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  1. I quit playing this game and I am no longer maintaining this addon. In any case, your life is far easier by using this addon then without it. You also have search box. I wanted to make it so that it receives autofocus but found it to be quite troublesome. I think I my approach was wrong at the time. Autofocus would solve a lot of usability issues. If you need an enhancement, I can think of a couple based on your feedback. Both are to appear as a Regular button on the top that leads to a new page of entries: 1. Configure a number of most used teleport locations. Now, every time you teleport somewhere, a counter increases for that location. The top most used locations get shown in that entry sorted alphabetically. 2. Create a list of favorite locations and display them sorted alphabetically. This could be further enhanced by allowing the possibility of defining multiple favorite categories. I think this would satisfy almost every player. The addon isn't compiled so anyone can edit it.
  2. It is because they enhance different addons in the game. They are separate to keep them clean, both events and widgets. I moved the container from the original addon to my widget form. Those panels are displayed by the game standard addons and they keep some functionality like current location. I only replaced the relevant parts of component. TeleportStoneEnhancer requires TeleportEnhancer because it reuses common functionality.
  3. I updated the addon and now it should work as designed on RU servers too.
  4. Thank you icreator. exObj2 is really useful. My problem is that I get the following error: Game::LuaAvatarGetArmorCraftInfo: skill Mechanics/Skills/BlacksmithV2/Blacksmith.(DiceCraftSkillResource).xdb is not armor craft, details: int __cdecl Game::LuaAvatarGetArmorCraftInfo(struct lua_State *) I am not able to get a list of the recipes I can craft. I've managed to get such a list for alchemy. I would like to do the same for Blacksmithing for example. local alchemy = avatar.GetAlchemyInfo () exObj2('alchemy', alchemy); for i, recipe in alchemy.recipes do local recipeInfo = avatar.GetRecipeInfo (recipe) exObj2('recipe', recipeInfo); end
  5. I don't know what you want to say. It is a function I use to see what information I get. function researchObj(tab,obj) tab = tab .. " " --- limit the recursion if string.len (tab) > 50 then LogInfo ("Recursion is limited!") return end local metaTable = getmetatable (obj) if metaTable then ---- Show the function of the object for k,v in pairs( metaTable ) do LogInfo ( tab, k,":=",v) end end if type(obj) == "table" then ---- Show the fields (variables) of the table if GetTableSize( obj ) == 0 then LogInfo ( tab, "{}") return end for k,v in pairs(obj) do LogInfo ( tab, k,":=",v, "{", type (v), "}") if type (v) == "table" and k ~= "__index" and k ~= "_G" then --- "__index" - It is exactly the same table is a nested loop that leads to researchObj(tab,v) end end else LogInfo ( tab, "_:=",obj, "{", type (obj), "}") end end
  6. I want to get the data for the items I can craft. It would be great if anybody can help me. This is what I tried (besides many other calls). I think avatar.GetArmorCraftInfo is the function to use but I don't know how to get that skillId. local skills = avatar.GetSkills () for i = 0, GetTableSize (skills) - 1 do local skillInfo = avatar.GetSkillInfo (skills [i]) if skillInfo then LogInfo (skillInfo.name) local armorCraft = avatar.GetArmorCraftInfo (skillInfo.id) if armorCraft and armorCraft.active then local recipesList = armorCraft.recipes researchObj('', recipesList); end end end Any help will be greatly appreciated
  7. I tried publishing a new addon but I get this error: Caught exception in Foorum::Controller::Forum->create "Can't call method "membersMatching" on an undefined value at /usr/local/www/data/www/ui9.ru/bin/../lib/Foorum/ResultSet/Upload.pm line 628."
  8. The protected widgets most likely means that TeleportEnhancer won't work anymore. On EU we're not on 3.0.05 yet. I really hope my addon won't be broken. If it is... they should get the fuck off their asses and included it as an official addon. I've been dead tired of asking to fix that stupid localization. On the other note, if it means what I think it means, they could shove their API up their ass because one will lose very important addons, that make life easier in the game and don't really provide a competitive edge. I apologize for the language.
  9. To be able to get all the mail data, you need the standard mail addon opened and a mail opened too. So far I managed to get all the data for all mails on all mail pages (including the items in a mail). You compiling the AutoDeleteMail wasn't helpful. In fact, I don't even know why people precompile their addons. I'm back to writing my little mail addon (mostly utility for tasks I don't want to do manually).
  10. I wonder why http://ui9.ru/forum/teleportstoneenhancer/about isn't approved. This works just fine.
  11. I have posted TeleportStoneEnhancer . This addon is complementary to my TeleportEnhancer Addon. I would have made it as part of that but AO issues with containers in multiple panels made me add one more. Also, uploading an Addon here isn't permited unless only one directory can be found in the zip.
  12. I am interested in how can one get the coordinates of the herbs/ore orbs. I've looked through the API but can't find anything. I ask this because there was a plan to add this to MinimapSla and it is also mentioned in this thread. Can anyone please help me with this?
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