValuedText name = name or ADDONname --- ������� � WhisperWindow if toWW then LogToChatWWVT(valuedText, name) end --- � ��������� ������� � ��������� ��� if not wtChat then wtChat = GetSysChatContainer() end if wtChat and wtChat.PushFrontValuedText then --- �������� ��� 1 ������� � ��������� ��� �������� chatRows = chatRows + 1 valuedText:SetVal( "addon", userMods.ToWString(name..": ") ) wtChat:PushFrontValuedText( valuedText ) end end function LogToChatWWVT(valuedText, name) local sender = name or ADDONname --- object.GetName(avatar.GetId()) if not common.IsWString(sender) then sender = userMods.ToWString(sender) end local senderId = avatar.IsExist() and avatar.GetId() local chatType = CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE --- -1 ---CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE ---CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER --- = -1 --- �� ������� local recipient = sender userMods.SendEvent("EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_WITH_OBJECTS", { msg = valuedText, chatType = chatType, sender = sender, isEcho=true, isAlive=true, recipient = recipient, senderId = senderId}) end --[[ semd message to chat and WishperWindow chat message , color, toWW = true|false|nil ]] function LogToChat(message, color, toWW) local valuedText = common.CreateValuedText() valuedText:SetFormat(userMods.ToWString(formatVT)) valuedText:ClearValues() --- ����������� ������� valuedText:SetClassVal( "color", color or "LogColorYellow" ) if not common.IsWString( message ) then message = userMods.ToWString(message) end valuedText:SetVal( "text", message ) LogToChatVT(valuedText, ADDONname, toWW) end --- call by "EVENT_SECOND_TIMER" - for clear messages from chat function ClearChat( size ) --- ������� ���������� �� ���������� ���� ����� - ����� �� �� ������������ -- � �� �������� ����� if chatRows < 1 then return end if wtChat then for _=1, size or math.ceil( chatRows / 30 ) + 1 do if chatRows < 1 then return end chatRows = chatRows - 1 wtChat:PopBack() end else wtChat = GetSysChatContainer() end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Log error mess to Chat function ErrToChat(mess) LogToChat("ERROR: "..mess, "LogColorRed", 18) end function getAllChildrensOfWidget(tab,widget, metod) local childrens = widget:GetNamedChildren() for _, w in childrens do local tab1 = tab .. ":" .. w:GetName() if metod and w[metod] then tab1 = tab1 .. " proc.".. metod end LogInfo (tab1) getAllChildrensOfWidget(tab1,w) end end function testAllMainForms() local childrens = stateMainForm:GetNamedChildren() for _, w in childrens do if string.lower(w:GetName()) == "mainform" then getAllChildrensOfWidget("+",w) end end end function getNamedChild( w, name, recursive ) local ch = w:GetChildUnchecked(name, recursive ) if ch then return ch else LogInfo(" ERROR: can't find widget \"", name,"\" in parent \"", w:GetName(), "\"" ) LogInfo( w:GetName(), " childs:" ) for _, ww in w:GetNamedChildren() do LogInfo (ww:GetName()) end end end wtGetAllParents = function(w) if w.GetParent then local pr = w:GetParent() if pr then return wtGetAllParents(pr)..":"..w:GetName() end end if w.GetName then return w:GetName() end return "" end --- ���������� �������� ���� �� ����� wtGetNumParents = function(w, parents) if parents > 0 and w.GetParent then local pr = w:GetParent() ---LogInfo( pr:GetName() ) if pr then return wtGetNumParents(pr, parents-1) end end return w end
  4. I want to add a different color to the LogToChat(message, color, toWW) but I don't know what colors I can use or how to type the actual color in. Is there a way to use these Globals? Global("tierColors", { ["White"] = {a = 1, r = 0.86274516582489, g = 0.86274516582489, b = 0.86274516582489 }, ["Green"] = {a = 1, r = 0, g = 0.89803928136826, b = 0.14901961386204 }, ["Blue"] = {a = 1, r = 0.12549020349979, g = 0.50196081399918, b = 1 }, ["Epic"] = {a = 1, r = 0.75294125080109, g = 0.25098040699959, b = 1 }, ["Legendary"] = {a = 1, r = 1, g = 0.50196081399918, b = 0 }, ["Mythical"] = {a = 1, r = 0, g = 1, b = 0.58823531866074 }, ["Relic"] = {a = 1, r = 0.87843143939972, g = 1, b = 0.25098040699959 } } ) If so how do I use them I try with LogToChat("Message", tierColors['Relic']) and it doens't work. If this doesn't work how do I change colors for LogToChat?
  5. I'm still having issues with the loot code not working correctly. Also I can't seem to get common.LogInfo("",text) to ever log anything to chat so I can try to debug parts of the code to see which parts are not working. How do I get loginfo to work?
  6. I was able to do it with this code by using the Widgets addon and finding the name of the window local MsgBox = stateMainForm:GetChildChecked("LootMaster", false):GetChildChecked("MainPanel", false) if MsgBox:IsVisible() then MsgBox:Show(false) end
  7. How do I remove a box that is on the screen from a group loot after my addon has already rolled on that item? Every time an item appears my addon rolls greed but the box still remains on the screen. Is there a way to close the box once the loot choice is made?
  8. Ty I had some help from Zurion and he was able to help me thanks so much for your help though this cleared some things up for me. Still new to addon making maybe one day I will be good.
  9. So I would use something like local onlineStatus = social.GetFriendInfo.SysOnlineStatus or local onlineStatus = social.GetFriendInfo.IsLogged ??
  10. ENUM_AvatarOnlineStatus_Online I've been searching for hours trying to find a function that I can use to check the online status of a character. This is the only thing I have run across. The problem is it doesn't show any examples how to use this. How do I use this? If there are other ways to check online status can someone please point me into a direction thanks!
  11. How do I check if a buff is active by name using a string such as "Aspect of Support" if I want to check if this buff exists how do I do it?
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