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Весь контент cristimirt

  1. I don't think that could be the source of the problem regarding the visibility of the runes. But what you say does make sense. If some other addon starts EventInspectStarted and then calls EventInspectFinished before NISV can gather all the data it needs, there will be errors generated. And we don't like errors
  2. Are you sure you're not inspecting players that actually don't have runes? Cause it works for me, and it also worked for Fye. I didn't see runes on some players, but there were only low levels, and only a few of them.
  3. Ha ha Thanks for helping with the translation. And sorry for "invading" alloder.pro You don't have to write in English in Skype or the forums, I always have Google Translate oppened, the only problem is that I do not trust it to make good English to Russian translations, that's why I preffer to write in English.
  4. I have uploaded the new version. If there is any problem with it, please post here. https://alloder.pro/files/file/61-astralinfo/
  5. That's because I found a little problem while integrating it with AOPanelMod. And I forgot to post about that. My bad.
  6. Can you add a compatibility fix for players from EU/NA? Our version is 4.0.00 and we don't have "common.isOnPayToPlayShard()" in the API. A simple fix would be to add a check when you use "isOnPayToPlayShard()": if common.isOnPayToPlayShard then isOnPayToPlayShard = common.isOnPayToPlayShard() else isOnPayToPlayShard = false end Also, can you make the color of value for Dragon Tears be the same as the quality of the Dragon Tears? I did a small addon comaptible with the original AOPanel that did this, before I started using your InfoPanel. What about a settings window? Where we could select what to display. I don't care about the quest log/replicators/mount food for example, and I would want to remove them. And you should really add localization. Whitout localization, you can't get the amount of replicators/keys a player has. You could extract the text from "Mechanics/Astral/TierLevels/Tickets/Tier1_Ticket.txt" for AstralKey and "ItemMall/Scrolls/Ships/AstralLootMultiplier.txt" for the Astral Replicator. This way, there will be no need for localization
  7. Can you add a compatibility fix for the players from NA and EU? In 4.0.00, there is no "common.GetLocalDateTime". We have "common.GetLocalDateYMD" that seems to do the same thing. A simple fix would be this: if not common.GetLocalDateTime then common.GetLocalDateTime = common.GetLocalDateYMD end Added in the initialization. It would also be easier if the FPS counter could be turned off with a slash command.
  8. Fixed the Addon for the ru version, added localization for Turkey and German, working on the integration with AOPanelMod now
  9. cristimirt


    Версия r6

    1 581 раз скачали

    Аддон помогает с поиском предметов в вашем почтовом ящике. После открытия почты, вы найдете окошко аддона справа. Нажмите Load для получения свежих данных. Для поиска предметов воспользуйтесь полем ввода в верхнем левом углу. Нажатие Esc сбросит поиск. Нажмите Gold для отображения списка писем, содержащих золото. Нажатием на письме вы получите содержащееся в нем золото. Нажмите Empty для отображения списка писем без прикрепленных к ним предметов или золота. Нажатие на любом из них удалит это письмо. This addon helps you find items in your mailbox. After you open your mail, you will find the addon window on the right. Click Load to get the latest data. Search for items in your inbox by using the input in the upper left corner. Pressing escape will reset the search. Click Gold to display a list of mails containing gold. Clicking on one of them will get the gold from it. Click Empty to display a list of mails with no items or gold. Clicking on one of them will delete it.
  10. I guess the some numbers are changed in 4.0.01 or 4.0.02, cause it works well for 4.0.00. I will fix it today or tomorrow. In the mean-time, please use revision 18. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  11. I took over the addon and updated it to revision 24.
  12. Yeah, I checked GuildGui1b. I don't have AddonManager anymore, I'm using AddonReloader for reloading addons
  13. I made it to work.. somehow. This is the WidgetButton.xdb <Variants> <Item> <TextFileRef href="ButtonClose.txt" /> <Reaction>close</Reaction> </Item> </Variants> This is the ButtonClose.txt <button fontsize="11"><r name="button_label"/></button> And this is the LUA code: wtCloseBtn:SetVal("button_label", toWS(GetTextLocalized("Close"))) I don't know why it didn't work previously, but I'm glad it works now. I looked at how GuilGui1b does things
  14. Still not getting it. I'm a noob. I'll try to find an addon that has a localized button and see if I can learn from it Thanks for the help though. Much appreciated.
  15. Still not working. What does "Text-alignx-center" have to contain?
  16. SetFormat and SetValue won't work and the .loc files way would really be annoying. Is ther any way to set the value of a button from the script files?
  17. Hi. How can I localize a button? I want to provide russian localization to one of my addons, and I managed to translate everything but the text of a button.
  18. cristimirt


    Версия r3

    1 527 раз скачали

    Requires the TeleportEnhancer addon to be installed. Features: It sorts the teleport locations by zone. You can search for a specific location by typing it's name. Clicking a selected location teleports there. Known Issues: You will need to click twice on the Adventurer's Stone to open it's window. Свойства: Сортирует места телепортации по зонам. Вы можете найти любое место набирая на клавиатуре его название. Нажатие на выбранный пункт начинает телепортацию.
  19. Disabled the translate feature and it works in Google Chrome as well now. You should state somewhere that in order for this to work with Google Chrome, people to deactivate "Always translate Russian" if they have it activated.
  20. With Chrome is not working. Maybe the auto-translation feature has something to do with it. But it works fine with Internet Explorer
  21. Does not work. I get to the page where I have to input my email adress and chose one of the two payment options (Via ZP Purse and card). But none of those buttons work. I'll try with a different browser.
  22. Logg just updated the addon for 4.0+ and translated it. I'll make an official update in a couple of days.I'm the original author, by the way
  23. I keep getting this in the mods.txt Error: addon TargetsManager: Widgets::LuaGetInstanceId: Empty widget, details: int __cdecl Widgets::LuaGetInstanceId(struct lua_State *) And I can't see the enemies around me, like the old Targets Manager did. Was this part changed? I haven't used TM in a long time,
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