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Весь контент cristimirt

  1. https://alloder.pro/files/file/139-/ Updated to r4.1 List of changes Fixed the auto-invite not working ++ will work for both group and raid invite Thank you SERG_590 for pointing out that it's not working.
  2. https://alloder.pro/files/file/139-/ Updated to r4 List of changes:Clicking on the crown icon while group leader will start a ready check Really fixed the message not disappearing when accepting an invite to a group Players can whisper you "++" and they will be invited to your group, or "+++" and they will be invited to your raid You can now type "/aai" and you will see the version of the addon Settings for new features to be added in future version I'm still pretty busy, so the description of the addon was not changed to reflect the new changes, and also I didn't have time to add settings to the new functions. By default, both inviting and starting a ready check are active.</p>
  3. Updated to Revision 27.2 https://alloder.pro/files/file/61-astralinfo/ Changes: Fixed problem with sectors 15 and 16 Fixed problem with group panel not disappearing after leaving a raid.
  4. Sometimes, that widget will not disappear. I noticed this happens the most when you join a skirmish. I will try to fix it.
  5. Or better, add an invisible button just above the widget, be sure it's above the text widget but still in the MainPanel, and add a reaction for Right Click. Use that reaction to reset/hide the widget.
  6. you can use avatar.IsExist() to check if the character is initialized or not. If, for example, you will load the addon using the Addon Manager after the game has been loaded, you will not receive the EVENT_AVATAR_CREATED.
  7. You should add a slash command for reset. For example, in English, we use brb a lot (be right back). Would be nice if we had a command to hide the widget if it will be accidentally activated.
  8. The addon works well on the NA server, with localization. Here is the addon with the added english localization. RGB-1.1.zip Please also test it again on the russians server. I didn't had time to do it, but it should still work.
  9. I will test on NA version. I've been thinking of such an addon for a long time, but the fact that we can't see the color of the hub we just entered, made me abandon the idea.
  10. Updated to Revision 27.1 https://alloder.pro/files/file/61-astralinfo/ Changes Minor bug-fix for S20
  11. Yeah, I will add the icons, but I wanted to finish it fast, cause someone requested it. As for the timeframe, and gold per minute, I think there was already an addon that did that. Just can't remember the name.
  12. cristimirt


    FarmingKillCounter Просмотр файла EN: A small addon that allows you to keep track of the mobs you kill. The number is shown in a small widget. To start the counter, Left Click on the widget. To pause the counter, Left Click again. To stop the counter, Right Click on the widget. The number will still be visible. To reset the counter after it was stopped, Right Click again. You can start a different counter whitout having to reset it, as long as it was stopped. When Started/Paused/Stopped, a log message will indicate so. In addition, when the counter will stop, you will get a chat log saying how many mobs you klilled with the counter running. Добавил cristimirt Добавлено 29.04.2013 Категория Аддоны  
  13. cristimirt


    Версия r2

    1 315 раз скачали

    EN: A small addon that allows you to keep track of the mobs you kill. The number is shown in a small widget. To start the counter, Left Click on the widget. To pause the counter, Left Click again. To stop the counter, Right Click on the widget. The number will still be visible. To reset the counter after it was stopped, Right Click again. You can start a different counter whitout having to reset it, as long as it was stopped. When Started/Paused/Stopped, a log message will indicate so. In addition, when the counter will stop, you will get a chat log saying how many mobs you klilled with the counter running.
  14. Updated to Revision 27 https://alloder.pro/files/file/61-astralinfo/ Changes: Fixed bug with Sectors 18,19 and 20 The player panel will close when the Escape button is pressed (still testing)
  15. The new version supports AOPanelMod. The "S" button disappears when AOPanelMod is active, but if you click the sector number on the bar on top of the screen, the same window with information about the player will appear.
  16. What do you mean "what it was before"? You can write in russian if it's easier, and I'll have someone translate it for me.
  17. I know this is a big request, but do you think you can implement localization? I can provide you the english translation.
  18. Hmm.. true. Then I'll make the progress visible if it's higher than the default one (S14 on RU/TR version, s3 on EN/NA)
  19. The addon works just fine. The addon is called "PaladinShields" as well. It's just the slash command that does nothing
  20. Revision 26 is up, with the following changes Added French localization (Thanks to lysonia) Added A7 to the list of sectors (between S7 and S8) Fixed the wrong numbers between S7 and S8 that appeared when A7 was introduced. https://alloder.pro/files/file/61-astralinfo/
  21. I like it But the slash command didn't do anything ("/ONshields"). Also, is it possible to add localization? Like "s" instead of "c" (for seconds), and "Barrier" instead of "Барьер"
  22. TargetsManager already has this functionality. But ok, I'll add it.
  23. https://alloder.pro/files/file/139-/ Updated to r3 List of changesIntegrated with AOPanelMod The invitation message disappears when the invite is accepted The log messages don't appear anymore when the addon is loaded
  24. Yep, that's the one. Thanks a lot. Gonna update today, I hope.
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